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Ted Leonard
The naughty wife_s dogs

Chapter One

   Lithe and lovely 20-year-old Linda Pruett woke up feeling horny. She uncurled her long body beneath the sheets and her luscious tits poked hard, making perfect mounds peaked with sharp points.
   She made a soft sound, half sleepy, half sensuous. Her hand slipped over onto her sleeping husband's muscular stomach. Her fingertips stole down through his wiry pubic hair and touched the soft skin of his limp, thick cock. Her slim fingers curled around her favorite toy and a soft smile lifted the corners of her mouth. She liked Jeff's big prick.
   She stroked her husband's prick slowly and gave it little squeezes as she fondly recalled the night before. Jeff had come home horny for a change, and, after weeks of very little sex, he had fucked Linda the way she liked to be fucked.
   Her cockteasing fingers aroused Jeff and he murmured in his sleep. His prick started rising in Linda's caressing fist. She pumped on his cock until it was standing straight up. Then she slowly scraped her long fingernails up the full length of his prick, from his big hairy nuts to his bulging cock-head.
   "Christ," Jeff muttered, smacking his lips.
   "Mmmm, good morning," Linda cooed.
   She rolled toward him and got a better hold on his huge boner. She licked his ear and milked his cock until bubbles of pre-cum emerged from the small slit at the end of his prick. Kissing his ear hotly, she rolled her thumb over his wetness and smeared it all over his cock-head. Then she smoothed the palm of her hand in the silky fluid and spread it all over his cock-shaft. Her fist milked up and down in the hot wetness.
   "Last night was so nice," Linda whispered into his ear. "It's been a while, Jeff. Your cock was so big in me. We haven't fucked like that in weeks."
   "Yeah, yeah, I know," Jeff murmured, forcing his eyes open.
   Jeff yawned. Then glanced at the bedside clock.
   "Oh, shit!" he blurted, bolting upright. "I'm gonna be late at the office!"
   Linda's mouth fell open when she felt his stiff boner slide right out of her hand. Jeff leaped out of bed and, with his magnificent cock bobbing, dashed into the bathroom.
   "Oh, God, not again," Linda moaned.
   She saw it coming right then. Another dry spell, maybe for months, while Jeff plunged into business again. More long nights with no prick, no sensuousness, no fucking, no sucking.
   She heaved a sigh and her ripe tits rose and fell beautifully beneath the sheets. Her right hand smoothed over her golden pussy fur and her fingers toyed with her clit. With a soft moan of need, she brought her left hand up to her mouth. As she rubbed her tingly, sensitive clit and cunt, she sensuously licked her palm, still wet with her husband's cock-juice. She felt so sexy. She wanted to stay this way. If only she could get the feeling to last and last!
   Jeff emerged from the bathroom after his shower to find his lovely wife sprawled out on the bed, stark naked, with her slim fingers working in and Out of her luscious young cunt. Her free hand was stroking her hard, pointed tits.
   "Boy, you really are horny this morning," he chuckled, pulling on a fresh white shirt.
   "Jeff," Linda whispered, licking her pouting lips. "Fuck me before you leave."
   Jeff tied his tie and flashed her a grin. "I'd like to, honey, really I would. But I've got an important appointment first thing. You want a new washer and dryer, don't you? Besides, you're doing just fine, seems to me."
   "It's not the same," Linda whimpered. She was close to cumming. "Can't you just lick my pussy a little while? Just for a minute. Please?"
   "Come on, Linda," he replied testily. "Don't nag, huh? You know what'll happen if I start eating you. One thing leads to another."
   The phone rang and Jeff was glad to dash to the living room to answer it. "It's Karen!" he called out.
   "Ohh, all right," Linda said. "I'll get it in here."
   She grabbed the Princess telephone in trembling fingers and pulled it to her ear.
   "Karen," she gasped. "Hold on just a minute!"
   She quickly drilled a long, slim finger up into her twat and raised her quivery ass up off the bed. She humped furiously on her slip-sliding finger and came a fast one, just enough to get her horny cunt all juicy. A few moments later she collapsed on the bed, tits heaving and her pussy still aching for Jeff's big cock but at least pacified for the moment.
   "Hi, Karen," she murmured into the phone.
   "Well, good morning!" her best friend replied. "What's going on over there? You sounded funny. You and Jeff fighting or something?"
   "No. You caught me right in the middle of a hot cum."
   "Really? How juicy! Jeff must be very fast."
   "It wasn't Jeff," Linda sighed. "It was my fucking finger."
   "Oh. I see," Karen murmured. Linda's sex problem was serious and a delicate subject so Karen tried to be careful.
   Jeff appeared in the doorway and he blew Linda a kiss. Her heart fell because he didn't even come to the bed to kiss her goodbye. Afraid I'll rape him, she thought bitterly.
   "See you tonight," Jeff said, in a hurry to get away from the tempting dish on the bed.
   Linda covered the phone with her hand and rasped, "Jeff? Don't work over tonight? Please?"
   His eyes ran over her luscious naked body from head to toe and back up again. A bulge appeared in his pressed pants. "I'll try to be home early," he said, but not with much conviction.
   Linda had to accept that. She smiled weakly and blew him a kiss. He hurried off to work.
   Linda heaved a sigh that Karen heard and she said, "Horny this morning, huh?"
   "Oh, Karen, it's getting worse!" Linda confided. "My pussy's like a hungry mouth lately. Oh, if you only knew what I've been thinking."
   "Tell me! Tell me!" Karen giggled. "We'll cum together!"
   Linda stroked her pussy and said, "A plumber was here yesterday, an older man with white hair and beautiful blue eyes. God, his eyes ate me up. I was wearing one of my sexy playsuits and I thought he was going to drag me down into the basement and rape me! I kept thinking that would be exciting and nice.
   "Nothing wrong with a thought like that," Karen murmured. "As long as you don't do it!"
   "That's just it, Karen. I want to!"
   Karen's voice grew serious. "Now just calm down, Linda. We've talked this all over before. You know that isn't the way to go. Just remember Ellen and Sue and Patricia divorced, no husbands, alone. Remember which side your bread is buttered on."
   "Oh, Karen," Linda pouted, fingerfucking her cunt-hole, "you're always so level headed. How can you stand it? I need some excitement, damnit! I wanna fuck!"
   "Who doesn't?" Karen squeaked. "God, my cunt's as horny as yours! I told you what to do about it, but you won't listen."
   Linda shook her head. "I don't want to use one of those silly things."
   "A vibrator is not silly," Karen retorted. "It can be a girl's best friend. Christ, Linda, almost every housewife on this block owns one. It's standard equipment today. Wake up, will you? Why suffer a horny twat when you can get yourself off all day long with one of these beautiful contraptions?"
   "Are you fucking yourself with yours right now?"
   "Of course, silly. Ben's already off to work. I like to stuff my vibrator up my cunt first thing in the morning. Keeps me oiled."
   "Well, I don't want a plastic cock," Linda complained, rubbing her quivery little clit. "I want a real cock!"
   "Well, I don't know what to tell you, kid. If you won't at least try a vibrator, you'll have to be satisfied with your fingers. That seems awfully childish, though. I gave up fingers when I was 18."
   "I wish I could," Linda admitted. "Damn him, anyway. He wouldn't even lick me to a cum!"
   "Be careful now, Linda," Karen advised. "Don't hold a grudge against your own husband. Jeff works damned hard to keep you in a comfy apartment. We're living a pretty good life around here. We just have to take the rain with the sunshine."
   Linda sighed and smoothed her soaked fingertips over her juicy clit. "I guess you're right. Thanks, Karen. It's always good to talk with you. You understand me. I'll be all right after a few more orgasms."
   There was a pause of silence. All Linda could hear was Karen's heavy breathing. Then her friend whispered, "Maybe I could come by later."
   Linda's cunt tingled. Then she laughed and said, "I thought your vibrator was the ultimate answer!"
   "Now don't be catty, Linda. You know what I mean. I like a tongue on my pussy as much as you do. My vibrator can do only so much. But if you don't want to…"
   "Oh, silly, of course I want to," Linda laughed. "When can you come over?"
   "About eleven?"
   "Good," Linda replied. "And wear your black bikini. I love taking that off with my teeth."