Kathy Andrews
Meet my hot mom
Donna Kirby was not sure the idea was good, allowing Kathy to stay with them.
For one thing, Kathy was quite young and, for another thing, she seemed to have run away from home. It was the third reason that bothered her most: Kathy seemed to be very seductive.
It was in her blue eyes, on her exquisite face, even in her posture. The first time Donna saw the girl, which was the day before, she had seen something in those wide, not-so-innocent eyes. Despite the youth of the girl, those eyes were hot. They literally steamed with an inner eroticism that was bold, blatant.
There was something about Kathy's eyes that told Donna she was actually boiling with sexual heat. Some girls have it and some don't, but Donna thought Kathy had more than her share. Erotic desire seemed to ooze from the girl, seemed to envelop her with a sort of scent that drew boys like magnets. There was an aura of sexuality that clung to Kathy that radiated outward.
Kathy was small, quite small for her age, yet she was beautifully shaped, with small, tight tits that were capped with twin nipples. She had an exciting little ass, twin bubbles of firm flesh which writhed inside the tightness of her jeans as she walked. And Kathy did not seem to be concerned that the crotch of those jeans molded and outlined the puffiness of her cunt.
Kathy had arrived in tow, with her son, Bobby, wearing those tight jeans and a T-shirt, and very little else. She had no luggage, no change of clothing, nothing. She had not been wearing a bra, and her nipples were bold against the T-shirt.
The story had been plausible; the girl had no home and no place to go. When Donna questioned Kathy, the girl said she had left her foster home two weeks previous after a beating by her foster mother. She had no parents, she explained, and the only homes she had ever known were foster homes. Kathy had told Donna she never had any choice in where she was sent, but everyplace she lived people used her, were cruel to her, made her do all the work.
Bobby had found Kathy inside an old crumbling abandoned warehouse and had brought her home with him. Donna could not blame her son; he was always bringing home stray animals. And that was what Kathy reminded Donna of a stray kitten.
If Kathy's story were true, then Donna would help the little girl all she could. But if it weren't, then she would have to locate her parents and return the girl to her home.
Donna sat at the kitchen table, drinking coffee, thinking about the night before. It was close to noon, and her son, with Kathy, was in the back yard.
Kathy had been filthy from sleeping in the abandoned warehouse, and Donna insisted she bathe. Kathy did not argue the matter and eagerly jumped into the tub of scented bubbles, cooing with pleasure. Donna sat on the toilet, still talking to the girl. Kathy was not in the least embarrassed to undress before Donna, and, when she pulled her T-shirt over her head, Donna was amazed at the beauty of those small tits. The flesh looked like satin. The small nipples were pale pink, and they were rigid. Donna was surprised at her feelings as she watched the girl open her jeans and wiggled her hips from them.
Before Kathy slipped into the tub, she stood straight, her arms up and fluffed her dark blonde hair for a moment. Donna looked at the naked girl, seeing the small waist, the dimple of her belly button, and, below, the promise of a thick bush of cunt hair. Kathy's thighs were long, shapely, yet not fully filled out.
When Kathy turned her back to step into the fragrant water, Donna looked upon the sweetest, tightest little ass she had ever seen.
Donna had never been attracted to another girl in a sexual way, she felt something strange pulling at her. She felt the desire to touch Kathy, to fondle those succulent little tits and caress the creamy tight ass, to stroke those smooth thighs, to hold that sugary cunt.
She continued to sit and watch Kathy while the girl soaped herself, then used a thick, soft cloth to scrub at her arms and legs. Kathy lifted her legs, one at a time, from the tub, teasingly, to wash them. Then, with her gaze on Donna, she handed her the cloth. For a moment Donna almost refused, then she took it and dropped to her knees beside the tub and began to wash Kathy's back. She could not understand the tingling heat that, seemed to burn at her hand when she touched Kathy's flesh. She trembled slightly, but Kathy didn't appear to notice.
Then, on her own, Donna dried the girl as she stood up in the tub. Kathy wiggled and mewled as Donna roughly ran the towel over the skin.
Since Kathy could not possibly put those dirty jeans and T-shirt back on, Donna rummaged about in her closet for something to cover the girl with. None of her clothing would fit, of course, and she had to settle for an old faded man's shirt that Donna often wore during yard work.
Although the shirt was much too large, it had to do for the time being. It hung on Kathy the way an overly large nightgown would, the sleeves rolled up.
As Kathy joined Bobby in the living room, Donna took the soiled jeans and T-shirt to the washer and tossed them in, setting the machine.
When she returned to the living room, she saw Bobby and Kathy sitting on the floor, facing each other, some game board between them. Since it was not yet time for bed, Kathy picked up a magazine and sat on the couch to read a bit.
Kathy was facing her, and Donna almost choked when she saw the girl's pink cunt exposed under the shirt. She had not thought about panties, and now it was too late. Donna glanced at her son to see if he could see Kathy's cunt, too. Either he paid no attention or was trying not to peek. That fuzzy little cunt was like a beacon to Donna. Kathy's pussy drew her gaze time and again. She licked at her lips nervously, and once her gaze caught the attention of Kathy. For a moment, Kathy gazed steadily back at Donna, and the heat from the girl seemed to reach out for her. That unseen heat felt as if it lapped at Donna's cunt. There was a deep tingling in Donna's pussy, and her clitoris had suddenly became swollen and hard.
Before long, Donna called it a night. When she told Bobby and Kathy it was time for bed, she watched the girl stand, and, while gazing at Donna, Kathy brushed her hand over Bobby's head, then went to the extra bedroom without a word. When Bobby stood, Donna saw the lump in his pants and knew her son had a hard-on. So, she thought, Bobby had seen Kathy's cunt, too.
Now, drinking coffee, she wondered what to do about Kathy. She could not very well send her off. Where would she go? Back to the warehouse? That would be dangerous. She could call the authorities, if she knew which authorities to call. But, as she finished her coffee and rinsed her cup, Donna knew she would not contact anyone, not yet.
But, if she allowed Kathy to stay, the girl would need something to wear. Those jeans and that T-shirt would not do. Deciding, she called the boy and girl into the house.
"We're going shopping," she said. "You can come with us Bobby, if you want. Kathy has to have something to wear."
Bobby's eyes shined. "You're gonna let Kathy stay with us, Mom? She's gonna live with us?"
"For the time being," Donna replied.
She was not prepared for Kathy's reaction. Kathy gave a squeal and flung her arms about Donna's waist, hugging her tightly. Donna, surprised, put her arms about the small girl. Then she felt Kathy's face pressing into her tits, and the girl's breath was hot, searing at her nipples through the dress. Donna felt her nipples become stiff, and they tingled with a strange desire.
"Oh, Donna!" Kathy squealed, raising her face and looking up into Donna's eyes. "You won't be sorry. I promise you won't be sorry for letting me stay."
Bobby elected not to go, and she and Kathy drove to the shopping center. There, she had Kathy try on skirts and dresses, but when Kathy wanted jeans, Donna refused.
"You should look like a girl, Kathy," she said. "You look very lovely in those dresses. Now, underwear."
Donna allowed Kathy to select panties, and they bought a dozen, but Kathy outright refused bras. Donna wasn't bothered much by her refusal. After they loaded their purchases into the car, they shopped for various toilet articles, and, as Donna moved about rows, she was acutely conscious of the girl's hand brushing her hip more than was necessary. Kathy stood close to her, pressing against her as they selected what they wanted to buy. Donna could not understand the constant pulsation of her cunt, the wetness that soaked into the crotch of her panties, or the almost painful swell of her cunt.
It had been a long time since Donna had enjoyed a fuck, but not because she was a cold woman. On the contrary, she was more erotically minded than many women. She just did not like the hassle of meeting men, fending them off with their one-night-stand desires. Donna wanted to fuck, but she wanted a man on a permanent basis, not fucking in some sleazy motel room with someone different every time.