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Clement Hal - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 26—43 из 43.
  • Noise
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Hal Clement, the dean of hard science fiction, has written a new planetary adventure in the tradition of his classic . It is the kind of story that made his reputation as a meticulous designer of otherworldly settings that are utterly convincing because they are constructed from the ground up using established principles of orbital mechanics, geology, chemistry, biology, and other sciences.Kainui is one of a pair of double planets circling a pair of binary stars. Mike Hoani has come there to study the language of the colonists, to analyze its evolution in the years since settlement. But ...

  • Pianeta di ghiaccio
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Per la famiglia Wind, i monti dell'Ovest americano sono un ambiente di vita ideale e una fonte di benessere, dopo che babbo Wind ha scoperto la sua miniera d'oro segreta. Per i Sarriani, abituati a respirare zolfo volatile, il Pianeta di Ghiaccio ? uno dei tanti mondi inabitabili dell'universo. Perfino le loro navette automatiche inviate verso le pianure azzurre che formano gran parte del pianeta cessano subito le comunicazioni. Di parere diverso sono invece alcuni contrabbandieri che, dalla loro base su Mercurio, da quasi trent'anni ottengono dal Pianeta di Ghiaccio preziose quantit? di una potentissima droga allucinogena in cambio di ...

  • St?tzpunkt auf Dhrawn
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Die bereits aus Clements Roman ( — 1953) bekannten Meskliniten erforschen im Auftrag der Menschheit den Planeten Dhrawn, der sich durch seine vierzigfache Erdanziehung auszeichnet. Die sowohl f?r Menschen als auch Meskliniten lebensfeindlich Umwelt f?hrt immer wieder zu Ausf?llen der technischen Ausr?stung. Hinzu kommt ein gesundes Misstrauen des Forschungsteam gegen?ber den Menschen, das zur Folge hat, dass die Raupen?hnlichen Wesen unbemerkt einen eigenen Forschungsauftrag durchf?hren.Wie im Vorg?ngerroman dient die Physik des Extremen dazu, die mentalen Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede von Menschen und Meskliniten auszuloten. Dabei d?rfte es Clements naturwissenschaftlichem Studium zu verdanken sein, dass die Naturgesetze nicht ?ber den Haufen geschmissen werden, sondern gerade die Spannung des Buches ausmachen. Naturgem?? sind Fortsetzungen selten so gut wie das Original. Das trifft auch hier zu, aber lesenswert ist dieser zweite Band allemal.

  • Star Light
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Clement’s was the engaging tale of the adventures of Barlennan, a sea captain among his caterpillar-like people, on the high-gravity world of Mesklin. In Barlennan and his sailors go with humans to the even stranger world of Dhrawn, a “crusted star” of the type mentioned by Harlow Shapley. Dhrawn circles the feeble red star Lalande 21185, which actually exists (although the planet is fictionalized). Most of the book is the story of a huge landship crossing Dhrawn’s solid surface crewed by these nonhuman sailors, amidst bizarre dangers, and trying to keep Barlennan’s strange plan secret from humans. The characters, despite being mostly from Barlennan’s world, Mesklin, are well drawn and the setting is well realized. Readers bewildered by the melting and freezing of Dhrawn’s ammonia-water hydrosphere will do well to consult a phase diagram.Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1971.

  • Stella doppia 61 Cygni
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Nel 1942, l’astronomo americano K. A. Strand annunciava che la stella doppia 61, nella costellazione del Cigno, aveva un satellite di massa planetaria, gravitante intorno al suo sole (una delle componenti il sistema binario 61 Cygni) in poco meno di cinque anni. La massa di questo pianeta extrasolare era stata calcolata dallo Strand circa 16 volte superiore alla massa di Giove. Sebbene nei mesi successivi fossero fatte altre segnalazioni di corpi planetari gravitanti intorno ad altri Soli (per esempio il satellite della stella 70 Ophiuchi, con una massa 10 volte superiore alla massa di Giove, e il satellite di Proxima Centauri, la stella a ...

  • Still River
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma ...Enigma 88, a tiny planet in the orbit of Arc, is a world with so little mass that it should have no atmosphere. But it does—and to find out why is the final study assignment that will earn five students, each the best of their species, their prestigious Respected Opinion degrees.But from the moment they arrive on Enigma, none of their careful calculations seem to fit; on the surface, the riddle seems insoluble. And when one of their wind robots disappears surface, closely followed by the Human, Molly, they find the mystery is indeed inside Enigma. For the vast subterranean network of caves and tunnels Molly tumbles into supports a rich profusion of life-life that can’t possibly exist ...

  • The Nitrogen Fix
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • is a 1980 science fiction novel by Hal Clement. The plot revolves around a nomadic family in a future where all oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere has combined with nitrogen, so the atmosphere is mostly nitrogen with traces of water, nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide, and the seas are very dilute nitric acid.The family is allied with an alien, an octopus-like being who can survive in the new atmosphere. Humans must live in shelters with oxygen-generating plants, or use suitable breathing equipment. Some of Earth's original life forms have mutated to survive in the changed atmosphere. Since almost ...

  • Uguns cikls
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • M?sdienu zin?tnei piln?gi nekas nav zin?ms par to, vai Sieti?a zvaigznei Alkionei ir plan?tu sist?ma. Klements pie?em, ka ir. Ta?u Alkione ir dubultzvaigzne, un zin?tniekiem ir skaidrs, ka plan?tu orb?tas ap dubultzvaigzn?m nevar b?t stabilas un dz?v?ba uz t?m nav iesp?jama. Tom?r Klements uz ??das plan?tas nometina sapr?t?gas dz?v?s b?tnes un «Uguns cikl?» izvirza piln?gi neticamu, tom?r konsekventu un, ?emot v?r? m?su pa?reiz?jo zin??anu l?meni, neapg??amu hipot?zi, kura izskaidro gan pa?u plan?tu eksistenci Alkiones sist?m?, gan dz?v?bas es?bu uz vienas no ??m plan?t?m. V?rdu sakot, Klements pats rada piln?gi fantastisku pasauli, tom?r izskaidro to no stingri zin?tnisk?m poz?cij?m. Vide, kur? notiek vi?a rom?nu darb?ba, ir autora izdom?ta un populariz? zin??anas nevis tie?i, bet ar vi?a pa?a izveidot?s aizraujo??s hipot?z?s starpniec?bu.