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Фантастика » Альтернативная история - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 1551—1575 из 1622.
  • Russian Amerika
  • Compton Stoney
  • Alaska, 1989. In a world where Alaska is still a Russian possession, charter captain Grigorivich Plesnett has a stained past—as a major in the Czar’s Troika Guard he was cashiered for disobeying a direct order. Now, ten years later, Grig charters out to a cossack and discovers his past has not only caught up with him but is about to violently change his future, and the future of all nine of the nations of North America as well. Spanning Alaska from the Southeastern Inside Passage to the frozen Yukon, this is an epic tale of one man’s journey of redemption and courage to face old challenges and help birth a new nation.Cover artist: Kurt Miller.

  • Stars and Stripes Triumphant
  • Harrison Harry
  • In , Harry Harrison began the story of the war that never was, but might so easily have happened: the war of the 1860s between the United States of America and the British Empire. It began with an ill-considered seizure of a British ship, escalated with an ill-considered letter to Abraham Lincoln, and continued with an ill-starred invasion of the territory of the USA by an incensed British government. The first modern war — with iron-clad ships, rapid-firing guns, trenches, mass armies and massive casualties, was taking place, not between the industrial northern states and the agricultural southern ones, but between the two great English-speaking nations. Who happened also to be the two most powerful nations on the planet. In the stunning conclusion to this series, the Irish become involved and a most surprising ending is the culmination of the ill-fated war.

  • Sturmwarnung
  • Bell Art
  • Extreme Temperaturschwankungen und Klimaverschiebungen bestimmten das Wetter zum Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts. Nach wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen markiert dieser Trend nur den Anfang eines bevorstehenden klimatischen Albtraums: Steht uns ein Sturm von unvorstellbarer Macht und Zerst?rungswut bevor? Durch die zunehmende globale Erderw?rmung kommt es zu einer Verschiebung der Meeresstr?me, die nachfolgend zu einem dramatischen Klimawandel in vielen Teilen der Welt f?hrt, was sich in verheerenden Unwettern und Naturkatastrophen auswirkt. Art Bell und Whitley Strieber, zwei der f?hrenden amerikanischen Untersucher unerkl?rlicher Ph?nomene, entwerfen in ihrem New-York-Times-Bestseller ein Katastrophenszenario, das ausgehend von der globalen Erderw?rmung entsetzliche ...

  • The Barbary Plague
  • Chase Marilyn
  • The plague first sailed into San Francisco on the steamer , on the day after New Year’s in 1900. Though the ship passed inspection, some of her stowaways—infected rats—escaped detection and made their way into the city’s sewer system. Two months later, the first human case of bubonic plague surfaced in Chinatown. Initially in charge of the government’s response was Quarantine Officer Dr. Joseph Kinyoun. An intellectually astute but autocratic scientist, Kinyoun lacked the diplomatic skill to manage the public health crisis successfully. He correctly diagnosed the plague, but because of his quarantine efforts, ...