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Книги 4426—4450 из 4568.
  • To the Doctor: A Daughter
  • Lennox Marion
  • Dr. Nate Ethan has all he needs-a job he loves as a country doctor in New South Wales and a bachelor lifestyle. Right now Nate is reserving all his commitment for his patients.Dr. Gemma Campbell is about to change all that. Her sister has left her with two children-and one of them is Nate's! Gemma just can't cope anymore and, though it would break her heart, she needs to give Nate his baby and walk away.Except that Nate will do anything to stop her leaving-at first for baby Mia-and then for himself!

  • Toda una dama
  • Greene Jennifer
  • El hogar est? donde est? el coraz?n, y Liz Brady hab?a vuelto finalmente a Favensport, Wisconsin, a sus ra?ces… y a Clay Stewart, a quien amaba desde hac?a a?os. En esta ocasi?n estaba totalmente decidida a demostrarle que no era la ni?a inocente a la que ?l sol?a proteger.Pero Clay ya hab?a notado que liz hab?a madurado. Ahora era una dama, y las damas deben estar en pedestales. No se relacionan con tipos de dudosa reputaci?n, sobre todo con los que dirigen un motel, con no muy buena fama, en las afueras del pueblo. Pero Clay no hab?a contado con la determinaci?n de Liz… ni con el poder de su amor por ella…

  • Tomorrow
  • Холодная Елена
  • Прошло 2 года. Долгие 2 года Алиса сходила с ума от неизвестности. Но он пришел и все вроде бы вошло в норму. Ночная Леди открыла свой бизнес. Стала любящей женой и матерью. Но в один прекрасный день все обрывается — Алиса попадает в автокатастрофу и её… принимают за другую. В это же время, поп-звезда Японии, который влюбился в Алису с первого взгляда решает воспользоваться потерей её памяти и представить её как невесту.

  • Toscana Para Dos
  • Phillips Susan
  • La doctora Isabel Favor, autora de best s?ller de autoayuda, lo ha sacrificado todo para crear una gran empresa. Pero, en cuesti?n de semanas, todo se viene abajo: es estafada por un contable sin escr?pulos, su prometido la deja por una mujer mayor y su reputaci?n queda por los suelos. La diva de la autoayuda no tarda en descubrir que puede solucionar la vida de todo el mundo excepto la suya. Arruinada, agotada y herida, decide ir a Italia para darse un respiro.

  • Touch Me
  • D’Alessandro Jacquie
  • Pleasing a man is something former mistress Genevieve Ralston does very well. But after her lover callously dumps her, she's definitely off men.until she meets Simon! He's brooding. Sexy. And she can't keep her hands off him…But Simon Cooperstone, Viscount Kilburn, is a spy. His mission: retrieve a mysterious letter in Genevieve's possession. Intent on seducing her secrets from her, he forgets to guard one thing: his heart.Each stroke of Genevieve's talented fingers unleashes his deepest desires. Too late, he realizes that while he may be a master of the art of seduction, he's no match for a sensual mistress…

  • Toxic
  • Langlais Eve
  • Either you’re with me, or you’ll feed me.Humans are for eating and I am not one to play with my food, so I’m baffled as to why one geeky mortal doctor makes me wish our kind could be together without my brand of love being toxic. As if suffering from human emotions isn’t problem enough, our world is about to engage in a war where our chances of survival are slim at best. And no one wants to listen.But, I didn’t become the general of the vampire Queen’s army by being diplomatic. Everyone will fight in the upcoming battle, or they’ll feed my troops and I. Either way, all things living will do their part.I am after all the Blood Countess, toxic lover to humans, vicious bitch to my enemies, and my word is law.

  • Transformed Into The Frenchman’s Mistress
  • Dunlop Barbara
  • If there was anything Charlotte Hudson had learned in her twenty-five years, it was how to be proper. So how had the ambassador's granddaughter ended up on a wild movie assignment, ensconced in a centuries-old Proven?al castle with notorious French playboy Alec Montcalm? While her relatives from Hudson Pictures were busy filming at Chateau Montcalm, the real drama was going on behind the antique wooden doors – beneath satin sheets. Charlotte knew their crazy, scandalous secret liaison wouldn't last. And then she discovered she was pregnant.

  • Trinity
  • Blu Katie
  • Working alongside her childhood friend, Tarrel Dolan, Neela Pharr has been on security detail for the emissary of Elara for several years. The need for Prillian ore is greater than ever as tensions between outer worlds mount. After years of cultivating a relationship with King Thrax of Prill, diplomacy is collapsing and weapons are in play. But King Thrax thows out an offer: mining rights, in return for the use of Neela’s body.Sex is a simple, meaningless exchange right? Except Neela is torn between her long-time attraction to Tarrel, and her uninhibited desire for King Thrax. So when the king invites them both to his bed, is it really the fulfillment of a contract or something much, much more meaningful?

  • Trouble in Paradise
  • Greene Jennifer
  • From blind date…He’s divorced, eleven years older and the father of three. Not exactly every girl’s Ideal Man. But as soon as reserved bookstore owner Susan meets charismatic Griff Anderson, she’s smitten-and just three passion-filled months later, she’s his wife.To instant family…Their idyllic honeymoon spent restoring a majestic Victorian is cut short when the newlyweds happily-but unexpectedly-find themselves with full custody of his children. Now, instead of enjoying passionate nights and lazy mornings-after with Griff, Susan finds herself thrust into the role of Mom to Tom, Barbara and Tiger. And quarrelling with her husband over how to handle the drama that comes with a house full of tweens and teens.When pet problems, party crashers and pregnancy scares threaten their happiness, Susan can’t help but wonder what Griff really wanted: a wife, or a mother for his children?

  • True Confessions
  • Gibson Rachel
  • Rita Awards"Purrrfect!" – Elizabeth LowellEver wonder who writes those outrageous tabloid stories – the ones about Elvis touring the solar system with aliens and disappearing airplanes in the Bermuda Triangle? Meet Hope Spencer, a big-city reporter who got sick and tired of prying into real people's lives, and decided far-out fiction was a whole lot easier to handle. Now reality is just a starting point for Hope, and she's eager for new places, new people, and new experiences that she can transform into the stuff of checkout counter fantasy. The sexy sheriff of Gospel, Idaho, reminds Hope ...

  • True Love and Other Disasters
  • Gibson Rachel
  • Disaster Number One: MenHard knocks and hunger taught Faith Duffy not to believe in love. Still, when she married her very wealthy – and very old – husband, she became the perfect wife. And then he went to that big bank in the sky, leaving Faith with lonely nights, a pile of money, and a total mess of a pro hockey team. Heck, Faith doesn't even watch hockey!Disaster Number Two: PassionBut most of America and half of Canada is watching Ty Savage. His lethal sex appeal and deadly right hook make him the favorite of ...

  • Truhan
  • Steel Danielle
  • ?Es posible que un playboy irresistible como Blake se convierta en un marido en el que poder confiar? Su ex esposa Maxine hace a?os que mantiene con ?l una cordial relaci?n. Y bien sabe que el encantador padre de sus hijos puede ser cualquier cosa menos un esposo fiel.Cuando Maxine, una reputada psiquiatra, parece haber encontrado un hombre a su medida, alguien que le dar? todo lo que Blake le neg?, un imprevisto la sacudir? como ese terremoto que ha derrumbado una de las mansiones de Blake y ha dejado en el pa?s una estela de miseria y devastaci?n.Blake acude a ella para que le acompa?e en un proyecto humanitario, y Maxine se pregunta si un hombre como ?l, de repente preocupado y solidario, realmente es capaz de cambiar.

  • Trzy metry nad niebem
  • Moccia Federico
  • Szesnastoletnia Babi, dziewczyna, z tak zwanego dobrego domu, ?wietna uczennica i przyk?adna c?rka, na skutek pogmatwanego splotu przypadk?w, poznaje Stepa, agresywnego chuligana, kt?rego ?ycie sk?ada si? z ?wicze? na si?owni, wy?cig?w na motorze i bezsensownych bijatyk. Mimo kra?cowo r??nych charakter?w i sprzeciwu apodyktycznej matki Babi, zakochuj? si? w sobie bez pami?ci. Pod wp?ywem tej mi?o?ci, kt?ra oczywi?cie nie ma szans na przetrwanie, zmieniaj? si? oboje. Babi otwiera si? na ?wiat, dojrzewa, a Step staje si? bardziej refleksyjny, ?agodniejszy. Babi jest jedyn? osob?, kt?rej Step powierza sw?j mroczny sekret, kt?ry t?umaczy jego agresywne i destrukcyjne zachowania. Swobodnie poruszaj?c si? w ?wiecie poj??, kt?re okre?laj? ?wiat w?oskiej m?odzie?y, Moccia opowiedzia? niezwykle wiarygodnie i p?ynnie uniwersaln? histori? o m?odzie?czym buncie, b?lu dorastania i problemach rodzinnych.

  • Twisted Creek
  • Thomas Jodi
  • Bad luck has been biting at Allie Daniel's heels all her life, so when she inherits a cafe in a small Texas lake community she's sure there's a catch. But Allie decides to move and brings her grandmother along, since the cafe gives Nana a chance to do what she loves best-cook. As Allie settles in, she soon discovers that she's not alone anymore-and that sometimes, the only cure for bad luck is gaining the courage to love.

  • Tylko ciebie chc?
  • Moccia Federico
  • Po dw?ch latach sp?dzonych w Nowym Jorku Step wraca do Rzymu. Wiele si? tu zmieni?o. Ch?opak zaczyna prac? w telewizji, poznaje nowych ludzi, w?r?d nich ?ywio?ow? Gin. Przesz?o?? nie daje mu spokoju, ale tera?niejszo?? nie zostawia zbyt wiele czasu na jej rozpami?tywanie. Czy warto d??y? do wskrzeszenia dawnej mi?o?ci? Kontynuacja przeboju wydawniczego "Trzy metry nad niebem". Pe?na realizmu, ?mia?a powie?? o mi?o?ci, seksie, dojrzewaniu, przyja?ni, nami?tno?ci i marzeniach – do grona znajomych postaci – Stepa, Babi, Palliny – do??czaj? nowi, r?wnie barwni, zakr?ceni i nieprzewidywalni bohaterowie

  • Uciekinierka
  • Deveraux Jude
  • Rozczarowanie i gorycz pchaj? Regan do ucieczki z domu wuja. Trafia do dzielnicy portowej, gdzie oczywi?cie pakuje si? w kaba??. Przed gwa?tem ratuje j? olbrzymi marynarz, Travis Stanford. Zrz?dzeniem przypadku wyp?ywa z nim do Ameryki i tam zostaje mu po?lubiona. Wydawa?oby si?, ?e to koniec love story. Jednak dziewczyna, kt?ra ma ucieczk? we krwi, ponownie ucieka, tym razem przed m??em i wszystkimi innymi. D?ugo potrwa, zanim Travis znajdzie Regan, i nie tak ?atwo uda mu si? przekona? j? do powrotu.

  • Un A?o En Truly
  • Gibson Rachel
  • QUERER…Cuando la bonita peluquera Delaney Shaw regres? a su hogar de la infancia en Truly, Idaho, para asistir a la lectura del testamento de su padrastro, s?lo quer?a una cosa: presentar sus respetos y alejarse lo m?s r?pido posible de all?. Hasta que escuch? algunas de las inesperadas estipulaciones que conten?a el documento: como aquella que dec?a que si quer?a la herencia ten?a que permanecer all? y no tener absolutamente nada que ver con el atractivo Nick Allegrezza… ?durante todo un a?o!…NO SIEMPRE ES PODER....

  • Un amor secreto
  • Gordon Lucy
  • Cuando Joanne conoci? a Nico, el hijo de tres a?os de su difunta prima, el coraz?n se le derriti?. Tambi?n le dio un vuelco al volver a ver al padre del peque?o; la atracci?n entre Franco y ella segu?a siendo tan fuerte como siempre.Cuando Franco se cas? con su prima, Joanne se apart? discretamente y mantuvo su amor por ?l en secreto. Pero Franco en ese momento le ped?a que se quedara, aunque s?lo fuera por el bienestar de Nico. Sin embargo, necesitaba creer que el deseo que sent?a por ella no se deb?a a que se pareciera a su prima, sino porque la quer?a por s? misma…