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Книги 1276—1300 из 1422.
  • Armaged-dom
  • Marina i Siergiej Diaczenko
  • Мир на пороховой бочке, и несколько раз за век эта бочка взрывается Апокалипсисом. Из моря выходят чудовища, звезда Полынь опрокидывается в реки, превращая воду в кровь, ангел трубит в трубу над пепелищами. Лишь загадочные Врата сумеют спасти живых, чтобы люди могли после катастрофы отстроить жизнь заново – если, конечно, успеют войти в эти Врата. Мир привык, потому что привыкают ко всему. Лгут депутаты, мудрствуют спецслужбы, защищаются диссертации, рождаются дети. И конечно же, выдаются спецпропуска во Врата.Все как всегда, все как везде; регулярный, обыденный, ужасный Армагеддон, ставший для его обитателей Армагед-домом. Жизнь главной героини – тому порука.И тем не менее… На польском языке.

  • Armageddon Crazy
  • Farren Mick
  • A complex and mordant satire. Near-future America has become a dictatorship run by a fundamentalist Christian televangelist in the Jim Bakker mould, with the Constitution suspended, a religious police force of Deacons who root out heresy and liberalism by torture, and concentration camps for unbelievers. Control is reinforced at mass prayer meetings by the use of extravagant special effects projections – the Beast, the Whore of Babylon, and other Revelations favourites in 100-foot high 3D. The best effects programmer in the business is Charlie Mansard, an eccentric slob who would long ago have wound up in a camp but for ...

  • BALSS NO DEBES?MSta?islavs Lems.IZDEV?JA PIEBILDESaj? gr?mat? public?ts rokraksts, kas p?c pro­fesora Pitera E. Hogarta n?ves atrasts vi?a pa­p?ros. Sis varen? pr?ta cilv?ks diem??l nepasp?ja gal?gi sagatavot un pabeigt manuskriptu pie kura bija str?d?jis ilg?ku laiku. Vi?u kav?ja slim?ba. T? k? par ?o vi?am neparasto darbu, kur? bija pas?kts ne tik daudz aiz patikas, k?, aiz pien?kuma apzi?as, nelai?is profesors ne­labpr?t run?ja pat ar ...

  • ANDRIS PURI??BEZR?P?GIE CE?OT?JIMAZLIET FANTASTISKS ROM?NSR?GA «LIESMA» 1989Latvie?u padomju rakstnieka (dz. 1950. g.) rom?na va­ro?i Marks un Ingus ir k?das provinces pils?ti?as iedz?­vot?ji; Autors liek vi?iem nok??t neparast?s, pat fantas­tisk?s situ?cij?s. Viduslaiku Riga, kosmiskais ku?is, sa­pr?t?gu b?t?u apdz?vota t?la plan?ta — t?s ir da?as no rom?na darb?bas viet?m. Autors liek ikvienam padom?t par cilv?ka misiju, par atbild?bu sava laika un ar? n?­kotnes priek??.Redaktors ANDREJS RIJNIEKS Recenzents J?NIS MELNBARZDIS M?kslinieks IMANTS KREPICSFantastika — t? ir apk?rt?j? realit?te, novesta l?dz absurdam.R. BredberijsKalnu gr?t?bas ir aiz muguras, Mums priek?? ir l?dzenumugr?t?bas. B. Brehts

  • BioShock: Rapture
  • Shirley John
  • It's the end of World War II. FDR's New Deal has redefined American politics. Taxes are at an all-time high. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki has brought a fear of total annihilation. The rise of secret government agencies and sanctions on business has many watching their backs. America's sense of freedom is diminishing… and many are desperate to take that freedom back. Among them is a great dreamer, an immigrant who pulled himself from the depths of poverty to become one of the wealthiest and admired men in the world. That man is Andrew Ryan, and he believed that great men and women deserve better. And so he set out to create the impossible, a utopia free from government, censorship, and moral restrictions on science—where what you give is what you get. He created Rapture—the shining city below the sea. But as we all know, this utopia suffered a great tragedy. This is the story of how it all came to be… and how it all ended.

  • Blackout
  • Willis Connie
  • In her first novel since 2002, Nebula and Hugo award-winning author Connie Willis returns with a stunning, enormously entertaining novel of time travel, war, and the deeds—great and small—of ordinary people who shape history. In the hands of this acclaimed storyteller, the past and future collide—and the result is at once intriguing, elusive, and frightening.Oxford in 2060 is a chaotic place. Scores of time-traveling historians are being sent into the past, to destinations including the American Civil War and the attack on the World Trade Center. Michael Davies is prepping to go to Pearl Harbor. Merope ...

  • Blueeyedboy
  • Харрис Джоан
  • As in its predecessor, we are back in the Yorkshire town of Malbry, and in the company of a young man whose behaviour verges on the sociopathic. BB is in his 40s, still living with his mother and making his living with an unrewarding (in every sense) hospital job. His ‘real’ world is a virtual one. On a website which he has called ‘badguysrock’, he has an avatar -- and as the blueeyedboy of the title, he deals in deeply unsettling violent scenarios which feature people from his own life. As we enter deeper into this murky world, we ...

  • Brave New Worlds
  • Adams John
  • When the government wields its power against its own people, every citizen becomes an enemy of the state. Will you fight the system, or be ground to dust beneath the boot of tyranny?In his smash-hit anthologies and , acclaimed editor John Joseph Adams showed you what happens when society is utterly wiped away. Now he brings you a glimpse into an equally terrifying future — what happens when civilization invades and dictates every aspect of your life?From to , from to , the dystopian imagination has been a vital and gripping cautionary force. collects 33 of the best tales of ...

  • Buddhas kleiner Finger
  • Pelewin Viktor
  • Petja, Petersburger Avantgardist und Bohemien, ger?t 1919 ins Visier der Geheimpolizei und flieht nach Moskau, wo ihn eine Achterbahnfahrt an Abenteuern erwartet. Nicht nur, dass er im Handgemenge einen Schulfreund erw?rgt und in einem schr?gen Literaturcaf? landet – unversehens hat ihn der legend?re Divisionskommandeur Tschapajew, eine Ikone sowjetischer Geschichte, zu seinem Politkommissar ernannt. Wie aber ist es m?glich, dass sich Petja pl?tzlich im Moskau unserer Tage inmitten lauter Neuer Russen und dazu noch in der Nervenklinik von Professor Kanaschnikow wiederfindet?„Eine grandiose Mischung aus Pulp Fiction und Revolutionsoperette, Haiku-Poesie und h?herem Nonsens.“ (...

  • C?rculo de espadas
  • Арнасон Элеанор
  • En el siglo XXII, la humanidad lleva cuarenta a?os enfrentada a los “hwarhath”, unos extra?os humanoides alien?genas con una organizaci?n social y sexual que abomina la heterosexualidad y que resulta, sin ninguna duda, bastante distinta de la humana.Para llevar a cabo las primeras negociaciones diplom?ticas entre humanos y “hwarhath”, se elige como sede un peque?o planeta de poca importancia donde la bi?loga Anna P?rez se ocupa de estudiar la posible inteligencia de unas extra?as medusas. Anna ser? la ?nica mujer involucrada, muy a su pesar, en una complejas ...

  • Children of God
  • Russel Mary
  • Mary Doria Russell's debut novel, The Sparrow, took us on a journey to a distant planet and into the center of the human soul. A critically acclaimed bestseller, The Sparrow was chosen as one of Entertainment Weekly's Ten Best Books of the Year, a finalist for the Book-of-the-Month Club's First Fiction Prize and the winner of the James M. Tiptree Memorial Award. Now, in Children of God, Russell further establishes herself as one of the most innovative, entertaining and philosophically provocative novelists writing today.The only member of the original mission to the planet Rakhat to return to ...

  • City of Illusions
  • Ле Гуин Урсула
  • He was a fully grown man, alone in a dense forest, with no trail to show where he had come from and no memory to tell who—or what he was.His eyes were not human eyes.The forest people took him in and raised him almost as a child, teaching him to speak, training him in forest lore, giving him all the knowledge they had. В But they could not solve the riddle of his past, and at last he had to set out on a quest to Es Toch, the City of the Shing, the Liars of Earth, the Enemy of Mankind.There he would find out the truth about himself…and a universe of danger.An Ace Book. All Rights Reserved.Printed in the U.S.A.

  • Cthulhus Reign
  • Schweitzer Darrel
  • Some of the darkest hints in all of H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos relate to what will happen after the Old Ones return and take over the earth. What happens when Cthulhu is unleashed upon the world? What happens when the other Old Ones, long since banished from our universe, break through and descend from the stars? What would the reign of Cthulhu be like on a totally transformed planet where mankind is no longer the master? Find out in these exciting, brand-new stories.

  • Das f?nfte Imperium. Ein Vampirroman.
  • Pelewin Viktor
  • Pelewin: der Bulgakow des 21. Jahrhunderts.Der 19j?hrige Roma Schtorkin ist ein typischer Jugendlicher seiner Zeit: Seine Kindheit hat er noch in der Sowjetunion verbracht, an die er sich nur noch bruchst?ckhaft erinnern kann, jetzt, als Jugendlicher, lebt er in einem Russland der unendlich vielen M?glichkeiten, die alle nicht f?r ihn zu gelten scheinen.Umso begieriger meldet er sich auf eine Anzeige, die Zugang zur Elite verspricht. Und pl?tzlich wacht er in der Gesellschaft von Vampiren auf, die ein neues – das f?nfte – Imperium errichten wollen. Mit Roma an der Spitze …Der ...

  • Das heilige Buch der Werw?lfe
  • Pelewin Viktor
  • Ahuli arbeitet als Prostituierte in Moskau. Was ihre Kunden nicht ahnen: Sie ist ein Werwolf, der die Freier unter Hypnose ihre verwegensten Tr?ume ausleben l?sst – alleine. Eines Tages trifft Ahuli auf Alexander, an dem ihre K?nste versagen. Denn der leitet als Generalleutnant der Staatssicherheit die Werwolf-Abteilung. Die Anarchistin und der Staatstreue verlieben sich. Haben sie und das marode Land eine gemeinsame Zukunft?Die Originalausgabe erschien 2004 unter dem TitelСвященная книга оборотня bei Eksmo, Moskau.

  • Delirium
  • Oliver Lauren
  • Before scientists found the cure, people thought love was a good thing. They didn’t understand that once love—the —blooms in your blood, there is no escaping its hold. Things are different now. Scientists are able to eradicate love, and the governments demands that all citizens receive the cure upon turning eighteen. Lena Holoway has always looked forward to the day when she’ll be cured. A life without love is a life without pain: safe, measured, predictable, and happy. But with ninety-five days left until her treatment, Lena does the unthinkable: She falls in love.