David Ingram
Swinging Teachers
"Ohhh, goddamn, that feels so good," Leslie Thorn whispered.
She spread her legs wider so he could get it all the way in. She wanted it all the way in, at least at first. After that, it didn't really matter; he could fuck her with half of it, or even the fat head. She knew she would come without any trouble, but she wanted the whole thing inside her for a moment, at least.
"Yessss, honey, all the way." she hissed. "Ooooh, baby, fuck me good, I need it so bad."
"You really like it, don't you, Leslie?" he said.
"Yes, I like it, I love it," she moaned.
She met him in a bar. Well, not really met him, she had already met him and his wife at a Chamber of Commerce dinner, but she saw him again when she came into the lounge. He was sitting at the bar and waved to her.
She went over and sat beside him.
"Hi, Rex. It is Rex, isn't it? How is your lovely wife?"
"She's fine," he said. "Can I buy you a drink?"
"Yes, I think I'd like that."
They moved to a booth.
"What are you drinking?" Rex asked.
"Bourbon and water. Make it a double; I need it," she answered.
Leslie knew the instant she had opened her eyes that morning that it was going to happen again. She didn't want it to; still, she had left the house after lunch and went straight to the bar. It was an urge inside that she couldn't seem to control.
"You know," Rex said, "I was surprised to see you walk in here."
She let him light her cigarette and drew in a wad of heavy blue smoke.
She let it slide from her lips in layers, like long, wispy clouds. "Why?" she said.
"Well," he stammered, "for one thing, you just didn't seem the type, and after talking to your husband for a while…"
"If you mean my husband wouldn't approve, you're right, he wouldn't. Barney doesn't approve of lots of things."
Their drinks came and Rex slid closer to her. She smiled and took a long drink, took a deep breath and then another swallow.
"Yes, I needed that," she said.
"You're a very beautiful woman, Mrs. Thorn," he said, and slid his arm around her shoulder.
She seemed to pout for a moment, not moving away, and picked up her cigarette and took a long drag, let the smoke ooze out, and then drained her glass. "I could use one more," she said.
By the time her drink arrived he had his arm all the way around her, had slipped his hand under her arm, and was cupping one of her tits. She had high, pointed titties that seemed to stand straight out. She wasn't wearing a brassiere and her nipple hardened instantly, pressing against his fingers through the fabric of her blouse.
Leslie tested her fresh drink; it was strong, and she could already feel a warm, loose glow from the other one. She liked the feeling; it chased away her fears. "That feels nice," she said, leaning forward to press her breast harder against his hand.
Rex turned her head with his finger tips and kissed her on the mouth. She pulled back.
"Don't Rex… not here, anywhere," she said.
"Where then?"
"Oh… I don't care. Somewhere not so public."
"We could go to a motel."
"All right. Let me finish my drink."
Rex could hardly believe his good fortune. When he had met her he'd gotten the impression that she was untouchable, and here she was ready to go to bed with him at the drop of a hat. Jesus, she was really hot to trot. He was feeling both tits now, and she didn't object to that; she was breathing hard and pressing herself into his massaging hands.
"Let's get the hell out of here," he said.
"Okay," Leslie said, and drained her glass.
When they got outside, he took her hand. "Did you drive?"
"Yes, my car is over there."
"We'll take mine. I'll bring you back afterwards."
She followed him to his car and slid in. She was practically behind the wheel by the time he opened his door.
"Kiss me, now," she said, sliding her arms around his neck.
She felt the tip of his tongue against her lips and sucked it into her mouth. She sucked hungrily on his tongue; it tasted so good, so male, so alive.
She let him unbutton her blouse and pull it open. She had very large areolas, pink and protruding, and her nipples were both hard and stood out like little red buttons. She pushed them out when he bent his head.
"Yes, yes," she hissed. "Kiss them, suck them. I'm so hot, darling, and it feels so good." She put her hands to the back of his head and pressed gently. "I like you to do that; don't stop; suck them good," she moaned.
He sucked her tits for a long time, moving back and forth from one to the other. Leslie had her head back, her eyes closed. She felt his hand under her skirt and shivered.
"Let's get to that motel before I let you do it right here," she gasped.
Rex started the car and screeched out of the parking lot. By the time they reached the motel, she had her hand inside his pants. She didn't take his cock out, but stroked it slowly inside his pants. He removed her hand and zipped up.
"I'll go in and register," he said.
She was already inside the door of their room when her blouse floated to the floor. Her skirt was strewn on the floor. She sat on the edge of the bed and removed her shoes and panty hose, and then reclined, not bothering to turn down the bed.
"Hurry, hurry," she cried. "I want it so bad."
She watched through glazed eyes while he stripped off his pants and then the shorts. He had a fine cock, and she wetted her lips; it would feel so good inside her pussy. She brought her knees up and let them fall far apart.
"Take everything off, Rex. I want to feel you against me," she said.
And then he was naked and hovering above her. She reached down and grasped his prick. She slid the knob back and forth between the lips several times and then thrust the fat knob into her hole. She was very wet and his cock was buried quickly.
"Yes, goddammit," she hissed, "push all the way in… fuck me!"
Leslie Thorn was blue-eyed, with ash blonde hair that appeared to be almost silver in the bright sun streaming in the window. Her cunt hair was darker, though flecked with silver, making it look almost grey. She looked down between their bodies and watched her cunt swallow up his prick. When he was almost all the way in, she pulled him down hard.
"God, yes, get it deep, honey, and let it lay for a minute. It feels so good in there."
They lay still for several minutes, his cock in to the hair, and then she started lifting with her hips.
"Fuck me, Rex; make me come hard," she gasped.
She had her knees up and rode in unison with his strokes. She let him stoke like that several times, and then her feet came up off the bed. She didn't put them over his back, but let them hang in the air above him, and bucked wildly under him.
"God, I had no idea," Rex gasped, feeling her tight cunt clasp and suck at his pounding pecker.
"I needed it, needed it bad. Barney neglects me during football season, I… oh, oh, my God… I'm coming, Jesus, I'm coming! So good, so fucking good," she screamed.
Rex hadn't expected her to come so quick, but he was glad because he was on the verge himself.
"Yeah, yeah," he grunted, "me, too, 'nother second, gonna make it, too." He grunted and shoved in hard. "Comin' baby, oh shit, am I ever comin'."
Leslie was still coming, and was rigid except for her hips, which she kept jerking up each time he thrust in. She was sure she could feel his slime spewing inside her and she moaned with pleasure. It was always better when he came inside her. Maybe she would get pregnant; at the moment she didn't care; it felt too good to care. Coming was all that mattered, and she was certainly coming.
Rex emptied himself and relaxed on top of her. Leslie's legs had fallen back to the bed and she remained wide open, gasping for breath.
He finally rolled on his back, his cock lying wetly against his leg. "That was really fine," he said.
"Yes," she answered. "I like it, too."
She reached for her purse on the floor beside the bed and fumbled out a cigarette and her lighter. She lit two and handed him one. He smoked for a minute and then sat up and finally got to his feet.
Leslie remained on her back, watching the smoke swirl in the air, and then turned her gaze to Rex. She watched his cock hang limp and thick between his legs while he pulled on his shorts. She decided she liked the looks of a man's cock, even when it was soft. Barney had a nice cock, thick and long.
She'd married Barney a little over two years ago and she had cheated on him twice, counting today. They were practically newlyweds the first time. It hadn't hurt Barney, though, because he had never found out; he wouldn't find out this time, either. She was a virgin when she had married Barney, but sex had been very good for her right from the start, and she needed it, now. The first time wasn't her fault, really; she had been in need, the guy was a real smoothie, and she was drunk. This time was different; she went looking for it. She wondered which was worst.