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Книги 5076—5100 из 5298.
  • Trzeci Bli?niak
  • Фоллетт Кен
  • Jeannie Ferrami, psycholog prowadz?ca na Jones Falls University badania naukowe w dziedzinie genetyki, dokonuje zaskakuj?cego odkrycia. Przegl?daj?c bazy danych, natrafia na par? jednojajowych bli?niak?w, urodzonych w odst?pie kilku tygodni przez dwie r??ne matki. Jeden z nich jest odsiaduj?cym wyrok morderc? i sadyst?, drugi Steven Logan, sprawia wra?enie wzorowego obywatela. Nieoczekiwanie Steven zostaje oskar?ony o brutalny gwa?t, zeznania ofiary nie pozostawiaj? w?tpliwo?ci, ?e to on jest sprawc? przest?pstwa. Przekonana o niewinno?ci Stevena Jeannie podjmuje wysi?ki, by rozwi?za? zagadk? i oczy?ci? go ...

  • Trzy Oblicza Zemsty
  • Patterson James
  • Porucznik Lindsay Boxer, kieruj?ca wydzia?em zab?jstw w San Francisco, jest przypadkowym ?wiadkiem eksplozji bomby w willi magnata przemys?owego Mortona Lightowera. Z po?wi?ceniem ratuje kilkuletniego ch?opca ze zgliszcz domu. Kilka dni p??niej ma miejsce kolejne zab?jstwo przemys?owca, tym razem przy pomocy pot??nej trucizny. Do serii zbrodni przyznaje si? w e-mailu wys?anym do przyjaci??ki Lindsay, reporterki San Francisco Chronicle, grupa lub osoba podpisana jako August Spies (czyli?Sierpniowi Szpiedzy"). Og?asza, i? prowadzi wojn? przeciw?chciwym i skorumpowanym" i co trzy dni b?dzie zabija? kolejne osoby. Poniewa? ...

  • Tsar
  • Bell Ted
  • Swashbuckling counter Spy Alex Hawke returns in New York Times bestselling author Ted Bell's most explosive tale of international suspense to date.There dwells, somewhere in Russia, a man so powerful no one even knows his name. His existence is only speculated upon, only whispered about in American corridors of power and CIA strategy meetings. Though he is all but invisible, he is pulling strings – and pulling them hard. For suddenly, Russia is a far, far more ominous threat than even the most hardened cold warriors ever thought possible.The Russians have their finger on the switch ...

  • Tu rostro ma?ana: 1 Fiebre y Lanza
  • Marias Javier
  • «No deber?a contar nunca nada», empieza por decir el narrador de esta historia, Jaime o Jacobo o Jacques Deza.Y sin embargo su tarea va a ser la contraria, contarlo todo, hasta lo a?n no sucedido, al ser contratado por un grupo sin nombre que durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial cre? el M16, el Servicio Secreto brit?nico, y que a?n funciona hoy en d?a de manera tal vez degradada, o acaso ya bajo diferente auspicios.El protagonista regresa a Inglaterra, en cuya Universidad de Oxford hab?a ense?ado muchos a?os atr?s, «por no se seguir cerca de mi mujer mientras ella se me alejaba». Y all? descubre que, seg?n Sir Peter Wheeler, viejo profesor retirado «con demasiados recuerdos», ?l tambi?n pertenece al reducido grupo de personas que posee un «don» o maldici?n: el de ver lo que la gente har? en el futuro, el de conocer hoy c?mo ser? sus rostros ma?ana, el de saber qui?nes nos traicionar?n o nos ser?n leales.

  • Tu rostro ma?ana: 2 Baile y sue?o
  • Marias Javier
  • «Ojal? nunca nadie nos pidiera nada, ni casi nos preguntara, ning?n consejo ni favor ni pr?stamo, ni el de la atenci?n siquiera… Ojal? nadie se nos acercara a decirnos "Por favor", u "Oye, ?t? sabes?", "Oye, ?t? podr?as decirme?", "Oye, es que quiero pedirte: una recomendaci?n, un dato, un parecer, una mano, dinero, una intercesi?n, o consuelo, una gracia, que me guardes este secreto o que cambies por m? y seas otro, o que por m? traiciones y mientas o calles y as? me salves".»As? comienza Baile y sue?o, el ...

  • Turning Angel
  • Iles Greg
  • Turning Angel marks the long-awaited return of Penn Cage, the lawyer hero of The Quiet Game, and introduces Drew Elliott, the highly respected doctor who saved Penn's life in a hiking accident when they were boys. As two of the most prominent citizens of Natchez, Drew and Penn sit on the school board of their alma mater, St. Stephen's Prep. When the nude body of a young female student is found near the Mississippi River, the entire community is shocked – but no one more than Penn, who discovers that his best friend was entangled in a passionate relationship with ...

  • Turno de noche
  • Campbell Ramsey
  • Los ordenadores de la librer?a donde trabaja Woody no funcionan correctamente, aparecen errores en los cat?logos y los pedidos desaparecen sin dejar rastro. La muerte por atropello de un empleado marca el inicio de la debacle: un dependiente acusa a otro de acoso sexual; otro pierde la habilidad de leer; los monitores de seguridad muestran cosas que se arrastran entre las estanter?as y desaparecen antes de que nadie pueda encontrarlas…Los h?medos y silenciosos seres que han estado merodeando en el s?tano pueden ser lentos, pero son inexorables. Esta librer?a no es ...

  • Twenties Girl
  • Kinsella Sophie
  • Lara has always had an overactive imagination. Now she wonders if she is losing her mind. Normal twenty-something girls just don't get visited by ghosts! But inexplicably, the spirit of Lara's great aunt Sadie – in the form of a bold, demanding Charleston-dancing girl – has appeared to make one last request: Lara must track down a missing necklace Sadie simply can't rest without. Lara's got enough problems of her own. Her start-up company is floundering, her best friend and business partner has run off to Goa, and she's just been dumped by the love of her life. But as Lara spends time with Sadie, life becomes more glamorous and their treasure hunt turns into something intriguing and romantic. Could Sadie's ghost be the answer to Lara's problems and can two girls from different times end up learning something special from each other?

  • Twice
  • Miscione Lisa
  • “Dark, disturbing, and hideously exciting. I will have to take my teddy bear with me to bed tonight, and doubt I will get this frightening set of twisted characters and the malign gothic town they come from out of my head for days.” – Perri O’Shaughnessy, New York Times bestselling author“Lydia is a refreshingly down-to-earth character… Miscione draws convincing parallels between Lydia and Julian, an overlapping of characters that gives Twice an added edge.” – St. Petersburg Times“Gothic horror, hints of incest, and the isolated denizens of those tunnels combine to make this a compelling and ...

  • Twisted
  • Kellerman Jonathan
  • A year has passed since the Cold Heart murders and Detective Petra Connor is, once again, working Hollywood Homicide solo. She has just solved three gang-related killings and is feeling pretty good about herself – about life in general – when Isaac Gomez waltzes into her office and tells her he's found something she might want to take a look at. A twenty-two-year-old prodigy researching a Ph.D. in sociology, Isaac has gained access to LAPD case files. But while combing the files, the brilliant young man has come upon a series of apparently unrelated murders all committed shortly after midnight ...

  • Two Deaths And A Mouthful Of Worms
  • Mina Denise
  • This sixteen collection anthology revolves around a charm bracelet that brings misfortune to the holder. The tales are unique yet build off where the previous story left off. Beginning in the Georgia Mountains in 1803, continuing in 1839 and on into the twentieth century, the bracelet moves from one ill-fated soul whose story is unfolded until at the end of the tale, another person holds the bracelet and his or her story is told in the next chapter.The fifteen contributors (Karin Slaughter opens and closes the anthology) seem to have enjoyed adding their spin to the book because all ...

  • Two-Dollar Bill
  • Woods Stuart
  • Stone Barrington is caught between a clever con man-who's just become his client-and a beautiful prosecutor in this stylish thriller in the bestselling series.Two-Dollar Bill delivers all the storytelling twists and whip-smart banter readers have come to love in Stuart Woods's thrillers. In this latest, Stone Barrington, the suave Manhattan cop-turned-lawyer, is back on his home turf facing down a brilliant Southern flimflam man.The fun-and action-begins with what Stone believes will be a quiet dinner with his ex-partner, Dino, but they are interrupted by Billy Bob, a filthy rich, smooth-talkin' Texan, who strolls in and ...

  • Two Trains Running
  • Vachss Andrew
  • Electrifying, compelling, and, ultimately, terrifying, Two Trains Running is a galvanizing evocation of that moment in our history when the violent forces that would determine America's future were just beginning to roil below the surface.Once a devastated mill town, by 1959 Locke City has established itself as a thriving center of vice tourism. The city is controlled by boss Royal Beaumont, who took it by force many years ago and has held it against all comers since. Now his domain is being threatened by an invading crime syndicate. But in a town where crime and politics are virtually ...

  • Two-Way Cut
  • Disher Garry
  • A fast-moving suspense thriller from master storyteller, Garry Disher.Leah Flood is on the run. The cops are after her and she has to find herself a place to hide, a bolthole. The irony is, Leah is a cop too. But she’s a cop who made a mistake, who ratted on some colleagues. Leah knows she’s in the right, but that doesn’t seem to matter to the guys who are chasing her. Hitting the road, Leah gets a lift with Mitch and Tess. They appear to be two young joyriders out for a good time—until their car is pursued and shot at. Mitch loses control and the car crashes down an embankment. Mitch is killed and Leah and Tess flee. But who are the attackers chasing? Leah thinks it’s her, but Tess is sure she’s the one they’re after. What is Tess hiding? Pursued by a violent hitman and a car full of goons, Leah has to find a way to keep both her and Tess out of trouble. But they can’t run forever…

  • Tylko Ch??d
  • Spindler Erica
  • My?la?a, ?e koszmar ju? si? sko?czy?…Dwadzie?cia trzy lata temu Harlow Grail porwa? psychopata. By zmusi? rodzic?w dziewczynki do zap?acenia okupu, obci?? jej palec, jednak okaleczona i przera?ona Harlow zdo?a?a umkn?? swemu prze?ladowcy. Kiedy doros?a, zmieni?a imi?, nazwisko oraz adres zamieszkania. Jako Anna North zacz??a robi? karier? literack?.Jednak najgorsze by?o dopiero przed ni?…Wok?? Anny zaczynaj? si? dzia? dziwne rzeczy. Ma?a wielbicielka przesy?a niepokoj?ce listy, w tajemniczych okoliczno?ciach znika jej przyjaci??ka, nieuchwytny morderca zabija rudow?ose, ...