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Cox Marvin » Shackled sister - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно

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Marvin Cox
Shackled sister


   Debby Morgan crossed her legs and felt the silky material of her panties stick to her cunt opening. The creamy cunt juices had been steaming from her pussy ever since she'd walked into the bar and seen all those men.
   In a way, she felt like a virgin again, wondering what their cocks looked like, how it would feel having them fucking her pussy.
   The thought made her hand tremble, causing her to spill her drink. And although the bar was dense with laughing and talking people, the bartender immediately took her glass and refilled it. As he wiped the spilled fluid with a damp cloth, he looked at her again, undressing her with his eyes.
   She had perfect tits, firm and ripe, just made for sucking. And he knew that behind the pale green material of her blouse, those pointed nipples would be pink and rubbery, like twin cuts. He could almost feel them throb across the roof of his mouth.
   The fact that she seemed nervous only added to her sensuality. Most of the women who came in here were loud, brassy and so damned cocksure, he felt like slapping the shit out of them.
   Debby thanked the man and gazed down at her drink, feeling her heart skip a beat. She wished her brother and his date would hurry. She hated being alone in a crowd of strangers.
   "You've never been in here before," the bartender said, still wiping at the bar, "or I would have noticed."
   "No," Debby said softly, her words barely audible over the loud music of the country-western band, "I haven't."
   The man continued to study her features. She was tall. He liked that in a woman. And he'd bet dollars to doughnuts that her pussy was covered with hair the same color that swept about her oval-shaped face. Blonde as corn silk, and just as soft.
   He'd really like to slip his cock through that patch of cunt hair and have her tits pressed against his chest. To feel her warm, writhing body beneath his, her pink mouth locked on his.
   "You meeting someone here?" he asked, ignoring a call at the end of the bar.
   "Yes, my brother and his date," Debby answered, taking a sip of her drink. She glanced up at the mirrored clock. "They're late."
   "Want to get together after I close up?" the man asked.
   "Sure," Debby answered, wondering where she'd gotten the courage.
   She hadn't gone out with anyone since her divorce about a year ago. For one thing, Robert had temporarily made her mistrust all men, and besides, nursing school had taken up every waking moment.
   She felt her pussy getting wet with growing excitement. She liked the man and the capable looking hands he had. She wondered how they would feel, digging into the soft flesh of her tits, holding her tighter and tighter.
   She gulped down her drink, feeling the liquor sting her throat. For some reason, she felt guilty, almost as if she were being faithful. But that was Robert's doing, she realized. Although he ran around with anything that had a fuckhole, he would get furious if she even looked at another man. He had even been jealous of her own brother, for God's sake!
   Another two drinks, however, made her more relaxed, even a little drunk. She chatted away happily with the bartender when he had time, and learned that his name was Randy. And not only was he handsome in a rugged, outdoorsy way, but he was intelligent and witty.
   She watched his cat-like moves, and when he wasn't looking, let her eyes trail over his body. He had the tightest, cutest ass she'd ever seen. She couldn't wait to have it over her, to feel his taut ass muscles with her fingers, and to press him firmly down on her cunt.
   Oddly enough, he looked a little like Robert. A shock of blue-black hair framed his face and he seemed to be all angles. His eyes were almost black. She wondered if the rest of him would look like her former husband.
   Mainly, his cock. Thick and juicy and…
   "Mmmmmmmmm," she whispered, feeling the insides of her pussy churn.
   "You say something?" Randy asked. "Another drink?"
   Debby was about answer yes, but was interrupted when a lumbering giant of a man squeezed in beside her. And to her horror, she felt his rough hand on her ass.
   "Hey, baby, let's me and you get outta this joint and fuck our eyes out," he said in a deep voice.
   Debby whirled around and shot the man a look full of loathing. He was one of those bikers she'd noticed when she'd first come in the place. They had stood out like a sore thumb in the mass of people dressed in jeans and cowboy hats. This one was the meanest looking one of the lot, which was really saying something.
   She was overcome with rage. Without thinking, she flung the rest of her drink in his face. The ice cubes popped off his forehead and hit the bar with a tinkle. A stream of amber colored fluid ran down his face.
   At first, Debby thought he was going to hit her or grab her around the throat and choke her to death. She had never seen such hatred in a man's face before.
   To her surprise, however, his features softened and he gave her a vampire-like smile.
   "Sorry," he said, "I guess I read you wrong."
   "You sure as hell did," Debby answered, her voice brittle.
   After the man left her side, she looked in the reflection of the mirror behind the bar and saw him return to his table, then leave with his friends. They glanced back at her, and for some reason she couldn't understand, nodded.
   "Nasty bunch," Randy said. "I'm glad you took care of it. I don't think I could have taken on all six of them. Let me get you another drink."
   About an hour later, Debby had forgotten all about the incident. She had other things to think about. Like what was going to happen between her and Randy in a few minutes. Her pussy was quivering, oozing warm cunt juice into her cunt hairs. And with each drink, she became more excited, savoring the delicious torture of waiting.
   "Just about finished," Randy said, wiping down the bar. "Five, ten more minutes."
   "I'll wait in my car," Debby said, rising. She needed some fresh air. "It's the blue Pontiac."
   "Sure thing," Randy replied, moving to the cash register and emptying it. "We're gonna have a good time."
   Oh yes, we will, Debby thought as she left the bar and headed for her car. I can almost see it now. His big, thick cock sliding in and out of my pussy, then the sensation of being filled with his boiling cum. And after he'd fucked her, she would nestle between his powerful thighs and suck his prick into her throat and… A pair of hands clutched her throat as she opened the car door. Instantly, other hands were on her, forcing her inside. She was thrown over the seat, and before she could realize what was happening, the car jerked forward.
   "It's me, baby," the deep voice boomed at her. It was the voice of the man who had approached her at the bar.
   "Where do you want to fuck her, Tony?" the driver said. "At the house?"
   "Naw, right here," Tony laughed, pushing Debby down on the back seat. "OK, bitch, spread those sweet thighs and get ready for a hard fucking."
   Debby couldn't remember being so terrified. A million disjointed thoughts crashed inside her mind. It couldn't be happening! It was a nightmare.
   But it was happening.
   Instead of a wonderful evening with Randy, she was going to be raped by this vile biker. And in the back seat of her own car!
   "Don't… please don't," she begged, clawing at his leather jacket. "You're hurting me."
   "Shut up, whore," Tony grunted, then locked his lips firmly around her mouth. He jabbed his tongue inside, then curled the tip of it over the roof of her mouth. "Mmmmmmm sweet piece."
   Debby thought she was going to vomit. He smelled of oil and gasoline, his hair – a dirty blond – was dank with sweat. The look in his eye, however, made her gulp, down the rumblings in her stomach. He looked like he was going to kill her. Pure fear made her shiver.
   "Pull my cock out and stick it in your cunt for me," Tony said, grabbing her wrists. "You gonna do that, baby? Stuff my prick in your pussy for me?"
   "You bastard!" Debby screamed out, rage and humiliation sweeping over her. "You filthy… pig… you… you…"
   Her words became a shriek of pain when he hit her across the face with the back of his hand. Instantly, his other hand was on her throat.
   "Don't want to fuck, huh?" Tony said, throwing her to the floorboard between his knees. "Then I guess you'll just have to suck!"
   Debby watched with growing horror and revulsion as he yanked his rock-hard prick out of his greasy jeans. It looked like some evil shake, a ten-inch mass of throbbing prick muscle. His cock was pressed roughly against her lips, and then she felt the pressure of his hand behind her head.
   "All the way down… like a good girl," Tony said, thrusting his hips upward.