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McDonald Ian - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—2 из 2.
  • Brasyl
  • Жанр: Киберпанк
  • British author McDonald’s outstanding SF novel channels the vitality of South America’s largest country into an edgy, post-cyberpunk free-for-all. McDonald sets up three separate characters in different eras — a cynical contemporary reality-TV producer, a near-future bisexual entrepreneur and a tormented 18th-century Jesuit agent. He then slams them together with the revelation that their worlds are strands of an immense quantum multiverse, and each of them is threatened by the Order, a vast conspiracy devoted to maintaining the status quo until the end of time. As McDonald weaves together the separate narrative threads, each character must choose between ...

  • Rzeka bog?w
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • „Rzeka bog?w” bez wysi?ku bije na g?ow? dowoln? spekulatywn? powie?? z ostatnich paru lat; to pe?en wigoru skok w przysz?o?? Indii, widziany oczyma dziewi?ciu zupe?nie r??nych postaci. Ich historie wik?aj? si? i ??cz?, podczas gdy McDonald nie tylko snuje rozbuchan?, pe?n? tajemnicy intryg?, ale tak?e ilustruje przysz?e dylematy ludzko?ci, przeskakuj?c od jednego odkrycia ku nast?pnemu, prowadz?c nas nieub?aganie ku przysz?o?ci, jakiej sami by?my sobie nie wyobrazili. (…) Ksi??ka si? ko?czy, a czytelnik chce wi?cej, mimo ?e McDonald, ...