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Rose Karen - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—14 из 14.
  • Alguien te observa
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Conocida como la Reina de Hielo en los juzgados de Chicago, la joven abogada Kristen Mayhew vive por y para su trabajo. Posee el ?ndice m?s alto de casos ganados en la fiscal?a. Es una mujer fuerte, una profesional, incorruptible, apreciada por su tenacidad y dedicaci?n. Pero ahora acaba de descubrir que tiene un peligroso admirador secreto.Lleva tiempo observ?ndote. Conoce todos sus movimientos, todos sus pensamientos. Le env?a cartas. Y ha empezado a asesinar, en su nombre, a los delincuentes y criminales que ella no logr? meter entre rejas.Abe Reagan ...

  • Count to Ten
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The UK debut of Karen Rose – an outstanding new talent for Headline.A young boy and his brother are abandoned by their mother and end up in the foster-care system. Let down by everyone who should have looked out for them, the boys fall prey to the abusers they meet. Is it any wonder one of them loses his mind and develops a taste for matches and revenge?Years later, Reed Solliday, of Chicago's Fire Department, is determined to find an arsonist whose actions have just escalated to murder. With the police now involved, Reed is paired with Detective Mia Mitchell, on her first assignment since her father's death and her partner's shooting.Solliday and Mitchell know the violence is escalating and the death toll is rising. With no apparent connection between the deaths, they are at a loss until their attention focuses on a young offenders institution and the misfits within…Take a breath. Count to ten. And watch their world explode.

  • Cuenta hasta diez
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Tras ser abandonados por su madre, un chico y su hermano peque?o terminan en la red estatal de hogares de acogida. Sin embargo, quienes a partir de entonces ten?an que cuidar de ellos los dejan a su suerte. Y a?os despu?s…Reed Solliday tiene m?s de quince a?os de experiencia en el cuerpo de bomberos de Chicago, luchando contra los incendios y, sobre todo, investigando su origen. Pero nunca hab?a presenciado nada parecido al reciente estallido de fuegos provocados por alguien fr?o, meticuloso y cada vez m?s violento. Cuando ...

  • Grita Para Mi
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Daniel Vartarian es el agente del FBI asignado al caso del asesinato de una joven en la localidad de Dutton, pueblo donde Daniel naci?. El asesinato es exactamente igual a uno que ocurri? en el mismo lugar trece a?os atr?s. Al investigarlo, Daniel reconocer? a aquella adolescente del pasado… Ha visto su rostro en una de las fotos que pertenec?an al asesino en serie m?s cruel que haya conocido: su propio hermano Simon. As?, Daniel tendr? que enfrentarse a sus propios vecinos, a sus fantasmas familiares y a sus conflictos de adolescencia mientras investiga los viejos y nuevos cr?menes con la ayuda de Alexandra, la hermosa hermana gemela de una de las v?ctimas del asesino.

  • Have You Seen Her?
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • High Point, North Carolina is gripped with fear as a serial killer is in action. State Bureau of Investigation Agent Steven Thatcher vows to bring down this predator killing children. He knows first hand how parents feel as his preadolescent son Nicky was abducted, but fortunately rescued though six months later mental scars remain on the lad, his dad, and his teenage brother Brad…He takes a break from his obsession when Brad's chemistry teacher Dr. Jenna Marshall asks to see him. Brad's grades have collapsed and Jenna is worried about him. Jenna has other problems with threats from a wealthy father who demands she reinstate his failing son back on the football team. Still she finds she is attracted to Steven, who feels the same way. As they fall in love and he tries to uncover a killer with high level protection, a relationship seems impossible. Not only have both have suffered from previous relationships, his children remain traumatized by the abduction.

  • I Can See You
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Evie Wilson was the victim of the villain in DON'T TELL, an assault which resulted in paralysis on one side of her face. After her injury, Evie retreated into the virtual realm, seeking refuge from the public eye by interacting with online friends. Now, with the help of a surgeon, Evie's face is restored and she is ready to return to the real world. However, she remains connected to the Internet for her graduate thesis on using the virtual world as therapy to improve self-esteem. She has become an online shopkeeper who sells faces and bodies to users interested ...

  • I’m Watching You
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A dark secret keeps Chicago assistant state's attorney Kristen Mayhew as tightly wound as the springy red curls she works to pin down. Meals at the nearby diner, sleepless nights renovating her empty house and days in court where the bad guy more often than not doesn't face justice make up her life-until she finds the bodies of three criminals she failed to convict in the trunk of her car. Each dead body comes accompanied by a sinister letter, the writer informing "Dearest Kristen" that justice has been done on her behalf. An unusual twist for a suspense novel, ...

  • Kill for Me
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • New York Times bestselling author Karen Rose delivers another pulse-pounding suspense novel that ties into SCREAM FOR ME.Five teenage girls have been murdered. One survived, and only she can reveal the secrets of a disturbing ring of people who kidnap and sell teenage girls on the black market. But those responsible for the crimes will do whatever it takes to maintain her silence.Susannah Vartanian and Luke Papadopoulos have both sworn to stop the murderers for their own reasons. Susannah, the sister of the hero in SCREAM FOR ME, suffers from a mysterious past that is ...

  • Mata para m?
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Diecis?is a?os reci?n cumplidos y hab?a huido de casa para conocer, por fin, al joven universitario con quien llevaba tiempo chateando, convencida de haberse enamorado. Luego… el silencio.Seis meses despu?s el caos se desata en Dutton, un peque?o pueblo del estado sure?o de Georgia. Cinco adolescentes son asesinadas, y la ?nica que logra sobrevivir sabe que impedir?n que hable como sea.Una pareja est? decidida a ayudarla. Luke Papadopoulos, agente federal, se enfrenta a diario al mal sin rostro que merodea en internet, aunque jam?s haya podido acostumbrarse. Susannah Vartanian, que se ha visto forzada a regresar a Dutton, comprende que debe sacar a la luz todo lo que call? durante a?os.Ambos se ver?n obligados a juzgar a todo un pueblo. Un pueblo edificado sobre la crueldad impune, el poder absoluto y los silencios c?mplices, un pueblo que se sustenta gracias a la poderosa tela de una ara?a que no puede permitir que nadie escape.

  • Muere para m?
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • La enterraron con las manos unidas como si rezara…Es enero, el suelo est? helado y solo una casualidad ha permitido que el cuerpo haya sido descubierto. La polic?a de Filadelfia recurre entonces a Sophie Johannsen, una joven arque?loga especialista en excavaciones medievales. Gracias a ella localizan el segundo cad?ver: un joven con las manos a la altura del pecho, como si sostuviera una espada.Ya tienen una dama y un caballero, dos asesinatos que imitan ritos funerarios medievales, y algo m?s cruel todav?a: a su alrededor aguardan otras sepulturas, algunas ocupadas, otras vac?as, esperando a las pr?ximas v?ctimas… lo que el detective Vito Ciccotelli debe impedir a toda costa con la ayuda de Sophie.Mientras, una empresa de videojuegos se prepara para el lanzamiento de su nuevo producto estrella: El inquisidor, un juego que lleva el horror y la oscuridad de la Edad Media hasta sus ?ltimas consecuencias.

  • No te escondas
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Una mujer se suicida una g?lida noche en Chicago.Sin embargo, cuando el detective Aidan Reagan entra en el apartamento de la v?ctima, todas las evidencias muestran que ha sido un homicidio y apuntan a una sola persona: la psiquiatra Tess Ciccotelli.Tess no puede evitar que Aidan la juzgue culpable antes siquiera de escucharla. Pero ella no puede facilitarle la informaci?n que la exculpar?a. Alguien ha atrapado a Tess en una red de desconfianza, enga?os y traiciones. Y el cerco sobre ella se estrecha cada vez m?s.

  • Scream For Me
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • For her exciting debut in hardcover, New York Times bestselling author Karen Rose delivers a heart-stopping suspense novel that picks up where DIE FOR ME left off, with a detective determined to track down a brutal murderer.Special Agent Daniel Vartanian has sworn to find the perpetrator of multiple killings that mimic a 13-year-old murder linked to a collection of photographs that belonged to his brother, Simon, the ruthless serial killer who met his demise in DIE FOR ME. Daniel is certain that someone even more depraved than his brother committed these crimes, and he's determined to bring ...

  • Silent Scream
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Four college students believed they were making a statement. They were activists, fighting to preserve the environment by burning down a new apartment complex. But they didn't realize that someone was watching. A blackmailer hides in plain sight, using people's secrets for personal gain, and when this criminal sets his sights on the four young arsonists, he begins his most deadly game yet.Firefighter David Hunter is devastated when he's too late to save a teenage girl from a Minneapolis fire. Authorities soon discover that it was a case of arson and homicide detective Olivia Sutherland and her partner Kane are assigned to the case. David and Olivia shared a night of passion some time ago, and sparks fly when they are drawn to one another again. But just as they begin to revisit that fateful night and address the events that tore them apart, David and Olivia are forced to pursue the blackmailer, whose horrific plans threaten to destroy those closest to them.