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Reskind Jon » Doggie farm - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно

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Jon Reskind
Doggie farm


   Toni Baline stared out of the open French windows of the second floor guest bedroom and shielded her eyes with her hand to survey the green blanket of sweet-smelling manicured grass and linear hedges. They were flanking the cobblestone path leading from the breakfast patio to the kidney-shaped swimming pool whose cement rim ribboned out into the gently rolling hillocks beyond. The palatial house, situated in the lush, green hills bordering the western edge of Jameston, Alabama, caught the morning and noon sun, but had a cooler late afternoon and evening, thanks to the willow trees surrounding the pillared three-story home. From her outlook, Toni watched the slow, methodical movements of the two young black maids now clearing the afternoon's tea cups and silver service from the patio table and replacing the soiled linen with freshly starched checkered ones. In the far distance the unexpected sound of puppy barks, echoing from the hills to the right, ruptured the sticky, cloying Alabama afternoon, the sole imperfection of what otherwise would have been a perfect movie set.
   Seventeen year old Toni Baline could not rid herself of the feeling that she was in a fantasy land, a dreamland of opulent make-believe. She studied her boy friend who stood on the opposite side of the bed watching as he removed his sweat stained shirt and trousers to reveal his lanky frame, a tender emotion of deep affection filling her. They were the luckiest people on earth, she reasoned incredulously as she turned from the window to unzip and step out of her sun-dress. Here they were, two unmarried seventeen year olds, living together under her relatives' roof… and nobody cared or ridiculed!
   "Yeah, just about perfect, isn't it?" Jeff answered her unspoken thoughts, the warm smile brightening his sharp-angled, boyish features meant to reassure her that he was as ebullient over spending the summer at Toni's aunt's and uncle's home as she was. "It doesn't even feel like work when you have somebody bringing you mint juleps and iced tea every hour." He laughed to himself. "Never thought I'd dig cleaning out dog kennels."
   "Or me doing housework. You know how Mama used to yell and scream, calling me lazy when she'd ask me to lift a dust rag at home. But God! It makes a difference when you're dusting nineteenth century mahogany instead of twentieth century plywood…"
   "Now don't be so hard on your parents, Toni. They can't help it if they're not as rich as Uncle Milt and Aunt Claudia. Remember," he cautioned, waving his finger in the air, "It was your aunt's money and land that Milt inherited. Bet he didn't have a dime until he met her." His eyes locked on the honey-haired girl, sensing the deep foreboding and moodiness brooding there. For all her fine qualities, Toni still possessed that old Southern trait of lusting after the leisure in life. "Come on, Baby," he assuaged, "Some day we'll have a spread like this. Lots of land… servants… nothing for you to do but lie in the sun and stay beautiful for me." He stood awkwardly running his hands through his own long, chestnut hair, his shorts, one covering his nakedness.
   Damn, what a fine scene it would be if he could take Toni off and elope against her parent's wishes, and against their wishes it would be! Her parents would never consent to their marriage, and with due cause. How could he support their daughter? God, just the thought of it was a joke… and yet. Damn it, he'd give anything to have that happen and, hopefully, spending the summer here with her gorgeous relatives, he just might find a way. Hell, he was most twenty, wasn't he? Time to start thinking about settling down and raising a family, and what better introduction could there be to marriage than playing house? But Jesus, if her parents ever found out that he was staying at her aunt and uncle's house, sleeping in her bed… oh, boy, the fireworks would put the 200th Fourth of July to shame!
   But he couldn't help himself… he'd loved her from the first moment that day he'd seen her on the beach, reminding him of a golden Venus in her tiny white bikini… just as she did at that very second, her wispy nylon panties and abundantly filled bra enhancing the curvaceous loveliness of her golden-tanned satiny-skinned body.
   "… Why do you think they're being so generous with us?" Toni asked, a quizzical look clouding her perfect features as she turned and walked to her vanity for the skin moisturiser that hopefully would turn today's pink sunburn into tomorrow's deeper tan.
   Jeff swallowed tightly, his discerning eyes automatically fixing on the provocative rippling movement of her curvaceous young hips and perfectly ovaled buttocks, the length of her blonde silken hair falling to the middle of her back, her slender waspish waist and long, shapely legs. He felt a stirring inside his shorts and mentally berated himself for harbouring such thoughts when they'd already made love once today.
   "Don't know… maybe they've always wanted to have children of their own," he guessed, moving around the bed toward her. "I can't understand why your parents are dead-set against them having you stay for the summer." He wanted to make an addendum to that statement, including himself, but knew that was already a sore subject with Toni's parents who loathed the thought of their only child leaving home for a summer… not to mention how they would respond if they knew she'd brought him along with her. "Just be glad we're together."
   Toni turned to face her boyfriend. He opened his arms and she quickly drifted into them, as if welcoming the security of their strength. "Oh, if Daddy ever finds out…"
   She looked up into his face and he saw the tiny amber lights sparkling it the depth of her green and sometimes greyish-hued eyes… then he heard her almost inaudible gasp of arousal as she felt the urgent throb of his swelling cock against the softness of her belly.
   "Oh Jeff, sometimes I feel so guilty lying to my parents like that," she cooed in her ultra-feminine Southern drawl, her warm, soft loveliness seeming to melt into his virile, lanky body. She raised her sensuous, almost quivering lips and he kissed them tenderly. "I-I love you so much."
   "And I love you, too, Baby," he replied, letting his hands possessively massage the intoxicating mounds of her buttocks inside her soft nylon pants, while his ever-hardening penis jerked slightly against the soft, silken flesh of her belly. He tried to concentrate on the immediate urgency for words to quell her fears of familial reprisal, but his mounting desire for her was making that next to impossible; anyway, he didn't want lo give her the slightest inkling that he did not trust her benevolent relatives. He couldn't reason why Uncle Milt had so kindly taken him into his home, wined and dined him, and paid him ridiculously high wages just for feeding his fifteen show dogs twice a day. Toni… now that was another matter; she was a blood relative. But then to promise him immunity against Toni parents' wrath… that was a horse of another colour.
   "Darling… Oh Jeff, let's get into bed," Toni whispered against his cheek, the sweet warmth of her breath interrupting his train of thought and inciting him as always. "I-I want you now Baby."
   "Mmmm, isn't that going to be a little rough on your sunburn?" he said concernedly while he unfastened her bra and smoothed his hands beneath to cup the lavish dunes of buoyant, pink-nippled flesh, their tiny buds like little marbles burrowing into the palms of his hands. Christ, she was a lovely little creature… if only she would let herself go… try to shake off that damned guilt her parents had shackled her with… but he could wait… damn, yes, he'd wait forever.
   Toni loved the warm, rippling sensations the closeness of Jeff's masculinity and the caressing of his hot, gentle hands on her naked breasts, sent coursing through her belly. From the very first time it had been the same, and he had been the first boy to possess her… that night, one of so many beautiful nights. But he was hardly a man at twenty; yet anything but a boy. He was her lover! That's what he was… her lover, and soon, she felt certain, that he would find the secret of really fulfilling her budding young sexuality.
   She thought these things as she pressed her desire-aroused flesh with unstained innocence needfully against his, her mind desperately trying to blot out the unwarranted circumstances of guilt. Of course, Jeff was right. If they were truly in love, marriage should be no issue. In another month they would go back to Mobile, she to her parent's house and he to school, and nobody would be the wiser for it. After all, they weren't doing anything here they hadn't ready done.
   No, she was acting like a child… anything but a mature seventeen year old… and her sweet, roughly-handsome boy friend deserved so much more. God, how she loved him! To make him happy was all that she dreamed of. If… if only she knew more of the secret, intimate ways… perhaps then she could do them for him! Why didn't he show her? Ask her? Force her? Anything!