Данная книга из серии «Нэнси Дру», сделана из двух: «The Hidden Staircase» и «Тайна загадочной лестницы», автор Кэролайн Кин.
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3] NANCY DREW began peeling off her garden gloves as she ran up the porch steps and into the hall to answer the ringing telephone. She picked it up and said, "Hello!"
4] "Hi, Nancy! This is Helen." Although Helen Corning was nearly three years older than Nancy, the two girls were close friends.
5] "Are you tied up on a case?" Helen asked.
6] "No. What's up? A mystery?"
7] "Yes—a haunted house."
8] Nancy sat down on the chair by the telephone. "Tell me more!" the eighteen-year-old detective begged excitedly.
9] "You've heard me speak of my Aunt Rosemary," Helen began. "Since becoming a widow, she has lived with her mother at Twin Elms, the old family mansion out in Cliffwood. Well, I went to see them yesterday. They said that many strange, mysterious things have been happening there recently. I told them how good you are at solving mysteries, and they'd like you to come out to Twin Elms and help them." Helen paused, out of breath.
10] "It certainly sounds intriguing," Nancy replied, her eyes dancing.
11] "If you're not busy, Aunt Rosemary and I would like to come over in about an hour and talk to you about the ghost."
12] "I can't wait."
13] After Nancy had put down the phone, she sat lost in thought for several minutes. Since solving The Secret of the Old Clock, she had longed for another case. Here was her chance!
14] Attractive, blond-haired Nancy was brought out of her daydreaming by the sound of the doorbell. At the same moment the Drews' housekeeper, Hannah Gruen, came down the front stairs.
15] "I'll answer it," she offered.
16] Mrs. Gruen had lived with the Drews since Nancy was three years old. At that time Mrs. Drew had passed away and Hannah had become like a second mother to Nancy. There was a deep affection between the two, and Nancy confided all her secrets to the understanding housekeeper.
17] Mrs. Gruen opened the door and instantly a man stepped into the hall. He was short, thin, and rather stooped. Nancy guessed his age to be about forty.
18] "Is Mr. Drew at home?" he asked brusquely. "My name is Comber — Nathan Comber."
19] "No, he's not here just now," the housekeeper replied.
20] The caller looked over Hannah Gruen's shoulder and stared at Nancy. "Are you Nancy Drew?"
21] "Yes, I am. Is there anything I can do for you?"
22] The man's shifty gaze moved from Nancy to Hannah. "I've come out of the goodness of my heart to warn you and your father," he said pompously.