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Weber David - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—25 из 60.

  • A Rising Thunder
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • The war between the People’s Republic of Haven and the Star Kingdom is finally won and peace established, but grave danger looms — for there is a plan well on its way to completion designed to enslave the entire human species. Behind that plan lies the shadowy organization known as the Mesan Alignment.Task number one for Honor is to defend against another devastating Mesan strike — a strike that may well spell the doom of the Star Kingdom in one fell blow. It is time to shut down and secure the wormhole network that is the source ...

  • Bolo!
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • “Bolos. For a millennium and a half, they have been humanity’s warriors. They have fought Man’s battles, died in Man’s wars, battled to save Man’s children, even from his own kind. They have guarded Man’s worlds … and avenged Man’s defeats.” “Tireless, infinitely patient, infinitely deadly, Bolos are the most fearsome fighting machines ever developed. The most lethal artificial intelligences in history. Yet they are more than that. They are not merely the weapons of their Human commanders, but their comrades. Brothers and sisters in arms, who all too often die together.” But Bolos and their commanders do not die easily. Mankind’s enemies have learned the price of a Bolo’s death. And if Bolos and their commanders do not always die in victory, this much has always been true. They do not surrender. And they never-ever-quit.

  • Changer of Worlds
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Lady Dame Honor Harrington—starship captain, admiral, Steadholder, and Duchess—has spent decades defending the Star Kingdom of Manticore against all comers. Along the way, she has become the legend known as "the Salamander" from her habit of always being where the fire is hottest . . . and also a national bestseller (: #7, ).But it’s a big universe, and Honor’s actions affect a lot of lives, not all of them human. And actions affect —a lesson learns years before rising to command rank when a desperate battle against "pirates" who aren’t quite what they seem begins her brilliant ...

  • Crown of Slaves
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • The Star Kingdom's ally Erewhon is growing increasingly restive in the alliance because the new High Ridge regime ignores its needs. Added to the longstanding problem of a slave labor planet controlled by hostile Mesans in Erewhon's stellar backyard, which High Ridge refuses to deal with, the recent assassination of the Solarian League's most prominent voice of public conscience indicates the growing danger of political instability in the Solarian League-which is also close to Erewhon.In desperation, Queen Elizabeth tries to defuse the situation by sending a private mission to Erewhon led by Captain Zilwicki, accompanied by one of ...

  • Crusade
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Spacers call the warp point Charon's Ferry.No star ship has ever entered it and returned since a vengeful Orion task force pursued a doomed Terran colonization fleet into it in 2206.Almost a century has passed. The fiery hatreds of a quarter-century of warfare between the Terran Federation and the Zheeerlikou'valkhannaieeee, the cat-like species humans called the "Orions," have eased at least a little. The "Grand Alliance" forged by the need to fight side-by-side against the genocidal Rigelians remains, but there are those on either side who continue to hate, continue to distrust.Now the strength of that war-forged ...

  • Hell Hath No Fury
  • Жанр: Альтернативная история
  • IT ALL STARTED AS A MISTAKE!Both Arcana and Sharona had explored scores of universes, each a duplicate of its own, without ever encountering another human civilization.Then that changed.Two survey expeditions met in the cool shadows of an autumn forest. No one knows who shot first, but both sides have suffered heavy casualties, and each blames the other. Now both sides want possession of Hell's Gate, the cluster of inter-universal portals and their survey forces met in blood . . . and neither is prepared to let the other have it..Arcana's wizards, dragons, and gryphons are about to meet Sharona's bolt-action rifles, machine guns, and mortars. Transport dragons are about to meet steam locomotives. And all that either side really knows is that neither of them has ever seen a war like the one about to begin.

  • Hells Gate
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • They Thought They Knew How The Universes Worked-THEY WERE WRONG. In the almost two centuries since the discovery of the first inter-universal portal, Arcana has explored scores of other worlds . . . all of them duplicates of their own. Multiple Earths, virgin planets with a twist, because the "explorers" already know where to find all of their vast, untapped natural resources. Worlds beyond worlds, effectively infinite living space and mineral wealth.And in all that time, they have never encountered another intelligent species. No cities, no vast empires, no civilizations and no equivalent of their own dragons, gryphons, spells, and wizards.But all of that is about to change. It seems there is intelligent life elsewhere in the multiverse. Other human intelligent life, with terrifying new weapons and powers of the mind . . . and wizards who go by the strange title of "scientist."

  • Honor kr?lowej
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Drugi tom cyklu o przygodach Honor Harrington. Tym razem bohaterka obejmuje dow?dztwo konwoju do systemu Yeltsin. Przedstawicielem Jej Kr?lewskiej Mo?ci zostaje admira? Courvosier, przyjaciel i mentor Honor, a celem ich misji jest zawarcie sojuszu z w?adzami planety Grayson. Manticore potrzebuje bowiem sprzymierze?c?w w zbli?aj?cej si? wojnie. Kr?lewskie Ministerstwo Spraw zagranicznych przeoczy?o jednak drobn? kulturow? r??nic?, zlecaj?c zadanie Honor na planecie Grayson kobiety nie maj? ?adnych praw i nawet sama obecno?? Harrington stanowi obelg? dla wszystkich m?skich obywateli. Na dodatek Grayson niespodziewanie zostaje zaatakowana przez fanatyk?w z planety Masada, a w boju ginie admira?. Czy Honor b?dzie w stanie ocali? planet? przed nuklearn? zag?ad??

  • Honor na wygnaniu
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Przybita ostatnimi wydarzeniami i rozgoryczona rozwojem sytuacji lady Honor Harrington udaje si? na planet? Grayson, by zaj?c si? zarz?dzaniem domen? Harrington i zaleczy? wewn?trzne rany.Spok?j jednak nie jest pisany — z jednej strony atakuj? wrogowie wewn?trzni, dla kt?rych kobieta — patron stanowi obraz?, z drugiej zewn?trzni: zrewolucjonizowana Ludowa Republika Haven kolejny raz pr?buje zdoby? system Yeltsin. Na drodze do zwyci?stwa jednych i drugich stoi tylko jedna przeszkoda — admira? lady Honor Harrington. Admira?, ale nie Kr?lewskiej Marynarki…

  • Honor ponad wszystko
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Honor Harrington zostaje powieszona, a nagranie z egzekucji rozpowszechnione. Admira? Esther McQueen pierwszy raz od lat przejmuje inicjatyw? i kontratakuje, zmuszaj?c Sojusz Manticore do obrony. Grayson ro?nie w si??, a Kr?lewska Marynarka testuje nowe uzbrojenie i now? klas? okr?t?w.Tymczasem na Hadesie, planecie wi?ziennej, Honor leczy rany odniesione w trakcie ucieczki. O tym, ?e prze?y?a, wiedz? jedynie dwie osoby. Dzi?ki pomocy wi??ni?w Harrington opanowuje planet? i obiecuje zabra? ich ze sob?. Jest tylko jeden problem — uwi?zionych jest prawie czterysta tysi?cy, a ona ma zwyczaj dotrzymywa? s?owa.

  • Honor w?r?d wrog?w
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Sz?sty tom przyg?d Honor Harrington. Sz?sty tom przyg?d Honor Harrington, kt?ra wraca w nim do Royal Manticoran Navy, ale jako dow?dca grupy czterech statk?w pu?apek, czyli jednostek handlowych przerobionych na okr?ty wojenne, z za?ogami, na kt?rych nie mo?na zbytnio polega?. Ma oczy?ci? z pirat?w obszar Konfederacji Silesia?skiej, gdzie marynarka handlowa ponosi przez nich du?e straty. Jak si? jednak okazuje, nie wszyscy oni s? wy??cznie piratami, a na dodatek starzy wrogowie w Gwiezdnym Kr?lestwie Manticore nie zapomnieli o Honor Harrington i zrobili, co mogli, by tak zadanie, jak i przeciwnik oraz ?rodki, kt?re dano jej do dyspozycji, gwarantowa?y przegran?…

  • In Death Ground
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • The more things change, the more they remain the same. Three thousand years after Sun Tszu wrote those words, in the time of the Fourth Interstellar War, the ancient advice still holds true. The "Bugs" have overwhelming numbers, implacable purpose, and a strategy that's mind-numbingly alien. They can't be reasoned or negotiated with. They can't even be communicated with. But what they want is terrifyingly clear. The sentient species in their path aren't enemies to be conquered; they're food sources to be consumed.Totally oblivious to their own losses, rumbling onward like some invincible force of nature, their enormous ...

  • In Fury Born
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Unleash the Fury!Zhikotse. Shallingsport. Louvain. Sacred fields of battle on far-flung worlds where warriors of the Imperial Cadre spent blood and lives defending human civilization. Alicia DeVries was there; she led the charge. Her reward? Betrayal by a deceitful empire. Retirement to obscurity.Now Alicia is the only survivor of a brutal attack on her frontier-world family. Not since the mighty Achilles has the ancient spirit of the Fury Tisiphone taken up residence inside a human being. But not since Achilles has a warrior so skilled, so implacable, and possessing so much battle sense sprung up among the mass of humankind. Hero of the Empire. Holder of the Banner of Terra.

  • Insurrection
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • And peace isn’t always wonderful. Once the enemy was defeated, the central governments of the Inner Worlds were anything but willing to relinquish their wartime powers. To insure that their grip on the reins of power remained firm, the establishment plans to allow the non-human beings of the Khanate to join the Federation, thus reducing the Fringe Worlds voting bloc to impotent minority status. The ruthless bureaucrats of the Corporate Worlds are smugly confident that this power play will keep the colonial upstarts in their place. But the Fringers have only one answer to that: Insurrection