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Книги 11176—11200 из 11250.
  • Welcome to the NHK!
  • Takimoto Tatsuhiko
  • The novel that inspired the manga and anime!Twenty-two-year-old Satou, a college dropout and aficionado of anime porn, knows a little secret — or at least he thinks he does! Believe it or not, he has stumbled upon an incredible conspiracy created by the Japanese Broadcasting Company, N.H.K. But despite fighting the good fight, Satou has become an unemployed — a shut-in who has withdrawn from the world…One day, he meets Misaki, a mysterious young girl who invites him to join her special “project.” Slowly, Satou comes out of his reclusive shell, and his hilarious journey begins, filled with mistaken identity, Lolita complexes — and an ultimate quest to create the greatest game ever!

  • Welcome to Трансильвания
  • Юденич Марина
  • Происходит невероятное. В начале третьего тысячелетия восстал ото сна и вернулся в мир вечный ужас и вечное проклятие таинственной Трансильвании — Дракула. И гибнет на развалинах древнего замка целая экспедиция, в крохотном карпатском городке находят обескровленный труп мальчика, в далекой Германии внезапно умирает потомок древнего рода Дракулэшти, в Москве обрывается жизнь молодого ученого, изучавшего редкие заболевания крови. Страшным, таинственным смертям, кажется, не будет конца.Многие готовы поверить в невозможное.Но не все.Лорд Джулиан, обаятельный авантюрист и баловень судьбы, вернувший однажды на атлантические просторы возрожденный «Титаник», волею случая оказывается в эпицентре событий.Ему на помощь приходят друзья.Раскрыть тайну Дракулы — ничего другого им просто не остается.

  • Wench
  • Perkins-Valdez Dolen
  • In her debut, Perkins-Valdez eloquently plunges into a dark period of American history, chronicling the lives of four slave women-Lizzie, Reenie, Sweet and Mawu-who are their masters' mistresses. The women meet when their owners vacation at the same summer resort in Ohio. There, they see free blacks for the first time and hear rumors of abolition, sparking their own desires to be free. For everyone but Lizzie, that is, who believes she is really in love with her master, and he with her. An extended flashback in the middle of the novel delves into Lizzie's life and vividly explores the complicated psychological dynamic between master and slave. Jumping back to the final summer in Ohio, the women all have a decision to make-will they run? Heart-wrenching, intriguing, original and suspenseful, this novel showcases Perkins-Valdez's ability to bring the unfortunate past to life.

  • Weronika postanawia umrze?
  • Coelho Paulo
  • Weronika postanawia umrze?. Chc?c pope?ni? samob?jstwo za?ywa tabletki, jednak zostaje uratowana i rozpoczyna si? nowe ?ycie – nowe ?ycie Weroniki. Dowiaduje si? ona, ?e z powodu uszkodzenia serca pozosta? jej tylko tydzie? ?ycia. Podczas tego tygodnia Weronika, przebywaj?c w szpitalu psychiatrycznym Villete, uczy si? ?ycia lepiej, ni? w czasie minionych kilkudziesi?ciu lat. Odkrywa, ?e szale?stwo w ?yciu jest niezwykle potrzebne. Po raz pierwszy zaczyna dostrzega? i poznawa? sam? siebie…Ciekawe zako?czenie, kt?rego jednak nie zdradz? czytelnikom…Chwile, kt?re Weronika sp?dzi?a w szpitalu s? jakby drog?, kt?...

  • Wet Work
  • Buckley Christopher
  • Thanks to Hollywood and writers like Christopher Buckley, America has given the world a brand-new literary form: the revenge comedy. In the movies, maverick cops roam the world, taking names, kicking butts, and making wisecracks. For all the gore, pictures like Die Hard are essentially Road Runner cartoons with superior special effects. Audiences do more chuckling than gasping. Now comes former George Bush speechwriter Christopher Buckley with a novelized version.Even though Wet Work isn't a movie yet, we're still talking extremely high concept: Lethal Weapon 2 meets The Emerald Forest, complete with nubile Amazonian love slaves flitting naked ...

  • When I Stop Talking You
  • Weintraub Jerry
  • Here is the story of Jerry Weintraub: the self-made, Brooklyn-born, Bronx-raised impresario, Hollywood producer, legendary deal maker, and friend of politicians and stars. No matter where nature has placed him-the club rooms of Brooklyn, the Mafia dives of New York 's Lower East Side, the wilds of Alaska, or the hills of Hollywood -he has found a way to put on a show and sell tickets at the door. "All life was a theater and I wanted to put it up on a stage," he writes. "I wanted to set the world under a marquee that read: 'Jerry Weintraub ...

  • Whit
  • Banks Iain
  • A little knowledge can be a very dangerous thing…Innocent in the ways of the world, an when it comes to pop and fashion, the Elect of God of a small but committed Stirlingshire religious cult: Isis Whit is no ordinary teenager.When her cousin Morag - Guest of Honour at the Luskentyrian's four-yearly Festival of Love - disappears after renouncing her faith, Isis is marked out to venture among the Unsaved and bring the apostate back into the fold. But the road to Babylondon (as Sister Angela puts it) is a treacherous one, particularly when Isis ...

  • White Noise
  • Делилло Дон
  • Amazon.com ReviewBetter than any book I can think of, White Noise captures the particular strangeness of life in a time where humankind has finally learned enough to kill itself. Naturally, it's a terribly funny book, and the prose is as beautiful as a sunset through a particulate-filled sky. Nice-guy narrator Jack Gladney teaches Hitler Studies at a small college. His wife may be taking a drug that removes fear, and one day a nearby chemical plant accidentally releases a cloud of gas that may be poisonous. Writing before Bhopal and Prozac entered the popular lexicon, DeLillo ...

  • White Teeth
  • Smith Zadie
  • Zadie Smith's White Teeth is a delightfully cacophonous tale that spans 25 years of two families' assimilation in North London. The Joneses and the Iqbals are an unlikely a pairing of families, but their intertwined destinies distill the British Empire 's history and hopes into a dazzling multiethnic melange that is a pure joy to read. Smith proves herself to be a master at drawing fully-realized, vibrant characters, and she demonstrates an extraordinary ear for dialogue. It is a novel full of humor and empathy that is as inspiring as it is enjoyable.White Teeth is ambitious in scope and artfully rendered with a confidence that is extremely rare in a writer so young. It boggles the mind that Zadie Smith is only 24 years old, and this novel is a clarion call announcing the arrival of a major new talent in contemporary fiction. It is a raucous yet poignant look at modern life in London and is clearly the book to read this summer.

  • Who Are You?
  • Каван Анна
  • Depicting the hopeless, emotional polarity of a young couple, this novel follows their doomed marriage spent in a remote, tropical hell. She—described only as “the girl”—is young, sophisticated and sensitive. He, “Mr. Dog-Head,” is an unreconstructed thug and heavy drinker who rapes his wife, otherwise passing his time bludgeoning rats with a tennis racket. Together with a visiting stranger, “Suede Boots”—who urges the woman to escape until he is banished by her husband—these characters live through the same situations twice. Their identities are equally real—or unreal—in each case. With slight variation in the background and the novel’s atmosphere, neither the outcome nor the characters themselves are quite the same the second time. The constant question of the jungle “brain-lever” bird remains unanswered: Review

  • Who Fears Death
  • Okorafor Nnedi
  • An award-winning literary author presents her first foray into supernatural fantasy with a novel of post-apocalyptic Africa.In a far future, post-nuclear-holocaust Africa, genocide plagues one region. The aggressors, the Nuru, have decided to follow the Great Book and exterminate the Okeke. But when the only surviving member of a slain Okeke village is brutally raped, she manages to escape, wandering farther into the desert. She gives birth to a baby girl with hair and skin the color of sand and instinctively knows that her daughter is different. She names her daughter Onyesonwu, which means "Who Fears Death?" in an ancient African tongue.Reared under the tutelage of a mysterious and traditional shaman, Onyesonwu discovers her magical destiny-to end the genocide of her people. The journey to fulfill her destiny will force her to grapple with nature, tradition, history, true love, the spiritual mysteries of her culture-and eventually death itself.

  • Who Killed Palomino Molero?
  • Llosa Mario
  • This wonderful detective novel is set in Peru in the 1950s. Near an Air Force base in the northern desert, a young airman is found murdered. Lieutenant Silva and Officer Lituma investigate. Lacking a squad car, they have to cajole a local cabbie into taking them to the scene of the crime. Their superiors are indifferent; the commanding officer of the air base stands in their way; but Silva and Lituma are determined to uncover the truth. Who Killed Palomino Molero, an entertaining and brilliantly plotted mystery, takes up one of Vargas Llosa's characteristic themes: the despair at how hard it is to be an honest man in a corrupt society.

  • ?wi?skim Truchtem
  • Fabicka Joanna
  • ?ycie pi?tnastoletniego Rudolfa G?bczaka nie jest ?atwe: zawody mi?osne, afery polityczne, romansuj?cy ojciec, matka feministka, niezdyscyplinowana babcia, rodacy niezdecydowani, czy wej?? do Unii… Polski kuzyn Adriana Mole`a radzi sobie z tym wszystkim z w?a?ciwym sobie wdzi?kiem. Z filozoficzn? zadum? (niekiedy tylko przechodz?c? w panik?) przyjmuje otaczaj?cy go chaos i kompletny brak zrozumienia. Najwa?niejsza jest wszak wierno?? artystycznym aspiracjom – nawet gdy na ich drodze staj? zbli?aj?ce si? egzaminy do liceum, wci?? krzywy zgryz i kompletny brak zainteresowania polskiej kinematografii m?odymi geniuszami aktorskimi. Pe?na humoru i trafnych obserwacji opowie?? z ?ycia wsp??czesnego nastolatka to zabawna (i pouczaj?ca) lektura r?wnie? dla dzieci nieco starszych, a nawet zupe?nie doros?ych. Wsp??czesna polska rzeczywisto?? okazuje si? czasem jeszcze bardziej zwariowana ni? Rudolf…

  • ?wiadectwo Prawdy
  • Picoult Jodi
  • W oborze na farmie amisz?w w Pensylwanii znaleziono zw?oki noworodka. Lokalna spo?eczno?? jest w szoku – w wyniku dochodzenia policyjnego o odebranie dziecku ?ycia zostaje oskar?ona jego domniemana matka, osiemnastoletnia Katie Fisher, niezam??na dziewczyna z rodziny amisz?w. Spraw? Katie przyjmuje Ellie Hathaway, rozczarowana swoj? prac? adwokatka z wielkiego miasta. Po raz pierwszy w swojej karierze spotyka si? z wymiarem sprawiedliwo?ci rz?dz?cym si? innymi zasadami ni? ten, kt?ry zna na wylot. Zag??biaj?c si? w ?wiat amisz?w, musi znale?? spos?b, aby dotrze? do swojej klientki i porozumie? si? z ni? w jej j?zyku. Praca nad t? zawik?an? spraw? prowadzi j? tak?e w g??b w?asnego ja, a kiedy jeszcze pojawi si? w jej ?yciu m??czyzna z przesz?o?ci, Ellie stanie oko w oko ze swoimi najtajniejszymi l?kami i pragnieniami?

  • Wife 22
  • Gideon Melanie
  • Maybe it was my droopy eyelids. Maybe it was because I was about to turn the same age my mother was when I lost her. Maybe it was because after almost twenty years of marriage my husband and I seemed to be running out of things to say to each other.But when the anonymous online study called 'Marriage in the 21st Century' showed up in my inbox, I had no idea how profoundly it would change my life. It wasn't long before I was assigned both a pseudonym (Wife 22) and a caseworker (Researcher 101).And, just like ...

  • Wild Child: Girlhoods in the Counterculture
  • Cain Chelsea
  • Tofu casseroles, communes, clothing-optional kindergarten, antiwar proteststhese are just a few of the hallmarks of a counterculture childhood. What became of kids who had been denied meat, exposed to free love, and given nouns for names? In Wild Child, daughters of the hippie generation speak about the legacy of their childhoods. The writers present a rearview mirror to contemporary culture; with an eye on the past they remind us that there is more than one path through the present. Contributors include Lisa Michaels (Split) and Ariel Gore (Hip Mama).

  • Wild Ginger
  • Min Anchee
  • At once a coming-of-age tale and a heart-rending love story, Wild Ginger explores the devastating experience of the Cultural Revolution, which defined Anchee Min"s youth. The beautiful, iron-willed Wild Ginger is only in elementary school when she is singled out by the Red Guards for her "foreign-colored eyes." Her classmate Maple is also a target of persecution. The novel chronicles the two girls" maturing in Shanghai in the late 1960s and early 1970s, when Chairman Mao ruled absolutely and his followers took up arms in his name. Wild Ginger grows up to become a model Maoist, but her love for a man soon places her in an untenable position – and ultimately in mortal danger. This slim and powerful novel "examines the fragile sensibilities and emotions of an entire generation of Chinese youth" (Washington Post) and brilliantly delineates the psychological and sexual perversion of those times.

  • Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China
  • Chang Jung
  • The forces of history and the exceptional talents of this young writer combine to produce a work of nonfiction with the breadth and drama of the richest, most memorable fiction classics. Wild Swans is a landmark book, with the intimacy of memoir and the panoramic vision of a monumental human saga, which tells of the lives of Jung Chang, her mother, her grandmother, and of 20th-century China. 16-page photo insert.***"Bursting with drama, heartbreak and horror, this extraordinary family portrait mirrors China 's century of turbulence…[Chang's] meticulous, transparent prose radiates an inner strength." Publisher's Weekly"...