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Фантастика » Боевая фантастика - скачать бесплатно все книги жанра



Книги 2451—2475 из 2665.

  • Crater Lake
  • Axler James
  • Near what was one the Pacific Northwest, Ryan Cawdor and his roving band of post-holocaust survivors discover a beautiful valley untouched by the nuclear blast that changed the earth forever.Resisting the temptation to settle in that idyllic land, the group is captured and forced deep beneath an extinct volcano to an isolated community of in-bred scientists.These psychopathic descendants of a twentieth-century government research team are blindly laboring to find better ways of genocide, unaware that the world they are striving to destroy has already died.In a frantic race to stop this bizarre society from testing its horrific weapons, Ryan realizes that if he fails an already nuke— scorched Earth faces another Armageddon.In the Deathlands the past and the future are clashing with frightening force.

  • Cyborg Assault
  • Heppner Vaughn
  • The brutal war expands to the Jupiter System, in this, the fourth book of the series.As the Mars Campaign ends, stealth-capsules launch from the Neptune System. Months later, they glide into the Confederation of Jovian Moons. Cyborgs emerge to begin phase one among the Homo sapiens.The Jovians follow the Dictates, a perfected philosophy where the rational rule, the spirited fight and the brutish labor. The moons have wealth, a powerful fleet and hardened Secessionists who want freedom from the Dictates.Marten reaches the Jupiter System as phase one of the cyborg campaign nears its completion. Believing himself safe, Marten enters the harshest battle of his life, with mankind’s fate resting on his choices.CYBORG ASSAULT is the story of desperate space marines, meteor-ships and ruthless creatures of symbiotic machine-flesh. CYBORG ASSAULT is a full novel, 96,000 words in length by Vaughn Heppner, Writers of the Future winner.

  • Dectra Chain
  • Axler James
  • The world blew out in 2001. Vast areas of what was the United States lie beneath an umbrella of noxious dust and radioactive debris, a mantel of destruction drawn over a land of doom. Much of the east coast has been obliterated; the Southwest is a land of fire; cities of smoldering ash have given birth to horrifically mutated life forms. Such is the Deathlands, legacy of global annihilation.But there were survivors, struggling to overcome a dark new age of plague, radiation sickness, barbarism and madness. Out of the ruins come Ryan Cawdor and his band of post holocaust survivors, whose odyssey of discovery takes them in search of other pockets of civilization.Emerging from a gateway in Maine, Ryan confronts a ruthless and brutal sea captain, a woman prepared to go to any lengths to get what she wants…

  • Doktryna piekie?
  • Ringo John
  • Kiedy linie obronne w Po?udniowych Appalachach upad?y, mi?dzy rozszala?ymi hordami Posleen?w a mi?kkim podbrzuszem P?askowy?u Cumberland pozostali ju? tylko weterani 555-go Piechoty Mobilnej.Zrzuceni w prze??cz Rabun Pass, maj?c dwa miliony Posleen?w za sob? i czterna?cie milion?w przed sob?, stoj? przed jednym tylko pytaniem – co si? sko?czy pierwsze: energia, amunicja czy ?o?nierze.Ale maj? jednego asa w r?kawie: daleko na p??nocy, podziurawiona w boju SheVa Dziewi??, przezwana „Bun-Bunem”, przechodzi powa?ny lifting. Z jej dymi?cych zgliszcz powstaje nowa machina ...

  • DOOM: Ад на Земле
  • Хью Дэфид
  • Они были созданиями, подобными фантастическим порождениям бездны ада, — демоны, зомби, огнедышащие чудовища, слишком похожие на кошмарный бред, чтобы существовать в реальности. И тем не менее они были реальностью. Капрал Флинн Таггарт, столкнувшийся с неисчислимыми полчищами пришельцев. Как оказалось, это было только началом. Пока Таггарт противостоял нашествию вдали от родной планеты, пришельцы обосновались на самой Земле, которой теперь предстоит превратиться в поле боя. Враги должны быть уничтожены, и сделать это может только «Флай Тагг» и горстка его соратников. Однако…

  • DOOM: Ад на Земле
  • аб Хъю Дэфид
  • Они были созданиями, подобными фантастическим порождениям бездны ада, — демоны, зомби, огнедышащие чудовища, слишком похожие на кошмарный бред, чтобы существовать в реальности. И тем не менее они были реальностью. Капрал Флинн Таггарт, столкнувшийся с неисчислимыми полчищами пришельцев. Как оказалось, это было только началом. Пока Таггарт противостоял нашествию вдали от родной планеты, пришельцы обосновались на самой Земле, которой теперь предстоит превратиться в поле боя. Враги должны быть уничтожены, и сделать это может только «Флай Тагг» и горстка его соратников. Однако…

  • DOOM: По колено в крови
  • Хью Дэфид
  • Когда первые люди высадились на Фобосе, эти ворота уже были там... Тяжелые, неподатливые, выглядевшие совершенно чуждыми для землян, они в течение двадцати лет оставались лишь безмолвным памятником, надежно хранящим тайны своих создателей. Но наступил день, и ворота ожили... Капрал морской пехоты Флинн Таггарт, личный номер 888 — 23-9912, был одним из лучших бойцов двадцатого века. Судьба забросила его на Марс, а вернее сказать, в ад, и ему не оставалось ничего другого, как драться, защищая человечество.

  • East of the Sun, West of the Moon
  • Ringo John
  • When the council that controlled the world spanning computer Mother fell out in civil war, it plunged the world in an instant from high-tech utopia to medieval nightmare. Now Herzer Herrick and Megan Trevante have been assigned the mission to capture the spaceship that supplies the fuel for the whole world. Given that Herzer vaguely thinks orbital decay is something having to do with teeth it should be… interesting. With all the usual combat expected in a John Ringo novel, sheds new light on the bizarre relationship between Herzer and Megan, the politics of the new born world and fascinating details of space technology.

  • Emerald Sea
  • Ringo John
  • In the future the world was a paradise — and then, in a moment, it ended. The council that controlled the Net fell out and went to war, while people who had never known a moment of want or pain were left wondering how to survive. Duke Edmund Talbot has been assigned a simple mission: Go to the Southern Isles and make contact with the scattered mer-folk-those who, before the worldwide collapse of technology, had altered their bodies in the shape of mythical sea-dwelling creatures. He must convince them to side with the Freedom Coalition in the battles against the ...

  • Enemy
  • Hughes Paul
  • Shaken by the crash landing of an alien vessel in the Pacific Ocean, humanity soon becomes embroiled in an ancient conflict that spans all of time and space. As a massive invasion force systematically dismantles the solar system and gathers Earth's survivors for harvest, a human resistance group from the future struggles to ensure a swift and final end to the conflict. Enemy is a story of war and the lives that it tears apart in its wake.The winner of the 2002 Booksurge Editor's Choice Award, Enemy is the first book in the Silver trilogy by Paul Evan Hughes.

  • Eye of the Storm
  • Ringo John
  • In an instant the world changed for Lieutenant General Michael O’Neal. His beloved Corps of the last remaining ACS destroyed beneath the guns of the Fleet, his staff shot before his eyes, arrested on the charge of war crimes, he faces a short,one-sided, trail, a trip to the Fleet Penal Facility and a bullet to the back of the head while trying to ‘escape’.General Tam Wesley faces trying one of the most beloved heroes in Federation, not mention a friend of decades, on trumped up charges. He alternative is having the last coprs of humans ...