David Brown
Always horny wife
Amber walked into the lounge.
Setting down her shopping bags, she sat down at a table, went through her purse, and found her cigarettes and lighter. The human took her order and returned to the bar. Amber puffed on her cigarette, sat back in her chair, and waited for the barman to bring her drink.
Amber was a beautiful young girl. Her dark-brown hair spilled over her shoulders in one smooth, heavy sweep. It plunged downwards, stopping only a few inches short of her ass.
Her figure was fabulous. She had long, slender limbs and sharp features. Her breasts were round and firm. She had a tiny waist, narrow hips, and the legs of a model. Her miniskirt and sleeveless blouse accentuated her breasts, nipples and thighs.
The barman brought her drink.
Amber sipped it slowly. She told herself that she would have one more drink before she drove home.
"Mind if I join ya?"
Amber turned and saw a tall, dark-haired guy in his late twenties. He was good-looking, and he was dressed in a business suit. She shrugged and watched him as he sat down, facing her. His eyes roamed every square inch of her body. Amber didn't care; she was quite used to this.
"I don't think I've seen ya before," he said, smiling.
Amber turned, and stared out the window.
The young man eyed her curiously. This was one cold fish, he told himself. But she was gorgeous, and he wanted her. He decided that he would not yet give up.
"Ya busy tonight?"
Amber continued staring out the window. Sighing deeply, she nodded.
"How 'bout tomorrow night?" he asked.
Again she nodded.
The young man got up and looked down at her, frowning. He started to say something, but Amber turned and looked up at hint. "I'm married," she said.
"I'm sorry," he said, shaking his head. Then he turned and left the place.
"I'm sorry, too," Amber said under her breath. Then, sighing and finishing her drink, she got up, picked up her shopping bags, and left the room.
She thought about him as she drove home. Pity, she reflected sadly. He was certainly a good looking guy. He had a good body, too-broad shoulders, well-developed chest. He would probably be fantastic in bed. It was a shame she had had to turn him down.
Amber drove up the driveway to her house, picked up her bags, and entered the house through the kitchen. She set down the bags and began emptying the groceries onto the kitchen table. In twenty minutes, she had everything neatly stored away. Then she sat down at the table, lit a cigarette, and thought about the young man once again.
You could've swung it, baby, she told herself. Hal won't be back till tonight. You could've swung it. He could've followed you home, stayed two or three hours, and left an hour or two before Hal even got home.
No. She shook her head and killed her cigarette. Sighing, she got up and began to unbutton her blouse. Then she headed for the bathroom. She stripped naked, stepped into the shower, and turned on the spray. The cool water felt heavenly. She just stood there and let the cool water pour down on her for the next ten minutes.
Later, she turned off the water, stepped out of the shower, and dried herself off. Before she went into the bedroom, she brushed her teeth and her hair.
Afterwards, she entered the bedroom and threw herself on the bed. Lying on her back and squirming into a more comfortable position, she closed her eyes and began to drift to sleep.
Then the doorbell rang.
Jesus Christ! she thought angrily, getting up and putting on a bathrobe. Can't even lie down without some asshole comin' to the door…
She opened the door and watched him as he smiled at her bathrobe.
"Couldn't resist the urge," he explained. "Just had to follow ya home."
She just looked at him and fought down the urge to smile and pull him inside. "I told you I was married," she said.
"I know."
"Well? Can't you take a hint?"
"I know a horny lady when I see her," he said, reaching into his pocket for his cigarettes.
He watched her breasts moving outwards.
"What's your name?" she asked.
"Johnny," he replied.
"Listen, Johnny," she said, crossing her arms over her breasts, "it's like I said before. I'm married. Like it or not…"
Amber never finished her statement. Without a word, Johnny wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. She resisted at first. Then she moaned and sighed deeply in his arms. His tongue entered her mouth. Amber sucked it deeply, rubbing his lips with her own.
Then they broke.
"Who the fuck…"
Again Amber never had the chance to finish her statement. Kissing her again, Johnny picked her up easily, brought her inside the house, and kicked the door shut. Then he carried her into the living room and laid her down on the couch.
"The bedroom's that way," said Amber, pointing.
Smiling, he picked her up again and carried her into the bedroom. He laid her down on the bed and opened her bathrobe. Her breasts were absolutely gorgeous. He covered them with his hands and kissed her passionately.
Her hands were fumbling with his belt and fly. He got up from the bed and undressed. Amber watched him. When he stepped out of his pants, she eyed his thick, ten-inch pole and licked her lips. "You're even bigger than I thought," she whispered fiercely.
He waited until she had shrugged out of the bathrobe. Then she squirmed on the bed. She lay on her back, her knees drawn up, her thighs parted.
Johnny eyed the moist, pink slit in wonder.
"Fuck me, for Chrissakes!" she whispered, breathing heavily and licking her lips.
He mounted her on the bed. She wrapped her legs around him and they kissed deeply, their tongues entering each other's mouths. He covered her left tit with his hand. It was hot and tight. The cherry nipple in its center grew in his palm, getting thicker and longer. Johnny squeezed it. Amber moaned softly and squirmed beneath him. Be felt her warm thighs rubbing against his legs.
Amber closed her eyes. She felt his hot breath on her tits. His tongue encircled her left nipple, then her right. His hands milked her books. She began writhing on the bed and panting.
Johnny sucked the left nipple eagerly, taking it deeply into his mouth and pumping it, his lips closing tightly around it. The brunette was breathing deeper. Her naked body moved deliciously against his own. He reached down and let his right hand rest on the soft mound of chestnut hair just above her wet gash. Amber moaned sensuously. She gasped his hand and moved it down, covering her wet match. Johnny felt the warm juice gathering on his fingers. He nabbed the hot lips of her pussy. Amber rotated her hips and moved her gash against him.
Kneeling between her spread thighs, he lifted her legs and pushed them down on her tits. Then he licked his lips and buried his face in her wet crotch. Anther gasped, struggling and wriggling beneath him. She found it difficult to breathe. Her tits were mashed against her chest. Her legs were on fire. She felt her head spinning.
Johnny licked and stroked the wet cunt, massaging the creamy pussy lips and pumping the soggy hole with his thumb. Her moans were growing louder. She moved against him so that her cunt was rubbing his face. He smiled, tasting the sweet jism that was dripping out of her honey hole. This was rat gash, he told himself. Then he realized that his coming here was no mistake.
For the next ten minutes, Johnny fingered, prodded, and sucked Amber's swollen pussy. The brunette smiled and closed her eyes. She panted and let hint do what he wanted. She felt his fingers rubbing her hole, squeezing her red clit, pumping her cunt, fingering her creamy asshole. Amber wriggled her snatch against him and wet his mouth with pussy milk.
Johnny suddenly got up and reversed his position on the bed. Amber looked up and saw him straddling her head. The thick, red dong was pointed directly at her. She giggled and waited for him to lower himself. When he did, she reached up mid, with both hands, gasped the warm hunk of juicy flesh and pulled, drawing it deeply into her mouth and throat. Johnny cloned his eyes and shivered. Rating on his elbows, he enjoyed the girl's hot breath on his cock and balls. He lay still and waited until she had completely saturated his prick with saliva. Then he lowered bin face between her naked thighs and pressed his mouth against her swollen pussy hole.
Amber's sensuous lips and tongue covered every square inch of Johnny's thick pork. Her lips rubbed against him, and he stirred, pushing his cock deeply into her mouth. Amber rubbed his balls vigorously and tried to swallow them also. Johnny began raising and lowering himself on her. She fucked his cock eagerly, letting him pull out and then sucking him deeply into her throat.