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Disch Thomas - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—3 из 3.
  • Na skrzyd?ach pie?ni
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Stany Zjednoczone w niedalekiej przysz?o?ci, n?kane kryzysami ekonomicznymi i paliwowymi, kl?skami g?odu, atakami terrorystycznymi i zmianami klimatycznymi. Iowa to jeden z najspokojniejszych stan?w, rz?dzony przez konserwatywne ugrupowania religijne.Daniel Weinreb, syn dentysty, i Boadicea Whiting, c?rka bogacza, pokochali si? wbrew dziel?cej ich przepa?ci spo?ecznej i ekonomicznej. ?le si? czuj? w swoim policyjnym stanie. Pragn? rozrywek, a przede wszystkim pragn? lata?, czyli oderwa? si? od swych cia? za pomoc? specjalnego aparatu. Aby to osi?gn?? trzeba umie? ?piewa?. Bohaterowie trafiaj? w ko?cu do Nowego Jorku, stolicy opery i belcanto.Za zerwanie z tradycj? p?ac? jednak wielk? cen?.

  • On Wings of Song
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • In his seventh novel, Disch reaches a literary high point in the field of science fiction. At once hilarious and frightening, it follows Daniel Weinreb as he attempts to escape the repressive laws and atmosphere of the isolationist State of Iowa. A rich black comedy of bizarre sexual ambiguity and adventurism, a bitter satire that depicts a near-future America falling into worsening economic and social crisis.Won John W. Campbell Memorial Award in 1980.Nominated for Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1979.Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1980.

  • The Genocides
  • Жанр: Постапокалипсис
  • This spectacular novel established Thomas M. Disch as a major new force in science fiction. First published in 1965, it was immediately labeled a masterpiece reminiscent of the works of J.G. Ballard and H.G. Wells In this harrowing novel, the world's cities have been reduced to cinder and ash and alien plants have overtaken the earth. The plants, able to grow the size of maples in only a month and eventually reach six hundred feet, have commandeered the world's soil and are sucking even the Great Lakes dry. In northern Minnesota, Anderson, an aging farmer armed with a Bible in one hand and a gun in the other, desperately leads the reduced citizenry of a small town in a daily struggle for meager existence. Throw into this fray Jeremiah Orville, a marauding outsider bent on a bizarre and private revenge, and the fight to live becomes a daunting task.