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Ray Mills
Hot and eager twins


   Kathi was very upset over what had just happened. She wanted to deny her feelings, but she couldn't. Seeing her twin sister naked had aroused her. Just that brief glimpse as Ann had passed the hall doorway on her way from the bathroom to the bedroom, had made Kathi's blood rush. Her cunt was even moist. My God, how silly! she thought. What a stupid thing to be feeling!
   "Kathi!" Ann shouted at her from the bedroom. "Why don't you bring me a cup of coffee in here and we can talk while I dry my hair?"
   Still shocked at herself, Kathi played nervously with her fingers. "Okay," she said softly.
   "Did you bear me?"
   "Yes! I said okay!" she shouted back.
   After all, it couldn't be what she had first feared it was. It wasn't really sexual arousal. She didn't want to fuck her own sister. Even thinking it sounded silly. The thought of having sex with another woman had never even crossed her mind before. It was just dumb, something for creeps and freakos.
   She went into the kitchen and poured each of them a cup of coffee. And as she stood by the sink, she suddenly understood. That was it! Ann was her twin. It was like looking at her own naked body, but from a different angle. Seeing it from outside. After all, she had fucked herself, if you could call it that. Masturbated. There was nothing wrong with that, nothing to be ashamed of. Whew, what a relief! she thought.
   She walked to the bedroom with the two cups of coffee. Ann was sitting on a stool in front of her vanity table mirror. She was still totally naked, drying her long chestnut hair with an electric blower. Kathi felt the blood beat again in her cunt as she set Ann's coffee down on the vanity. Her sister's full creamy breasts swayed as Ann manipulated her hair and the dryer.
   Kathi tried not to look at them. They're the same as my own, she told herself. Mine are just like that. My nipples are just as big and soft and puffy. My God, what am I doing!
   "It's so good to have you here," Ann said. She combed the damp tangles out of her hair. "It seems like years."
   Kathi sat on the edge of the bed. "It has been years," she said. "Don't you remember? You and Brian got married and moved here in January two years ago.
   Ann laughed softly. "God, that's right isn't it? I don't know why it doesn't seem that long." She sidled into the mirror at Kathi. "Maybe became we were always so close. Just a few hundred miles hardly seems anything. I always feel like we're still that close. Thinking and feeling the same things."
   Kathi tried to take her eyes off her twin's long smooth back and tawny shoulders. I'm just looking at her because I never get to see my own back that fly, she thought. "I know what you mean," she murmured nervously.
   "Well," Ann said brightly, "whether it's true or not, we have a whole two weeks now to get reacquainted?"
   "I just hope Brian doesn't mind."
   "Why should he mind?"
   "Oh, you know. Nobody likes in-laws to drop in for two whole weeks."
   "You're not in-laws," Ann scoffed. "You're my twin sister. It's just like having another me around. And you know how he feels about me."
   What Kathi had really been driving at was a vague fear she had that they would not dare to fuck during the two weeks she was visiting. They wouldn't want her to overhear them. But she didn't want to bring it up explicitly. She didn't have enough money to stay at a hotel.
   "Whatever you say," she shrugged.
   "Don't be silly," Ann said. She stood up from the stool and shook her luxuriant mass of hair. She stretched her naked body as if she were pleased to have its breathtaking beauty seen by fresh eyes, eyes she could trust.
   But Kathi nearly gagged on an up rush of violent feeling. Her eyes devoured her twin's naked thighs and the flossy patch of hair over her cunt. She even caught a glimpse of the pinkish seam of Ann's pussy. She shut her eyes and turned her head away, feeling herself blush.
   "He'll be happy to see you," Ann said.
   "I just want, him to know I won't be a… nuisance," Kathi murmured.
   "Nonsense! He'll be glad to see you." Ann smiled happily. She came over to the bed and took Kathi's face in her hands, bending and placing a big warm kiss on Kathi's forehead. "But not as glad as I am," she said. "God, honey, it's so good to see you!"
   Kathi filled her lungs with the fresh moist odor of her sister's naked body. Ann's full breasts swooped out and dearly touched her face as Ann bent over. And Kathi gulped and bit her tongue. No no no, no no no, she whispered to herself.
   She had never wanted to do anything like that before. She wanted to suck them. And squeeze them. Oh my God, stop it! "Here, let me wash these cups out," she said, hurriedly snatching up the empty cups and dashing for the kitchen.
   Brian got home from work early. It was a hot day and all the secretaries at the office had dressed in their skimpiest clothes. By the end of the day he was seething with horniness. Finally he took off an hour early and headed home with only one thought in mind. Ann.
   His wife had a better body than any of the office girls. And he knew what to expect from her, too. She was a true wildcat in the sack. He never lost his hard-on during the whole drive home.
   He parked the car in the driveway and circled around the house to the rear, hoping to surprise her. As he passed the kitchen window, he saw her standing at the sink with her back to him. She was washing dishes.
   For a moment he couldn't help just devouring her long shapely legs with his eyes. Then he slipped off his shoes and socks, and made his way quietly to the back door. He let himself in stealthily and tiptoed through the back porch, stopping just before he reached the kitchen. The whoosh of tap water into the sink was so loud that he knew she couldn't hear him.
   Grinning happily, he quickly unzipped his pants. He slid them and his shorts off and looked down at his stiff thundering cock. What a surprise his honey was going to get!
   She still had not moved from the sink as he slowly crept up behind her. She was humming softly to herself.
   Still grinning broadly, Brian came up behind her and got both hands around her waist before she knew what was happening. In one quick motion he tore both her skirt and panties down around her knees.
   "Oh! Aiieeeee!" she yelped with sudden shock.
   She struggled and thrashed, trying to escape, splashing dishwater on the floor. But he was too quick for her. He pulled her thighs apart with his hands and slid his twitching cock under the cheeks of her bare ass.
   "It's me, baby, it's me," he said, trying to hold her squirming body still long enough to get his prick into her.
   But even knowing who it was didn't seem to calm her down. In fact, she began to squirm more violently.
   "Oh, Brian! Oh, you don't realize… ohhh!"
   "Oh no, I'm not…Aamngghhh! Unh! Ummmmm!"
   His thick cock slid all the way up her wet channel from behind. She whimpered with pleasure and clutched the edge of the sink to keep her balance.
   Brian slid his hands under her shirt and filled his hands with her dangling breasts. He thought it was odd she wasn't wearing a bra. She usually did. But he squeezed the full gloves and ripped his cock up into her again.
   "Unnhh! Unh!" she panted.
   She tried to look over her shoulder at him. Her mouth was slack and the whites of her eyes showed as the intense sexual pleasure crawled over her face.
   "Oh Brian… oh! I'm… I'm not… ahhhh!" she gasped. "Oh God, it feels good!"
   The resistance went out of her body. She grew yielding and plaint. She bent over, resting her cheek on the sink edge, gyrating her ass slowly back into his thrusts.
   Brian braced his feet on the floor. He squeezed her breasts sharply and lunged into her, lifting her off the floor.
   "Ohhhh! Oh fuck me, fuck me!" she greened hoarsely. "Yes, yessss!"
   Brian scisored her stiff nipples with his fingers. He plunged his cock into her rapidly, gasping as she shimmied her ass and pinched him with her cunt-muscles. He accelerated the pace, piercing and reaming her with his rigid prick. She was mewling constantly now.
   "Ummmmmm," she moaned. "Get it in me, get it in me! I'm going to come. Ahhh… Ah! Ah! AAAHHHHIEEEE!"
   Without warning she exploded in an orgasm. It surprised Brian since she had always been a slow corner. He had planned to fuck her this way awhile, then take her in to the bed, undress her, and fuck her brains out there. But she was already coming, her wet cunt clenching, her body shivering with spasms.
   "Oohnnnn! Aanngghhh!" she grunted and moaned.
   And the quick violence of her climax tore Brian's out of him. He grabbed her fiercely and jammed his prick into her. His hot jism hurtled out of his cock into her.