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Книги 2426—2450 из 2665.

  • Black Man / Thirteen
  • Морган Ричард
  • Carl Marsalis is a traitor, a bringer of death, a genetic freak and an unwelcome reminder of all that is dark in the human psyche — he in every sense of the word a Black Man. And right at the moment he’s beyond the UN’s juristiction, banged up in a Florida jail for financing an illegal abortion. So when the US police call, Carl cuts a deal.The 13s are genetically engineered alpha males, designed to fight the century’s last conflicts. But men bred and designed to fight are dangerous to have aroundin peacetime. Many ...

  • Bring the Jubilee
  • Moore Ward
  • Trapped in 1877, a historian writes an account of an alternate history of America in which the South won the Civil War. Living in this alternate timeline, he was determined to change events at Gettysburg. When he's offered the chance to return to that fateful turning point his actions change history as he knows it, leaving him in an all too familiar past.The United States never recovered from The War for Southern Independence. While the neighboring Confederacy enjoyed the prosperity of the victor, the U.S. struggled through poverty, violence, and a nationwide depression.The Industrial Revolution ...

  • Callys Krieg
  • Ringo John
  • John Ringos grandiose „Invasion“-Reihe, die inzwischen auch hierzulande zahllose Fans gefunden hat, wird mit diesem Roman fortgesetzt: Atemberaubende Kampfszenen, modernste Technik, furchtlose Helden — Science Fiction at its best! Hervorragend geeignet f?r alle Leser von „Mechwarrior-DarkAge“ und David Webers „Honor-Harrington“-Serie.Vierzig Jahre nach der Invasion verstecken sich in den Tr?mmern der zerst?rten St?dte immer noch Posleen-Einheiten und warten darauf, zur?ckzuschlagen. Und dann ist da noch eine andere au?erirdische Spezies, die mysteri?sen Darhel, deren Pl?ne im Dunkeln liegen. Diesen Pl?nen auf die Spur zu kommen, ist die Aufgabe von Cally O’Neal, Tochter des legend?ren Commanders Michael O’Neal. Vor Jahren offiziell f?r tot erkl?rt, ist sie nun Mitglied einer Gruppe von Untergrundk?mpfern — und muss begreifen, dass ihr Krieg gerade erst beginnt.

  • Callys War
  • Ringo John
  • Cally O’Neal was trained from childhood as a premier killer. Officially listed as dead, for the past forty years she has lived a life of aliases, random lovers and targeted assassinations. This has led her to become the top in her profession, undefeatable, invulnerable. And in the process, she has lost, her soul. Now she, and the man she loves, must battle to reclaim it. But Cally will find that leaving her dark world of shadow identities, murder-for-hire, and deadly secrets will be more difficult than any of the many lethal operations she carried out in the past. Her employers think she knows too much to live, and the scores of enemies she has made still have her at the top of their hit lists. The real question is, will she win her soul only to lose her life?

  • Collins Suzanne
  • delivers just like did. It gets this insane energy, especially at the very end, delivering kicks and punches right and left. Yeah. It does not disappoint for sure. I mean, I was so high on adrenaline that upon finishing it up last night I had to stay awake for additional 2 hours loitering around the house, trying to calm myself down a little. But that's a tiny price for such an entertaining read. But I wouldn't say it was better than Hunger Games - just

  • Cathing Fire
  • Collins Suzanne
  • delivers just like did. It gets this insane energy, especially at the very end, delivering kicks and punches right and left. Yeah. It does not disappoint for sure. I mean, I was so high on adrenaline that upon finishing it up last night I had to stay awake for additional 2 hours loitering around the house, trying to calm myself down a little. But that's a tiny price for such an entertaining read.But I wouldn't say it was better than Hunger Games — just

  • Chieftains
  • Forrest-Webb Robert
  • During the late 1970s and early 80s tension in Europe, between east and west, had grown until it appeared that war was virtually unavoidable. Soviet armies massed behind the ‘Iron Curtain’ that stretched from the Baltic to the Black Sea.In the west, Allied forces, British, American, and armies from virtually all the western countries, raised the levels of their training and readiness. A senior British army officer, General Sir John Hackett, had written a book of the likely strategies of the Allied forces if a war actually took place and, shortly after its publication, he suggested to ...

  • Choosers of the Slain
  • Ringo John
  • Former SEAL Michael Harmon (Ghost, Kildar) has a pretty good life. He’s settled down in the country of Georgia and built a solid commando-quality militia out of his local retainers. The Keldara have an ancient history of being first-class mountain warriors and all they needed was a few million in modern weapons and training to bring them up to speed. Now, with the Keldara keeping the area safe from Chechen raiders, and the various other terrorists that want Ghost’s head on their wall, he can settle back, relax in his harem and drink a few beers. However, ...

  • D?EIMS VAITSCIETUMA PLAN?TA No v?cu valodas tulkojis MODRIS SENBERGSR?GA 1991M?kslinieks M. AdumansNaid?gs sargku?is nenoguris uzmana plan?tu, ko nepiel?dzams ienaidnieks p?rv?rtis par ieslodz?juma vietu vair?k nek? pusmiljonam cilv?ku no g?sta sa?emtaj?m Zemes kosmisk? karasp?ka da??m.T? d?v?tie «t?rpi», kuri jau vair?k nek? simt gadus turpina karu ar cil­v?ci, uzskata, ka izlau?an?s no plan?tas ir un paliks tikai nere?ls sapnis — un liela da?...

  • Claws That Catch
  • Ringo John
  • Working off of a piece of intelligence from the alien Hexosehr, the is dispatched to investigate rumors of an ancient and powerful civilization that may have been the creators of the “black box” that drives humanity's only space ship. Any remnant technology would be nice but what the finds is much more than they bargained for. Worse, the ship is infested by an alien species of scorpion-like arachnoids that has the potential to wipe out a world. Worst of all, instead of being Astrogator, Captain William Weaver is now the XO and he is getting along with the new commander. And the new commander does not get along with Weaver, the ship's female savant-linguist or most of the rest of the original crew. And what that weird noise the ship makes every time it's in hard maneuvers? Leave it to the oddball geniuses of the to sort it all out. And the Dreen are going to like the answers.

  • Combat
  • Колышкин Владимир
  • Космическая сага (экшн)........ Лента уже была заправлена. Коробка объемистая, надолго хватит. Может быть, еще и останется. После смерти стрелка. Зальц передернул затвор, щека коснулась теплого металла, пахнущего смазкой. Скоро он станет горячим от огня. От огня, который пустит кровь тем, бегущим полосатикам. Да, подумал Зальц, это не люди, это полосатики, мерзкие ублюдки!