Ted Leonard
Pam's pony
Pretty Pam Forbes went out the back door of the house and skipped down the steps. Her golden hair waved and her ripe young tits jiggled slightly. Her cute little ass wiggled as she pranced excitedly to the shed in back.
It had been a wood shed just a few weeks before, but it was now the cozy home of Pam's birthday present: a beautiful black-and-white pinto pony. Her father had been forced into the job of transforming the shed into a place for the pony. Pam had wanted that pony, but her dad couldn't afford suck a luxury. So his brother Ben, Pam's nice uncle, had bought it for her. Sam Forbes knew that his brother couldn't really afford such a gift for the girl, but only Pam knew the real reason her Uncle Ben had been so generous.
From the kitchen window, Ann Forbes watched her teenaged daughter run across the yard ad disappear into the shed with the pony. Ann smiled to herself. She had never understood the girl's desire for a pony, but now she was glad the Ben had brought it for her. It kept Pam out of the house after school. Since her birthday two weeks before, Pam had spent every single afternoon in that shed.
Pam glanced over her shoulder and saw her mother at the kitchen window, doing the dishes, and she smiled to herself as she closed herself in the shed with her new pony.
"Hello, Theo," she purred, turning to the animal. Her heart was pounding behind her taut young tits.
Her mother had laughed when Pam named the animal Theo. "Why Theo?" her mother wanted to know. And Pam explained that her English teacher had said that Theo in Greek meant God, and her pony was like a God to her. So Theo it was.
The pony turned in his stall at the sound of his new name, and he was glad to see the girl as she was to see him. In just two weeks' time they had become more than friends.
He raised his head and tossed his mane in greeting. Pam smiled at him, and reached out to stroke his proud neck. Theo moved closer at her touch.
The way his body moved against hers, she felt deep in her young heart that he longed to loved, just as she longed to be loved. They had that in common. She just knew it!
As if sensing her needs now, Theo nudged her with his head. His snout pressed against her chest, not hard enough to knock her backward, just hard enough to apply welcome pressure to her sharply pointed young tits. She felt her nipples stiffen in her dress and she giggled.
Pam pulled her shoulders back and thrust her young tits forward for another nudge. Theo accommodated her. She moaned as he nuzzled her tits. Pam let him nuzzle her tits and she gently stroked his head and neck for him.
His huge tongue appeared between his sparking white teeth and he bared his gums in such a way that Pam was sure he was smiling at her. That always thrilled Pam. This was better than having a steady boyfriend, because both she and Theo like to be touched and stroked.
The soft tickling of the pony's tongue against her neck and chin made Pam tingle all over. Theo was kissing her, she was sure! She kissed him back. She pursed her soft red lips and pressed them to his nose just between his flared neck. Theo responded by lapping at her neck. Pam liked that big, thick tongue. No boy had a tongue like that!
Pam sighed with contentment, safe and secure in the shed far from the house, away from adults, alone with "her best friend in the whole world" as she wrote in her diary one nigh. She could do anything with Theo – anything – and no one would ever know. It wasn't like being with boys who had big mouths and went around telling nasty stories about girls!
With such a mutual understanding, the girl and her pony were bound to hit it off sexually right from the start. Theo wasn't only exactly the kind of pony she craved; her even seemed to have sexy feeling of love and affection for her! What more could a girl ask? Within two weeks he was already delighted to see her daily and eager to please her in any way. Pam was certain at time that he was almost human.
Like now. He nuzzled her chest and started pushing at her body with his side. Pam felt strongly that he wanted her to get down on the hay. So she dropped down for him and spread herself out luxuriously, relaxed and cozy.
Theo stood at her feet and gazed at her so warmly with his huge brown eyes that Pam hot goose bumps up and down her body. It was as if her were undressing her with his eyes. There wasn't much to undress now. Lately, Pam had started stripping off her bra and panties in her bedroom and leaving them there when she visited her pony. She smiled up at her new friend and pet and slowly drew her short dress up past her flat belly.
Her smile grew brighter as the pinto's dark eyes looked downward. He already knew where her pussy was.
He bowed like a prince – Pam had one thought of naming him Prince, but liked Theo better – and his nose edged her thighs apart. Pam's breath quickened at this point, as it always did. She never spread her pretty legs for him. She liked the way he nudged and pushed to get her legs open. It was fun!
Thrills shot through her pussy as Theo pried her legs apart. He was so gentle about it, yet Pam knew he was dying to get at her cunt. Once he had tasted her cunt the first time two weeks before, she knew he couldn't get enough of her warm, silky pussy juices. He had acquired quite a thirst for cunt cream!
She giggled sensuously as he gazed at her furry young pussy. He seemed to enjoy looking at her open, pink pussy and crotch – with longing, Pam believed.
Then he lowered his head and his thick red tongue came out to lick up and down her fully exposed cunt. Pam jerked and moaned at the first contact. Theo stepped forward, closer, and lapped her pussy slowly, as if drinking from a trough.
His thick tongue scraped excitingly up and down and Pam's clit began to grow and stiffen, as it always did when her cunt was licked. She got greater thrills as his tongue hit her clit, too. Because of the length of his tongue, the pinto was able to excite her ass, pussy and clit all in one swipe!
The licking, lapping tongue – so gentle yet so strong – soon had young Pam panting and moaning with the erotic pleasure she had craved for years, ever since she was a child. Suffused with pleasure, she slowly lowered the front of her dress, played with her ripe tits and spiking pink nipples, and daydreamed.
Her favorite fantasy filled her young mind with luscious thoughts of Theo, her God. With her cunt getting licked so steadily, it was easy for the girl to imagine it was one of those Gods she'd read about in a myth book in school – the sexy Gods that visited young girls on earth and made the horny nymphs! Pam felt like a horny nymph now as she slowly raised her ass up off the hay to get more of that mind-boggling tongue all over her hot crotch.
Her bright, slightly glazed eyes closed just for a moment. Then they half opened, heavy with increasing lust as the pony lapped her pussy. She gazed warmly at the animal and smiled with appreciation at him.
"Ohhh, Theo," she purred happily. "You are a God. You came down in animal form to please me. Didn't you? Ummmm, what a God you are! My pussy's so wet already! Ewww, do more, do more!"
Gripping her taut young tits tensely, squeezing her nipples until they tingled, she slowly churned her cute ass in small circles. Now, as the pony's big tongue licked up and down nicely. The motion of her hips and ass made the rough tongue swipe sideways, too. Pam found that she could rub from side to side on the animal's willing tongue and use it to her own benefit and greater pleasure. Her cunt got wetter.
The hotter her pussy got, the more fervent was her vivid imagination. She believed a God really had come down to give her all the sexual pleasure she craved. He came as a pony because, that way, he couldn't tell any stories about her! And she though that was very clever of the Gods! Human beings, she felt especially adults, had a terrible way of punishing girls for being sexy.
Theo seemed to sense her impending orgasm. He started lapping harder at her drooling young pussy. Pam whimpered. Her back arched. Her heels dug into the earth and she humped her pussy up in the air and twisted violently as great shocks of erotic pleasure rippled through her lovely body.
"Oh, Theo!" she gasped.
Her pretty head tossed to and fro. She gripped her tits more tightly and mauled them. She humped her ass and cunt furiously as wave upon wave of orgasmic wetness coursed through her pussy.
With animal thirst, the pinto licked his thick tongue between her quivering cunt-lips and lapped up her copious pussy juices. Pam naturally thought he was doing this for her, to increase her pleasure, to make her cum. But he was doing it because his teenaged mistress had taught him from the start what she wanted of him and he had indeed acquired a taste for human cunt juices. So he licked and lapped faster and harder, drinking deeply of the sex-crazed girl's juices.