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Bujold Lois - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 26—50 из 52.
  • Inmunidad diplom?tica
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Miles y su esposa Ekaterin regresan de un viaje de luna de miel largamente postergado. En casa les espera el nacimiento de sus dos primeros hijos (desarrollados como es contumbre, en un utero artificial, pero el nuevo y flamante Auditor Imperial recibe un mensaje del Emperador Gregor Vorbarra: una flota de Barrayar ha sido detenida en la Estaci?n Graf, un miembro de la escolta ha desaparecido, ha sido asesinado o ha desaparecido, y el conflicto diplomatico no ha hecho m?s que empezar. Miles debe interrumpir su regreso, acudir a la estaci?n Graf: el mundo de los ...

  • Irresistible Forces
  • Жанр: Любовная фантастика
  • New York Times bestselling authors Mary Jo Putney, Jo Beverley, and Lois McMaster Bujold join forces with award-winning authors Catherine Asaro, Jennifer Roberson, and Deb Stover in this all-new anthology of original stories proving that love can conquer all…even the boundaries of time and space.From sixteenth-century Britain to the farthest reaches of outer space, from medieval adventures to tales of inter-galactic love, here is a compilation that explores the wonderfully kinetic forces that lovers share-forces too great to resist…

  • L’ombra della maledizione
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Da una grande maestra della narrativa fantastica, pi? volte vincitrice del premio Hugo, un potente racconto di mistero, magia e tradimento. Il destino di un cavaliere, della sua stirpe e di un regno tormentato. Provato nel corpo e nello spirito da una lunghissima prigionia, il comandante Lupe dy Cazaril ritorna nel regno di Chalion, in cui aveva servito come paggio, e viene nominato tutore di Royesse, bella e intelligente sorella dell’erede al trono. Ma quell’occasione di riscatto si trasforma presto in un incubo, poich? Cazaril scopre che a corte proprio quegli uomini che lo hanno tradito ora occupano posti di grande potere. E scopre soprattutto che l’intera stirpe di Chalion ? gravata da una terribile maledizione, che non pu? essere annullata se non con la magia pi? nera…

  • La spia dei Dendarii
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • La popolazione esclusivamente maschile che vive sul pianeta Athos rischia l’estinzione: dopo due secoli dal primo insediamento, infatti, le colture di cellule femminili necessarie ad assicurare la continuit? della riproduzione in laboratorio stanno perdendo vitalit?. L’unica speranza ? rappresentata dal dottar Ethan Urquhart, inviato sulla stazione spaziale di Kline per trovare una cura. Ethan per? non ? preparato a incontrare sconosciute creature aliene… come Elli Quinn, che lo terrorizza per il semplice fatto che ? una donna. Ma Elli ? anche una mercenaria dendarii in missione segreta, che da subito mostra uno spiccato interesse per i problemi di Athos. Perch? un complesso intrigo ? gi? in moto, pronto a inghiottire nelle sue spire l’ingenuo Ethan, depositario inconsapevole di un segreto di cui Cetaganda vuole impadronirsi a ogni costo…

  • Legacy
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Fawn Bluefield, the clever young farmer girl, and Dag Redwing Hickory, the seasoned Lakewalker soldier-sorcerer, have been married all of two hours when they depart her family's farm for Dag's home at Hickory Lake Camp. Having gained a hesitant acceptance from Fawn's family for their unlikely marriage, the couple hopes to find a similar reception among Dag's Lakewalker kin. But their arrival is met with prejudice and suspicion, setting many in the camp against them, including Dag's own mother and brother. A faction of Hickory Lake Camp, denying the literal bond between Dag and Fawn, woven in blood in ...

  • Los cuervos del Zangre
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Despu?s de dos a?os encadenado a un remo en una galera roknari, Lupe de Cazaril, noble de sangre, regresa a su casa en Chalion como un hombre humilde y an?nimo, cruelmente marcado por el l?tigo y las penurias. Sin tierras, con los honores adquiridos en batalla y los viejos rencores casi olvidados, ahora s?lo aspira a servir en el mismo castillo en el que una vez fue paje. Sin embargo, los dioses de Chalion parecen haberle reservado otro destino.Tras convertirse en secretario y tutor de Iselle, la nieta de los se?ores ...

  • Lustrzany taniec
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • „Lustrzany taniec” stanowi szczeg?ln? cz??? sagi barrayarskiej. Powraca w niej Mark, klon-bli?niak Milesa Vorkosigana/Naismitha, kt?ry podaj?c si? za dow?dc? Najemnej Floty Dendarii, przeprowadza szale?cz? akcj? desantow? w Obszarze Jacksona — cz??ci wszech?wiata, gdzie in?ynieria genetyczna rozwija si? bez ?adnych ogranicze?. Niestety, ponosi kl?sk? i z pomoc? musi mu pospieszy? prawdziwy admira? Naismith. Podczas odwrotu Miles zostaje zabity, ale jego ?mier? daje pocz?tek lawinie wydarze? i zaskakuj?cych zwrot?w akcji. Przed Markiem stoj? nowe nieoczekiwane zadania, kt?rym musi sprosta?. Czy przyjaciele Milesa mu pomog?? Jak przyjmie go Barrayar? Czy ma szans? odci?? si? od mrocznej przesz?o?ci i przeistoczy? z genetycznej repliki Milesa w cz?owieka?

  • Mirror Dance
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Not everyone would envy young Lord Miles Naismith Vorkosigan, even though he had formed his own mercenary fleet before attending the naval academy, and even though his mother was the beautiful Cordelia, the ship captain who has taught the Lords of Barrayar much about the perils of sexism. Even the fact that Miles is the third in line to the throne and personally owns a major chunk of his home planet would not tempt any normal person to change places with him.When assassins came to rid the world of his father, his mother, pregnant with Miles, was in the line of fire, and Miles was but an egg for the omelet in an all too literal sense. Thanks to heroic medical intervention, Miles survived his near fatal brush with war gas—as a pain-filled dwarf with bones as weak and brittle as some malign composite of chalk and glass. Miles is often mistaken for a mutant by his mutant-loathing countrymen.

  • Paladin der Seelen
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Drei Jahre sind in Chalion vergangen, seit K?niginwitwe Ista dy Boacia vom Fluch des Wahnsinns befreit wurde, der sie auf dem Stammsitz ihrer Familie gefangen hielt. Doch ihre neu entdeckte Freiheit ist nicht unbeschwert. Ehemann, Eltern und Sohn sind gestorben, und die Tochter lebt meilenweit entfernt am K?nigshof zu Cardegoss. Somit bleibt Ista allein mit ihren Schuldgef?hlen und Geheimnissen — denn sie wei?, was ihr Land an den Rand des Abgrunds f?hrte! Auf der Suche nach Absolution tritt Ista eine Pilgerfahrt an, den G?ttern zur Bu?e und Abbitte. Aber auf sie wartet eine neue Gefahr, die gr??er ist, als sie ahnen kann: Erneut wird Chalion bedroht, und diesmal von einem heimt?ckischen B?sen, das nur Ista aufzuhalten vermag…

  • Passage
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Young Fawn Bluefield and soldier-sorcerer Dag Redwing Hickory have survived magical dangers and found, in each other, love and loyalty. But even their strength and passion cannot overcome the bigotry of their own kin, and so, leaving behind all they have known, the couple sets off to find fresh solutions to the perilous split between their peoples. But they will not journey alone. Along the way they acquire comrades, starting with Fawn's irrepressible brother Whit, whose future on the Bluefield family farm seems as hopeless as Fawn's once did. Planning to seek passage on a riverboat heading to ...