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Fox Jane » Turned on cheerleaders - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно

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Jane Fox
Turned on cheerleaders


   Margie Walker had her blouse open even before Mike stopped the car. She reached out and pressed her hand against his cock and sighed lustily, "Come on, Mike. Love me up a little," she breathed sexily.
   Mike Wells tried to keep his stiffening cock under control as Margie thrust her titties out toward his face. Her little fingers were dancing over his cockshaft, almost making him forget why he was mad.
   "You should have gone home with Rick Elms," he muttered. "I bet you'd like to get your tits in Rick's mouth. The way you to were dancing, I'm surprised you didn't sneak off and fuck him in a dark corner."
   Margie sighed. She wasn't too worried about Mike's jealousy, but she wished he wouldn't pout like a kid every time she talked to someone else. She knew it was easy enough to pacify him if she got him horny enough, but it really put a crimp in her style to have him looking over her shoulder at all the school parties. Still, she didn't want to cut him loose yet. The State Basketball Tournament was coming and Mike was the big scorer on the team. There was a certain amount of prestige in being Mike's girl.
   "Come on, Mike," she whispered. "I was just kidding around. You know I'm your girl. I let you fuck me all the time, don't I?"
   Mike shivered even though it wasn't cold. He knew that he was going to give in. Margie's pussy was so sweet and hot that he couldn't hold out for long. Already his cock was jerking inside his pants, eager to slip into her tight, hot pussyhole.
   Margie's fingers slipped down his zipper with a practiced motion. Then her hand slipped inside and pulled out his stiff cock. She giggled when Mike groaned with passion.
   "Let's just forget about being mad, huh?" she suggested. "Besides, I've got a surprise for you tonight. I just know you're gonna love it."
   Mike felt his anger evaporate. He was sure the surprise had something to do with sex. Margie's surprises always did. "What is it?" he asked in a slightly mollified tone.
   "Just take your pants off and you'll find out," she giggled. "I've been thinking about it all night."
   Margie's hand pressed against his cock and jerked it up and down quickly. Mike started to pant as he slipped off his pants. He tried to figure out what the surprise was. It certainly wasn't fucking. They'd already done that lots of times and it was fantastic. It wasn't anything new, though.
   "Is it something new?" he asked, dropping his pants on the floor of the car.
   "It's something we've never done before," Margie said. "I just heard about it and it's supposed to be rat."
   Mike felt a sudden stab of jealousy. He wondered where she'd heard it. Margie loved to talk about sex. He hoped she'd been talking to one of her girlfriends and not Rick Elms.
   "Just lean back and shut your eyes," Margie purred. "Don't open them until I tell you to."
   Mike leaned back. He felt kind of silly but he didn't want to fight with Margie anymore. She might get mad at him and not let him fuck her. He knew how miserable that was. He'd gone home with a rock-ache a couple of times and it hurt like hell.
   "What are you going to do?" he asked. His legs started trembling as he felt her hands mow over his crotch. "Why can't I open my eyes?"
   "Just shut up, Mike," Margie hissed. "If you ask too many questions I won't do it at all. Just shut up and let me do it."
   Mike closed his mouth. He gasped as he felt something warm on his balls. It felt like she was breathing on him or something. It felt really weird and good too. It made his balls jump and his cock swelled up even harder and longer.
   "Mmmmmm," Margie groaned. "In just a second now, I'm going to give you your surprise."
   Suddenly Mike felt something incredibly hot on his shivering balls. It was hot and wet. At first he couldn't figure out what it was but then he knew. He gasped in excitement as Margie's hot tongue licked over his jerking nuts.
   "Jesus," he groaned. "Oh, Jesus that feels good."
   Margie giggled. "Just wait," she promised. "It gets better and better. Just keep your eyes closed and wait."
   Margie's tongue smoothed over his balls. It slipped underneath them and licked up and down, making Mike groan again. Then it swirled over his swelling balls again and started to move higher.
   "Ooooooh," Mike moaned. "Jesus Christ. Don't stop, Margie… that feels really super. That's the best thing I ever felt."
   Margie made a low pleased sound in her throat. She knew it would feel good. She had just learned how to do it tonight, but she sure didn't want Mike to know exactly where she'd learned it. Rick Elms had taught her right after the game while Mike was taking his shower with the rest of the team. Rick had promised to teach her all sorts of exciting things. She shivered a little. She was going to go out with Rick Elms even though she was Mike's girl. She'd have to sneak around to do it but it was worth it. Rick had promised to lick her pussy next time. And from what she'd heard from the girls at school, Rick Elms was a first-class pussy licker.
   Margie licked up a little farther on Mike's cock. She flicked her tongue all the way around the base of his jerking cockshaft and moved upward with slow, even laps. She sort of liked this. It was different from anything she'd ever felt before and it made her pussy quiver and cream, knowing she was getting Mike awfully excited. His cock was jumping and jerking so hard that she could hardly hold onto it.
   "Mmmmmm," she giggled. This was really fun. She could hardly wait until she reached the top. That was the best part. She could hardly wait to find out if Mike's cream tasted the same as Rick's. Rick's hot cockjuice had been so good she shivered just thinking about it. And when he had shot off down her throat it had made her whole body hot with desire.
   Margie licked around the ridge right below the swelling head of Mike's big cock. Then she opened her mouth wide and fucked her lips right down over the head, sucking in at the same time.
   "Aaaaaagh!" Mike yelped. "Jesus Christ! Oh, Margie… that's just fantastic. Oh, Jesus! I can't help it, honey. If you do that much more my cock's gonna blow in your mouth."
   Margie slipped her head off his cock. It made a popping noise as it slipped out from between her lips.
   "Can you get it hard again if I let you do it?" she asked. "I'll let you shoot in my mouth if you can get it hard again and fuck me."
   "Sure," Mike answered quickly. "Sure I can. Let me do it, honey. Pleeease?"
   Margie giggled sexily. It made her feel good when Mike begged like that. She was glad she'd learned how to cock-suck. She knew she could get Mike to do anything she wanted him to, if she promised to let him shoot off in her throat.
   "Alright," she giggled. "I'll let you do it this once. That's only because it's new. You can shoot in my mouth but you'd better get hard again afterwards. If you don't, I'm never going to do it again."
   Mike shuddered. "I promise," he moaned. "Come on, Margie… don't be mean. Do it again… pleeeease."
   Margie opened her mouth again. She licked her lips and then she lowered her head slowly. She fucked her mouth right down over his cock and except right on sucking in until the whole thing was buried in her throat.
   "Oooooh," Mike groaned. "Oh, Jesus! That's just super… oooooohh!"
   Margie felt his cock jerk again. It swelled up until it was half-way down her throat. She swallowed and sucked, running her tongue all over his stiff, jerking prick. She could tell that he was close to coming. Rick's cock had jerked that way too, just before he'd shot that blast of hot cockjuice down her throat.
   "Oooooh," Mike yelped. "I can't hold it any longer, honey. Here it comes! I'm gonna shoot! Oh, Jesus… my cock's gonna shoot right down your hot throat!"
   Margie shuddered. Her pussy was so hot she could hardly stand it. There was something about sucking cocks that made her terribly horny. She didn't know why it should happen that way but it did. After she had sucked Rick's cock she was so horny she had almost died until he got his cock hard again and fucked her. She didn't get nearly that hot with just regular fucking. Her hot little pussy just went out of control when she tasted thick rich cockcream spurting down her throat.
   Mike's legs were shaking so badly he felt the whole car jiggling. Margie's tongue was like a fire, licking over his cock. Her throat was like an incredibly hot pussy, sucking the cum right up out of his balls.
   "Oooh," he yelled. "Here it comes! My cock's gonna blow! Oh, Jesus… it's gonna blow!"
   Margie reached down and grabbed his balls. She squeezed a little and then she felt them swell up and start to pump. His cock jerked wildly and then a big gush of cockcream came blasting out of the hole in his cock.