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Lindsey Davis
See Delphi and Die


   Marcus you must help me!'
   I am a private informer, a simple man. I was stunned by this dramatic plea. My silk-clad, scented mother-in-law rarely needed anything from me. Suddenly the noble Julia Justa sounded like one of my clients.
   All I wanted that evening was a better dinner than I could expect at home, where – not for the first time – I had made a bad mistake in buying a cook. Julia Justa had already enjoyed herself that night reviewing my dismal record in acquiring household slaves. In return for the dinner I would also have to put up with barbed comments about the failings of Helena and me as parents. Helena would retaliate, while her father and I grinned behind our hands until both women rounded on us, after which the slaves would carry in dessert and we would all fall on the quinces and figs…
   Family life. I knew where I stood with that. It was better than the old days, when I worked alone from a two-room doss where even the gecko had sneered at me. There, the women who had sought me out were two ranks and many degrees of politeness below my mother-in-law. Their pleas were dismal and they needed help for filthy reasons. What they offered in return went far beyond the grudging thanks I would expect here, though it rarely involved money.
   I'am, of course, at your disposal, dear Julia.'
   The senator grinned.. Not too busy at the moment?'
   Surprisingly quiet,' I told him.. I'm waiting for the normal rash of divorces when couples come back to Rome after the holidays.'
   Cynic, Marcus! What is the matter, mother?' Helena sized up a platter of fruit; she was looking for a piece to give to our elder daughter. Favonia, our youngest, was happy to spend half an hour sucking a single grape but little Julia, left to herself, would take a bite out of every peach and pear, then surreptitiously put each one back on the dish.
   Everything is the matter!'Julia Justa posed in a refined manner, yet
   several rows of pendant gold beads quivered among the fragrant folds of sage green silk on her bosom. Beside her on the couch, the senator moved away slightly, afraid that she might bruise him with an angry elbow.
   Helena now shot her father a brief glance as if she thought he was trouble-making. I enjoyed watching the interplay. Like most families, the Camilli had established myths about themselves. that the senator was constantly harassed and that his wife was allowed no influence at home, for example. The legend that their three children were a constant trial held most truth, although both Helena and her younger brother Justmus had settled down, with partners and offspring. Not that I made a reassuring husband.
   It was the elder son, Julia Justa's favourite, who had caused her current anguish.. I am devastated, Marcus! I thought Aulus was doing something sensible at last.'
   At twenty-seven, Aulus Camillus Aelianus was still a happy bachelor who had lost interest in entering the Senate. He was feckless and rootless. He spent too much; he drank; he stayed out late; he probably womamsed, though he had managed to keep that quiet. Worst of all, he sometimes worked for me. Being an informer was a rough trade for a senator's son; well Hades, it was rough for me, and I was slum-born. The Camilli were struggling socially; a scandal would finish them.
   He agreed to go to Athens!' his mother raved, while the rest of us listened. To everyone's surprise, attending university had been his own choice – the only hope of it working.. It was a solution. We sent him so he could study, to develop his mind, to mature.
   You cannot have heard from him already?' It was only a few weeks since we waved off Aulus on a ship for Greece. That was in August. His mother had fretted that it would be months before he bothered to write home; his father had joked that that would be as soon as the letters of credit ran out, when Aulus scribbled the traditional plea of. Safely arrived – Send more cash immediately!' The senator had warned him that there was no more cash; still, Aulus knew he was his mother's pet. He would write to Julia and she would work on Decimus.
   Now we learned that Aulus had let himself be sidetracked and, oddly for an intelligent fellow, he had owned up to his mama.. Marcus, the damn ship stopped at Olympia. Of course I don't mind Aulus visiting the sanctuary of Zeus, but he's up to something else entirely -'
   So what is the big draw? Apart from sun, sport, and avoiding serious study?'
   Don't tease me, Marcus.'
   I tried to remember whether they had held Olympic Games this year. Nero famously altered the centuries-old timing, so the mad emperor could compete in events during his tour of Greece. Unforgettable and embarrassing. a catalogue of pretending to be a herald, giving dreary recitals, and expecting to win everything, whether he was any good or not.
   I fancied the date had now been altered back. By my rapid calculation the next Games would be next August.. Relax, Julia. Aulus can't be wasting time as a spectator.'
   Julia Justa shuddered.. No; it's worse. Apparently he met a group of people and one of them had been horribly killed.'
   Oh?› I managed to keep my voice neutral, though Helena looked up from mopping juice from Favoma's white tunic.
   Well, Marcus,'Julia Justa said darkly, as if this was clearly my fault.. It is just the kind of situation you taught him to get excited about.' I tried to look innocent.. Aulus is suspicious because it is very well known that another young girl from Rome vanished at the last Olympic Games. And she was eventually found murdered too.'
   Aulus is trying to help these people?'
   It's not for him to involve himself-' I saw it all now. My task was to take over and steer young Aulus back on his way to university. The noble Julia was so eager to have him with his nose in a law scroll, she was ready to sell her jewellery.. I will pay your fare to Greece, Marcus. But you must agree to go and sort this out!'


   Taking orders from a subordinate is bad enough. Following up some lousy lead he has only bothered to pass on via his mother must be the billygoat's armpit. Even so, I did ask to read the letter.
   Later, safely back at home, Helena Justina poked me in the ribs.. Own up. You are fascinated.'
   Mildly curious.'
   Why did my ridiculous brother alert Mama?'
   Too lazy to write separately to us. He wants to know what the father has to say – the father of the first dead girl.'
   Had you heard about that?'
   Vaguely. It's the Caesius case.'
   So you are going to see the father? Can I come too?'
   Helena came with me.
   We knew in advance the interview would be sensitive.
   This was the situation- at the Olympic Games three years ago a young girl, travelling with a group of sightseers from Rome, went missing. Her distraught father tried to investigate; in fact, he had been doing so non-stop – far too long to nag on about it, the hard-hearted Roman public thought. He went out there and doggedly searched until he found the girl's remains. He tried to discover the circumstances of her death, then was soon making well-publicised claims that his child had been murdered. He had been agitating for answers ever since.
   Finding the girl's body annoyed the authorities; they had failed to investigate properly in the first place, so they resisted reopening the enquiry. Knowing the daughter was dead took Caesius no further. Eventually he ran out of time, money, and energy; he was forced to return home, case unproven. Still obsessed, he had managed to rake up some interest among the Forum gossips, which was why I had heard of him. Most people dismissed him as a man crazed by grief, an
   embarrassment. I had felt some sympathy. I knew how I would react if one of my girls ever went missing.
   We went early to his house It was a warm, clear Rome morning, on the way to a very hot noon. The hint of haze above the Capitol, as we rounded it into the Forum, would soon become a flagrant dazzle, too bright to look up at the new Temple of Jupiter with its golden roof and stinging white marble. Over the far end of the Forum hung a cloud of dust from the huge building site of the Flavian Amphitheatre, no longer just the biggest hole in the world, its walls were slowly rising in a fabulous travertine ellipse and at this hour it was the busiest area of activity. Everywhere else there were fewer crowds than usual. Anyone who could afford to leave town was away. Bored senators and bloated ex-slaves with multimillion businesses had been at the coast, in the hills, or by the lakes for a couple of months; they would not return until the lawcourts and schools reopened later in September. Even then, sensible ones would find excuses to delay.
   We kept to the shade as we crossed at the north end and made our way towards the Via Lata district.