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Turtledove Harry - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 26—50 из 87.

  • Hammer And Anvil
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Videssos was beset by enemies. A pretender held the throne--a despot who cared little that barbarian hordes and rival realms carved away at his empire, so long as the wealth and booty of the land satisfied his unbridled appetites.Few stood against him. And those few soon found their heads on pikes.Only one name held hope for freedom: Maniakes. And from his exile on the very edge of the civilized world, young Maniakes took up the challenge, rallied his forces, and sailed off to topple the tyrant.But the tyrant would use every means at his disposal--fair or most hideously foul--to destroy the crusading upstart. And even if Maniakes could stay alive, he would still have to pull together a battered, divided land as well as fend off a host of enemies--and thwart the former friend who had become his empire's most deadly foe!

  • Homeward Bound
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • With his epic novels of alternate history, Harry Turtledove shares a stunning vision of what might have been—and what might still be—if one moment in history were changed. In the WorldWar and Colonization series, an ancient, highly advanced alien species found itself locked in a bitter struggle with a distant, rebellious planet—Earth. For those defending the Earth, this all-out war for survival supercharged human technology, made friends of foes, and turned allies into bitter enemies. For the aliens known as the Race, the conflict has yielded dire consequences. Mankind has developed nuclear technology years ahead of ...

  • In the Balance
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • War seethed across the planet. Machines soared through the air, churned through the seas, crawled across the surface, pushing ever forward, carrying death. Earth was engaged in a titanic struggle. Germany, Russia, France, China, Japan: the maps were changing day by day. The hostilities spread in ever-widening ripples of destruction: Britain, Italy, Africa… the fate of the world hung in the balance. Then the real enemy came. Out of the dark of night, out of the soft glow of dawn, out of the clear blue sky came an invasion force the likes of which Earth had never known-and worldwar ...

  • Legion Videssos
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Imperium szykuje si? do wojny z Yezd, ale pojawia si? nowe zagro?enie — bunt ksi?cia Draxa i jego wojsk. Zdrada najemnik?w doprowadza Videssos na skraj katastrofy i tylko talent dow?dczy Marcusa Scaurusa i zr?czna dyplomacja jego sprzymierze?ca zamieniaj? kl?sk? w zwyci?stwo. Jednak Imperium Videssos w dalszym ci?gu czeka walka z Yezd, Do odleg?ej krainy pot??nych koczownik?w wyrusza poselstwo, kt?re ma pozyska? ich pomoc. Jego droga naje?ona jest niebezpiecze?stwami, o sojusz z koczownikami stara si? r?wnie? Yezd…

  • Marching Through Peachtree
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • After King Avram, new ruler of Detina, frees the blond serfs upon which the northern part of the kingdom relies, civil war erupts, with Avram's cousin, Geoffrey, as commander of the rebels. The armies of the divided country face each other in the embattled province of eager to claim the strategically vital city of Marthasville. Turtledove's sequel to Sentry Peak continues his fanciful retelling of the Civil War as a fantasy struggle involving swords and sorcery. American history buffs should enjoy figuring out the real-world parallels in the colorful cast of characters.