Paul Gable
You_re in the navy now
Laurie Wooster stood hesitantly in the dark in front of the Naval Reserve Center in Long Beach, California. Her heart was beating so wildly she thought she would surely have an attack. Clutching her dark blue Sea Cadet uniform, the girl curled her toes in her shoes, feeling her unplowed cunt glowing, growing so hot and tingly she could hardly stand it.
It was late – nearly ten o'clock. Her mother thought she was out an a small frigate with the others on an indoctrination class. It was a silly program – women in the Navy, starting with high school possibilities. But Laurie thought it was a neat idea – until she met Lieutenant Barrington, who made her nipples pucker up against her white shirt while her pussy was doing such wonderful things, strange things. He had told her to stay back, to remain at the center while the others left. He would take care of it. Lieutenant Barrington was always a take-charge man, in charge of the large rambling naval complex and obviously in charge of the Sea Cadet program. The others were so excited they hardly even noticed Laurie standing back, slipping away from them on the pier and ambling slowly back to the large glass and brick building.
Now she and Lieutenant Barrington would be alone. What would he do to her? He had said little. But oh, oh, those eyes! How they had seared her soul, made her areolas wrinkle deliciously against her stiffened nipples while her clit glowed like a tiny flickering candle. She hated to think in terms like those. But Laurie couldn't deny what her body was doing to her. Her cunt sweated, juice trickling maddeningly through the frazzled tangle of her blonde pussy hairs while her labes began to swell and fold itchingly over one another. She could run, turn and rush to the officer of the day's shack and call her mother.
But Laurie screwed up her courage and marched up the broad concrete apron to the center. Yes, the front double glass door was open as he said it would be.
Laurie stopped, one hand fluttering to her throat as she fought for breath. She was feeling a little woozy, high with her own sexuality. And that tickling, burning itch was taking away her strength. No one had ever told her about the power of her own body, how it could do things like this. Delicious, hot flames licked like tongues up her long, white shivering thighs, and Laurie wondered what it would be like having Lieutenant Barrington holding her, pressing his mouth against her thighs, her cunt!
Laurie drove those thoughts from her mind. How could she even let them swirl about her? She was a decent girl, and besides, she didn't even know why he asked her to stay behind. Regaining some control over herself, Laurie walked through the darkened offices, passing rows of computers and typewriters until she entered a second large room filled with neat rows of Formica-topped tables.
There in the corner was Lieutenant Barrington, his blue jacket off, his strong body bent over the desk as he shuffled through a tall pile of papers. Laurie hesitated again, biting her pouty lower lip while she wrung her icy fingers against one another. No, she would go through with it. She would never be able to forgive herself if she left now.
"Uh, excuse me, sir. May I speak to you for a moment, Lieutenant Barrington?"
The tall, dark-haired naval officer raised his eyes from the papers and peered into the darkened doorway. Immediately he brightened, pushing the papers away and resting both large hands comfortably on his desk.
"Yes, Wooster. Come in. Have a seat. I was just finishing up some work here."
He seemed so nonchalant, so matter-of-fact. Perhaps she had read him wrong. Perhaps he would ask her why she was here. Oh, she would simply die if something like that came from his strong, sensuous mouth!
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt…" He held up one hand to stop her, smiling and revealing a double row of strong white teeth. Laurie looked down, shifting her feet and feeling a tongue of flame lick once more into her young, tight little cunt. Her clit was burning, tingling so maddeningly she thought she would surely faint if she didn't sit down right now.
Moving, feeling the slick, sexy rub of her cuntlips against one another, the young blonde teen sat in the black leather chair next to the lieutenant's desk. Her ass sank in comfortably, almost too comfortably Laurie thought, feeling delightful electric sensations rippling up and down her flesh. Somewhere in the big building she could hear the water pipes rattling. Laurie drew her knees together, feeling her cuntal flesh itching so maddeningly she wished she could touch it.
"So, we're going to have a… uh, little training session here, are we?"
"Are we?" she echoed, nearly jumping from her skin.
Laurie felt so dumb about things like this. Lots of girls did it – at least, they said they did. But she had only dreamed about fucking. Lieutenant Barrington was getting up from behind his desk, stretching his thick-muscled arms above his head, then slowly moving around the corner. Laurie sat stiffly. She felt like laughing and crying and screaming all at the same time.
"I'm not going to beat you… yet," he said, his thick lips curling up even more.
Laurie shivered again, hot chills sweeping over her body as the warm breath whipped across her skin.
"I don't know what kind of training you mean, sir," Laurie stammered, her eyes, still lowered to the carpeted floor. "I've taken the boatswain's course and the beginning engineering on the six-hundred-pound plant and…"
"That's bullshit compared to what I'm going to teach you."
Laurie almost shouted as she jumped up in panic. Perhaps things were going too far. He was swearing at her, his voice turning thick and low into a near-growl. Her pussy was moving as if it had a will of its own, its full, plastic lips curling and trembling while her clit grew long and stiff and itchier than before. She could feel her clothes clinging uncomfortably to her flesh and wished for one mad moment that she could take off her uniform and stand naked, panting and shaking in front of this man. Her face flushed bright crimson at her own thoughts.
"I don't understand."
Her cunt spasmed when she thought about Lieutenant Barrington and what he could do for her. Her eyes swept over his crotch briefly, noticing how his pants were pulled tight against his body. She could see a thick roll of cockmeat cradled between his legs. Laurie felt her cheeks burning even more. What a little whore she was turning out to be! Surely he could see what was happening to her, how heavily and unevenly she was panting.
"What's on your mind, Laurie?"
His voice was as smooth and warm as the juice oozing from her cunt.
"Uh, nothing, nothing, Lieutenant."
"Call me Jack. We're going to spend some time here, together. Might as well be on a first name basis."
This was too much! Laurie rose from the chair, brushing aside her long hair and staffing for the doorway. She would call her mother. Things were happening she didn't understand, and she was too terrified to try. When she felt the fingers gripping her tight upper arm, Laurie cried out, twisting around and finding herself face to face with the unsmiling officer.
"No one walks out on me without permission no one," he repeated, his voice cold and hard as steel.
"I'm, I'm sorry, sir," Laurie stammered, feeling fear mix with the itching sensation around her nipples.
Her tight fuzzy cunt was generating more heat as the swollen lips slipped over one another. A knot of tension formed between her tummy and her pussy while her cunt closed up tight under her forest of blonde hair. He was holding her now with both hands, his long thick fingers digging into her forearms. She winced, blanching as she felt his knees pressing against the insides of hers, forcing her thighs apart. Her cuntal walls buckled as more hot juice seeped from her jagged fuckslot and wet down her panties. Glancing down, she caught the unmistakable outline of his prick running down his right leg.
"Sorry won't go here, Laurie. You've got to pay for everything," he said, a cruel smile crossing his face.
He pushed her back roughly, sending her crashing into the leather seat she had been in so comfortably moments ago. The push was more than she had ever expected. Shaking the hair from her eyes, she watched in shock as he unbuttoned his white shirt, puffing off the tie and shrugging the garment from his broad shoulders. Laurie shook her head from side to side, her lips parting in a small O while she gripped the armrests tightly with both sets of fingers.
He opened his belt. Laurie started to jump from the seat a second time when she saw him raise one hand above his head.
The cry came too late. She watched the arm slash through the air like a saber, cutting the shadows in a broad swath while his palm and fingers slapped hard against her right cheek.