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Книги 2576—2600 из 2648.

  • MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors
  • Hooker Richard
  • Жанр: Юмористическая проза
  • Before the movie, this is the novel that gave life to Hawkeye Pierce, Trapper John, Hot Lips Houlihan, Frank Burns, Radar O'Reilly, and the rest of the gang that made the 4077th MASH like no other place in Korea or on earth.The doctors who worked in the Mobile Army Surgical Hospitals (MASH) during the Korean War were well trained but, like most soldiers sent to fight a war, too young for the job. In the words of the author, "a few flipped their lids, but most of them just raised hell, in a variety of ways and degrees."For fans of the movie and the series alike, here is the original version of that perfectly corrupt football game, those martini-laced mornings and sexual escapades, and that unforgettable foray into assisted if incompleted suicide — all as funny and poignant now as they were before they became a part of America's culture and heart.

  • Maten al le?n
  • Ibarg?engoitia Jorge
  • Жанр: Юмористическая проза
  • Hacia fines de los a?os veinte, Puerto Alegre, capital de la isla caribe?a de Arepa, se convierte en centro de una conpiraci?n fraguada entre m?rmoles, gobelinos y peleas de gallos, al ritmo de congas, bodolques, atabales y rungas. Se trata de matar a un viejo le?n, cuando se dispone a reelegirse por quinta vez jug?ndose el As de proponer la creaci?n de la presidencia vitalicia. Las circunstancias, sin embargo, obligan al partido Moderado y al promisorio junior arepano Pepe Cussirat, elegido como candidato oposicionista, a cambiar de planes. Tras varios intentos frustrados de magnicidio, resulta que el revuelo no ha sido en vano, como se descubre en el inesperado desenlace de esta novela.Parodia de una cualquiera de las dictaduras que han asolado los pa?ses de Latinoam?rica, destaca como la ?nica comedia dentro de lo que es ya un subg?nero de la novel?stica hispanoamericana.

  • Mortuary Confidential
  • Harra Todd
  • Жанр: Юмор: прочее
  • From shoot-outs at funerals to dead men screaming and runaway corpses, undertakers have plenty of unusual stories to tell—and a special way of telling them.In this macabre and moving compilation, funeral directors across the country share their most embarrassing, jaw-dropping, irreverent, and deeply poignant stories about life at death’s door. Discover what scares them and what moves them to tears. Learn about rookie mistakes and why death sometimes calls for duct tape.Enjoy tales of the dearly departed spending eternity naked from the waist down and getting bottled and corked—in a wine bottle. And then meet their families—the weepers, the punchers, the stolidly dignified, and the ones who deliver their dead mother in a pickup truck.If there’s one thing undertakers know, it’s that death drives people crazy. These are the best “bodies of work” from America’s darkest profession.Praise for

  • My Uncle Oswald
  • Dahl Roald
  • Жанр: Юмористическая проза
  • HIS FIRST NOVEL FOR GROWNUPSFrom that most dramatically dual of literary personalities, writing in his classic “Chocolate Factory” incarnation but as the devilish Dahl of and — here is the ultimate adult romp.Behold Uncle Oswald, Michelangelo of seduction.He makes Casanova look like Winnie the Pooh.He stumbles — circa 1919 — onto the world’s most powerful aphrodisiac: Powdered Sudanese Blister Beetle. makes Spanish Fly look like Ovaltine.Then he discovers a method of quick-freezing sperm . . . and gets the most imspired commercial idea in history. he makes a list of the 51 living geniuses ...

  • Pie mums ?usnakciem?
  • Geid?ne Milda
  • Жанр: Юмористическая проза
  • Milda Geid?nePie mums ?usnakciem?Dzi?a me?a vid? Cusnakciema kop? ar ?usnakiem (k? taj? t?laj? pus? sauc ??skas) dz?vo interesanti un visai kolor?ti person??i. B?aurigais V?jza?u Fricis kritiz? visu un visus, Lejasmeijeru Liene c?n?s ar savu kazu gan?mpulku, pagastvecis Jukumsons cen?as izcelt ?usnakciemu saul?t?, kult?ras druvas kop?ja Jautr?te (un ne tikai vi?a) alkst p?c stipra v?rie?a pleca, bet palaidn?gie br??i Tedis un Ludis k? prazdami uzlabo savu finansi?lo st?vokli.Tom?r ?usnakcierns nav nek?da pasaules mala. Te viss notiek Eiropas l?men?. Ar? uz ?usnakciemu brauc ?rzemnieki un partijnieki, te ir savi maniaki, ar? te liek spridzek?us un gatavojas audz?t strausus, ?usnakciemam ir pat savs Prusaku p?t??anas instit?ts. » ?usnakciem? dz?ve sit augstu vilni, un ?aj? jezg? ar labsird?gu smaidu noraug?s Mi?elis Podi?? - rakstniece Milda Geid?ne.

  • Post?i?iny
  • Hrabal Bohumil
  • Жанр: Юмористическая проза
  • Jeden z nejzn?m?j??ch Hrabalov?ch rom?n?, byl tak? zfilmov?n. Hlavn? postavou je man?elka spr?vce pivovaru — Mary?a. P??b?h se skl?d? z jednotliv?ch ud?lost?, tak jak se v pivovaru st?vaj?. Mary?a je velmi sebejist? a energick? ?ena, kterou maj? v okol? r?di a v?ichni na ni obdivuj? jej? kr?sn? dlouh? vlasy. Jednou po??d? Mary?a zabija?ku a pozve na ni celou spr?vn? radu pivovaru, kter? je odpov?dn? jej? man?el — Francin. Ten zabija?ky nesn??? a m? nejrad?ji b?lou k?vu a chleba. Jeho ?ena je v?ak prav?m opakem, r?da pije pivo a j? maso. Jej? lib?stkou je proj??d?t se na kole a ukazovat v?em sv? dlouh? vlasy. O ty j? pe?uje kade?n?k B??a, kter? j? vlasy koupe a pak j? je p?idr?uje, kdy? se rozj??d? na kole. Jednoho dne nav?t?v? pivovar Francin?v bratr Pepin, povol?n?m ?vec, kter? je trochu bl?zen…

  • Pourquoi jai mang? mon p?re
  • Lewis Roy
  • Жанр: Юмористическая проза
  • Approchez Homo sapiens! Ce livre vous fera hurler de rire ! Faites la connaissance d'une famille pr?historique: Edouard, le p?re, g?nial inventeur qui va changer la face du monde en ramenant le feu; Vania, l'oncle r?ac, ennemi du progr?s; Ernest, le narrateur, un tantinet ben?t; Edwige, Griselda et autres ravissantes donzelles… Ces ?tres d?licieux font le monde autour d'un feu en d?gustant des os ? moelle. Regardez-les d?couvrir l'amour, s'essayer ? la drague, se battre avec l'?volution…Situations rocambolesques, personnages hilarants d'un monde o? l'homme est pourtant d?j? homme: batailleur, jaloux, ingrat et aussi r?trograde. Un miroir ? consulter souvent. Pour rire et r?fl?chir.

  • Russendisko. Рассказы
  • Каминер Владимир
  • Жанр: Юмористическая проза
  • Владимир Каминер родился в Москве в 1967 году. С 1990-го живет в Берлине, ведет на немецком телевидении и радио ряд передач, а также постоянную рубрику в крупнейшей газете «Франкфуртер Альгемайне». Кроме того, он является организатором так называемого Руссендиско — самой веселой дискотеки Берлина. Свои озорные рассказы, живописующие жизнь бывших российских граждан в Германии, Каминер пишет на немецком языке.