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Golden Steve » Free and easy bride - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно

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Steve Golden
Free and easy bride


   Shelby skipped off her wedding dress and stood in front of the mirror in her underwear. She wore white panties, a white garter belt, and a pair of matching nylon stockings. Her tits bulged out of a flimsy lace bra, the sturdy nipples poking through the sheer material.
   She patted her flat brown belly and turned to look at her tight ass. Her white garters stretched down over her asscheeks onto her slender thighs. Her lace panties had slid up between the cheeks, leaving them naked. She grinned at her reflection wickedly.
   Her new husband Leo was sure getting a sweet hunk of ass, she thought. Thirty-eight-inch tits, a twenty-two-inch waist, and thirty-four-inch hips. And on top of all that, a beautiful face with big blue eyes and perfect teeth. What more could a guy ask for?
   And what was she getting in return? Certainly Leo wasn't the most handsome man in the world. He was balding slightly. He wore glasses. And at thirty-seven he was old enough to be her father. But he was good to her. He was mature and considerate. And of course he came from one of the richest, families in town, while she was definitely from the wrong side of the tracks. Altogether, it wasn't a bad deal.
   She glanced around at the plush furnishings of the room. This would be the bedroom she and Leo would share as man and wife. She was finally going to live in a white mansion on a hill.
   She would never have to worry about money again. She would never have to work. Leo's family would keep them both in luxury from now on, even if he didn't have his beloved teaching position.
   The only question mark was sex. In their brief summer courtship, she and Leo had never once fucked. She'd wanted to, of course. She could never get enough sex. But he was curiously shy.
   He wanted to save it till after they were married, he said. Only then would it be special. He wanted her to be pure and virginal on their wedding night.
   She had blushed as he said this. She was far from being a virgin. She'd lost track of the number of boys she'd fucked and sucked in her young life. And besides, wasn't it the girl who was supposed to put the man off, and not the other way around? But of course she'd said nothing. She wasn't going to blow her chances with Leo. If he wanted to believe she was a virgin, that was okay with her.
   There was a tap at the door and a grey-haired woman in glasses poked her head in the room. It was Mrs. Grimes, her mother-in-law, and Shelby quickly pulled her white dress up in front of her. The last thing she wanted was for Leo's mother to see her dressed in garter belt and stockings. She would think her precious son was about to be corrupted forever. Which in a way he was.
   "Shelby dear, aren't you changed yet?" the older woman scolded. "The car's all ready and waiting. Leo is just saying his good-byes. Hurry up now."
   "Mrs. Grimes, it's not as if we have to catch a plane. We're only going to a downtown hotel. Leo has to work on Monday, remember."
   "I know that. But you shouldn't keep people waiting. And that's not just any hotel you're going to. It's the very best in town. Leo's friend, Mr. Tate, went to a lot of trouble to get you the bridal suite."
   Shelby sighed. What a snob the woman was. And what a pain in the ass. She was always reminding everyone how rich she was and how the family had special connections all over town. It really got on your nerves. Thankfully Leo wasn't like that.
   She said she would be quick as she could, and Mrs. Grimes left her. But then less than a minute later there was another knock at the door. Shelby still hadn't had time to slip on her street dress. In fact she didn't have time to cover herself at all before a handsome young man dressed in a suit slipped into the room. He locked the door behind him and strode over to her.
   "Kenny, what the hell are you doing here?" Shelby gasped. "Did Mrs. Grimes see you come in?"
   "I waited till the old bitch went down the stairs. I just had to see you one last time, Shelby. I just had to feel those tits, and that sweet teenaged cunt. I couldn't resist."
   He came over to stand right in front of her. He took her by the shoulders and gazed down at her, his eyes bright. He didn't miss a detail. He took note of the garter belt, the stockings, the sheer panties. And of course the flimsy bra that was barely holding up her luscious tits.
   "Fuck, you look great!" he grinned. "I'm glad to see you're wearing a garter belt. We had some fun with you wearing that stuff, didn't we?"
   He folded her in his arms suddenly and crushed her to him. Then he let her loose and cupped his bands to her tits. He squeezed the twin mounds together, mashing them against each other. Then he slid one hand down and rubbed it up and down between her legs.
   "No, Kenny! Don't!" she protested. "I'm a married woman now. You should know. You were at the ceremony. Get out of here right now. What if Mrs. Grimes finds you here?"
   "Fuck Mrs. Grimes! I have to have a farewell poke at my favorite piece of ass. Who knows when I'll get the chance again?"
   He quickly tugged down one cup of her bra, so that her big tit flopped free. He dipped his head and sucked the thick nipple between his lips. At the same time he slipped one hand into her lace panties. His fingers slid through her pubic fleece and he parted the lips of her cunt. He pushed his long middle finger deep inside her.
   "Kenny no! You can't do this!" Shelby moaned. But to her shame the sweet familiar tingling was starting in her nipple. And her cunt was melting around his probing finger.
   "Such a sweet hunk of ass," he gasped, pulling his mouth off her nipple and moving over toward the other one. "Why are you wasting yourself on old Leo? Whoever heard of anyone marrying their fucking high school teacher? He probably can't even get it up anymore!"
   He sucked her second nipple into his mouth and poked his finger deeper into her cunt. He swirled the digit around and around, widening her hole. It was easy then to slip a second finger inside her, and a third. She went weak in the knees, and he quickly folded her down across the bed. He used his free hand to work her lace panties down her legs.
   "Kenny you're a bastard, such a fucking bastard!" she groaned. But her resistance was fading fast. Her cunt was oozing slime all over his probing finger. She spread her legs wide as soon as he had her panties off.
   "You want this as much as I do," he grunted. "You never could resist my nine-inch cock."
   He knelt between her legs and opened up his pants. He shoved them down off his hips and his cock bounced out into the open. It wasn't nine inches long yet, but it was getting there. It loomed out a good six inches from his crotch and was steadily thickening. He primed it in his hand several times and then guided it down between the lips, of her cunt. But before he could shove it inside her, she gripped his wrist and stopped him.
   "Eat me first, Kenny," she gasped, her eyes sparkling. "Just for old times' sake. Stick your mouth in my cunt and eat me till I'm all wet."
   "Shelby, baby, we've only get a few minutes. The old bitch mother-in-law might be back any second. Not to mention your new husband."
   "I don't care. Eat my cunt. I want you to suck my cunt till I tell you to stop. I want you to get me good and creamy."
   "Same old Shelby, I see. I'm glad to see marriage isn't going to change you. Once a slut always a slut, hey, Shel?"
   Shelby grinned up at him. Then her grin turned into a soft smile of contentment as Kenny dipped his head between her legs. He began licking her furry cunt, scraping his tongue up one side and down the other. He probed his tongue deeper, bit by bit, till it was snaking far inside her. She squirmed on the bed and moaned out loud.
   "Fuck, I love getting eaten," she hissed. "I love to feel a hot dirty mouth all over my wet cunt."
   "Let's face it, Shelby, you love everything about sex," Kenny gasped, raising his mouth from her cunt for a moment. "That's why this crazy marriage isn't going to work. Old Leo will never be able to give you what you need. You crave young cock and lots of it."
   Shelby shoved his head back between her legs to shut him up. She didn't want to be told her marriage wasn't going to work out when it hadn't even begun yet. Especially when the guy giving her the advice was eating her cunt. She locked her thighs around Kenny's face and concentrated on the sweet feelings pouring through her.
   "You always did know how to eat cunt," she moaned, running her fingers through his hair. "You always were a great cunt-lapper."
   "Mmmmfff," Kenny agreed, slurping his tongue deep inside her.
   A warm syrup was oozing down from the depths of her cunt. She was wet and oily with excitement. He swirled his tongue around for a while yet, lapping up the sweet slime. Then he pried her cuntlips wide with his fingers. The bud of her clit bulged out from under its hood of pink skin, and he touched it with the tip of his tongue. He began to flick it back and forth.