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Cox Marvin » The brother teasers - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно

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Marvin Cox
The brother teasers


   "You mean to tell me you've never sucked a cock before?" Wendy asked, looking at Robin with disbelief.
   Robin looked at her cousin and felt like crying. Wendy had spent the summer in Europe, and it seemed in only three short months, she had become a woman. Although they were both eighteen, Wendy's curves and voluptuousness was more than evident. Robin felt like a child.
   "I've… I've… never done anything," Robin answered, looking down.
   "You mean… you're a virgin?" Wendy gasped, looking at her cousin with a squint.
   Robin felt immediately on the defensive. "Well, it's not as if I have rabies, or anything," she said.
   Wendy laughed out loud, throwing her head back in what she hoped would appear to be very continental. "You poor child!" she said a few seconds later.
   Robin felt angry at both herself and her cousin. What had she done all summer while her cousin was living it up in Europe? Swimming, tennis, the movies, looking at boys…
   "Christ Almighty, Robin," Wendy began, suddenly ashamed of herself for putting her cousin on the spot, "you have two brothers!"
   "What has that got to do with it?" Robin asked innocently.
   "Ask either one of them," Wendy explained patiently. "I'm sure one of them would pop your cherry for you."
   Robin was horrified. Too horrified, in fact, even to answer. Fortunately, a car horn sounded, and Wendy jumped up and ran to the window.
   "It's my folks!" she said. "I have to go. See you tomorrow!"
   "Bye," Robin said absently, watching her cousin dash out the door. Then to herself, she said, "My brothers?"
   "Anybody home?" the deep voice called out from downstairs.
   Before Robin could answer, she heard a girl laughing and then a soft smacking sound.
   "Good, we're alone," her brother Paul said to the girl. "Come on up to my room sweetheart, you can sit on my lap and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up!"
   The girl almost collapsed with laughter, the remark was so funny. All of a sudden Robin hated that girl, and for absolutely no reason!
   Oh yes, there is a reason, she said to herself. My brother – knowing him – is going to… well, fuck her. And I… I wish it could be me!
   Not daring to make a sound, Robin heard her brother and a girl climb the stairs and walk down the hall. She heard more laughter, then silence. Gathering all her courage, she slipped out of her room and crept down the hall. She could almost hear her heart beat as she peered through the crack in the door.
   What she saw almost made her cry out. A dark-haired girl was lying on Paul's bed, her legs spread as wide as possible. Between them, her brother was pumping his tight, hairy ass up and down, slapping his enormous cock savagely into her cunt!
   "Oh Paul, your dick feels so good inside me!" the girl whispered, licking her tongue over Paul's lips. "Don't ever stop fucking me!"
   "You like it?" Paul grunted. "You like a big dick?"
   "Oh God, yes!" the girl spluttered.
   Robin watched with raw fascination. Never before had she dreamed anything could be more beautiful, more sensual. A shiver of excitement raced into her pussy. She inched her face closer, to get a better view.
   She didn't believe a man could be so handsome. Before now, her eighteen-year-old brother was just another person who had kidded her, given her piggy-back rides, taken her to school. But now, he was a dark, masculine bull! His thick shoulders glistening with sweat, his massive, muscular legs, his tight, little ass, and God, that fantastic, huge cock!
   Robin felt a pang of hunger stab into the back of her throat. What was it Wendy had asked? "You've never sucked a cock?" she had asked. Suddenly she could imagine her cousin's amazement. At this moment, she wanted nothing more than having that big, slick cock digging into her throat! Then, having it rammed into her pussy!
   "Oh Gina, your cunt is so fucking tight!" Paul said. "As tight and hot as your mouth!"
   So that was her name. Gina. Well, Gina, you don't know how lucky you are, Robin thought. My brother is the best looking stud I've ever seen. And you have him! God, I wish I did!
   She dropped her hand to her crotch and pressed her fingertips against the mound of her pussy. Even through the material of her jeans, she felt a surge of hot passion smack into her guts. She had to bite her lip to keep from crying out.
   "Okay, baby, you do a little work," Paul said to Gina. "Roll over on me and fuck my eyes out!"
   Robin watched the two perfect bodies reverse positions. Now Gina was on top, straddling Paul's waist. She dug her nails into Paul's muscular, sculptured chest and groaned.
   "You seem to be bigger this way!" she grunted. Paul's prick seemed big, but now that Robin could see it more clearly as Gina pumped her an up and down, it seemed like a baseball bat! Robin shuddered, wondering what it would feel like to have that monstrous slab of meat jamming into her cunt. It would probably rip me apart, she thought!
   Another shiver of rippling excitement jabbed into her pussy. She began running her fingers up and down, digging savagely against her throbbing clit, she raised her left hand and placed it against her lips. Closing her eyes and pretending, she thrust her middle finger into her mouth, sucking it like a cock. She moaned softly, and then startled, opened her eyes to see if she had been heard.
   Both Paul and Gina were so involved with fucking, it was doubtful they would have heard a bomb explode. They continued to grind and pump, gasping for air.
   Robin watched Gina reach around and grab Paul's thick, hairy balls. She began kneading and milking them, massaging them across her asscheeks.
   "Oh, I can feel your load of cum in your nuts!" she moaned. "They're so tight! Pump me full, you bastard!"
   "Not yet." Paul said, grabbing her tits with both hands. "I'm not through fucking!"
   There was so much to see, so much to remember, Robin didn't know what to watch. Her glance took in the thick, slippery shaft of cock that jammed in and out of Gina's tiny hole, and then she watched her brother eagerly pull the girl's tits into his mouth, biting and chewing on the rosy, hard nipples.
   She took her finger out of her mouth and ran her palm over her own tits. They weren't as large and ripe-looking as Gina's, but they were full and taut, pressing against her blouse. She squeezed the throbbing buds and felt a delicious stab of ecstasy flow into her body. She winced, giving a silent scream. Oh God, why can't I have a big cock in me too! she demanded to the world.
   "Paul, oh God, Paul fuck me!" Gina said. "Shove it in as hard as you can and… and… and… oh fucking god, fuck meeeee!"
   The intensity of the girl's yell startled Robin. She gaped at the girl with astonishment. Gina was frozen like a statue of a Greek Goddess, her face contorted in anguish. For a moment, Robin thought that Paul had ripped through her cunt and had killed her. But almost immediately, the girl began thrashing and writhing like a snake on a hot sidewalk.
   "More! Harder! More! Faster! Oh fuck, fuck me to death… fuck! Fuck!" Gina yelled, her body moving up and down so quickly she became a blur.
   Robin felt her own cunt explode with delicious spasms of release. She had to dig her knuckles into her mouth to keep from screaming just as Gina was. She bent over slightly, stroking her pussy with her other hand, feeling the juices in her slit ooze outward, wetting her jeans.
   What she saw next totally amazed her. Paul flipped Gina over with a quick, deft move, and grabbing her behind the knees, forced her thighs up against her breasts. Her little, creamy pussy and asshole were jutting off the bed by a good foot. Paul, without missing a stroke, began pounding into her guts like a crazed animal.
   "You want it, you'll get it," he whispered, chewing on her tits. "By God, you'll stay fucked after today!"
   He began ramming her so hard, her head smacked against the headboard. His balls slipped up and down her thighs, almost grinding into her shitter as he penetrated deeply into her cunt.
   Gina's eyes were glazed over, her mouth slack. A low growl of a moan escaped from her lips in a hiss as Paul slammed his full weight into her crotch. Robin didn't think it was possible to live through such a tremendous, brutal assault.
   "Oh God, don't ever stop!" Gina grunted, each word punctuated with a raspy moan. "Fuck me for a million years!"
   Robin turned her attention from Gina's face to Paul's ass. His tight ass cheeks bobbed back and forth with such speed and force, she could almost feel the thrusts from where she was standing. Then all at once, he too, froze, his body ribboned with the outlines of his taut muscles.
   "Oh shit, baby, take it!" he grunted, slamming upward, moving the girl up the bed with his power. "Take every fucking, hot drop in your guts!"