Nathan Silvers
Two cousins to torture
"Yes, I know," Erica Bennett said, "a lot of people think we're sisters."
"Well," her boyfriend Shaun said, "I bet you wouldn't be more beautiful, even if you were sisters."
Erica and her cousin, Amy Peterson, giggled at each other and took sips of their wine coolers. There was a remarkable resemblance between them that was certain. They both had innocent, wide fawn eyes, straight noses, just a little snubbed at the end, and wide, soft mouths. They both wore their brunette hair cascading over their shoulders. The only real difference was that Amy seemed to be the more vulnerable of the two, her face slightly softer. They giggled at each other again, feeling very grown up because they were sitting in a bar drinking wine coolers.
"Well," Willy, Amy's blind date said, "are you two going to share that apartment forever?"
He grinned at them, his strong, handsome face looking closely at Amy until she got to be uncomfortable.
"Oh yes," Erica said with great enthusiasm. "Amy and I get along so well, don't we?"
She turned to her cousin.
"Yes," Amy said. "And I need someone to protect me in the big city."
The boys laughed and ordered more drinks.
"I don't think we should," Erica said, looking at her watch. "It's eleven already. We should be getting home. We have to go to church tomorrow."
"Oh, come on," Shaun said. "You're big girls now," Amy said.
"Well then," Shaun said, "you can't go back yet, the night is young."
"Oh well, not much longer," Erica said carefully as the new drinks arrived. "I don't want my cousin to get ideas that we're all sinners."
Again the boys laughed, and Amy blushed into her drink. She almost wished her cousin wouldn't say things like that. She could look after herself, and say no if a boy tried any thing.
She looked shyly at Willy. He seemed like a real nice man, the sort she could settle down with. She wondered how Erica handled Shaun. He was just as nice, she thought, but they had been dating for some months and she knew most men wanted to do it after a while. Maybe Shaun really was the gentleman Erica was looking for. If a man couldn't wait until after marriage for sex, then the cousins would have nothing to do with them, that was agreed.
"How about this party we know of?" Shaun asked.
"No, I don't think so," Erica said. "We have to get up early."
"Come on," Shaun said. "Your cousin just arrived; you have to show her things. You'll be awake in the morning."
"Guaranteed," Willy said, and Amy thought Shaun had a hard time keeping a straight face.
"No, really," Erica said. "It's real nice of you, but…"
"That's settled then," Shaun said. "If we're that nice, you can't turn it down. Besides, people want to meet you."
So they went.
It was a dark street, and the houses were large and old. Amy began to feel nervous as they walked up the steps to one of them. She glanced at Erica, and her cousin gave her a look that said she would get them out of the situation very fast.
There was music playing as the door opened to reveal a sophisticated looking blonde, somewhere in her twenties, dressed in a white blouse and a black skirt, with a slit on the side.
"Shaun!" the blonde cried. "Willy, wonderful to see you?"
They went inside the dark, shadowed hall. "Rhoda," Shaun said, "this is Erica, and this is Amy, her cousin we told you about."
"Ah, yes," Rhoda said, and gave the girls a long look. She smiled. "Wonderful! Come this way."
Amy got a shock as they walked into a large room at the back of the hall. It was cluttered with furniture, but there was only one person there, a man in his forties who got up and came over, his tall, thick body swaying a little.
"My husband – Louis," Rhoda said. "Ah, yes!" Louis extended his hand and held Erica's hand in his grasp for just a little too long.
"How about a game of cards?" Rhoda asked brightly.
"I-I thought this was a party," Erica said. She glanced at Shaun, but he gave her a reassuring smile.
"Of course it is," Rhoda said. "Just the six of us, isn't that cozy?" She smiled at the girls. "How about a drink?"
"Er, no, not really. We have to be going soon," Erica said.
"Two rum and Cokes," Rhoda said brightly. "Your usual, my dear?"
"Yes, wonderful," Louis said.
"And you boys?" Rhoda turned to Shaun and Willy.
"Er, yeah," Shaun said. He seemed nervous too. "Er – beer!"
"Coming up," Rhoda said brightly. Amy and Erica stayed close together, nervous and out of their depth. The lights were low, except for soft spotlights on a low table and the chairs around it. The music was soft and gentile, but it didn't help, particularly as Louis' eyes roamed up and down the girl's bodies.
Both girls had lovely willowy bodies to match their faces, even if they were covered by their light summer dream. As Rhoda brought the drinks, Amy looked at her cousin again and Erica smiled back, though she seemed less sure of herself than before.
"Now, cards," Louis said, leading the way to the table.
"My parents never let me play cards," Amy said as she sat nervously and took a sip of the rum and Coke. It was nice, the slight taste of the rum not overwhelming the Coke. "They say they're the devil's invention and ruin people."
She smiled nervously, hoping they would take the hint.
"Nonsense," Rhoda said. "We don't play for money or anything like that. We just have a good time, don't we?"
"Sure, Rhoda," Shaun said, and Amy could hear a slight strain in his voice.
"You know how to play poker?" Rhoda asked as she shuffled the cards.
"Poker?" Erica gasped. "No, really, we couldn't!"
"Relax," Rhoda said. "We just play for these tokens." She slid a box of tokens onto the table. "Fifty each, then we can go wild."
"Well, no, really," Erica said, but the cards were already being dealt, and Rhoda was insistent.
Rhoda explained the game and they played a couple of rounds, and the girls got the hang of it quickly. Or so they thought. Then there was another rum and Coke, and the girls began to relax.
The game began and tokens bounced around. There were more rum and Cokes and the girls settled down, even beginning to enjoy the evening. Louis seemed to have managed to take his eyes off them most of the time and Rhoda was a wonderful hostess.
Then Erica ran out of tokens and Rhoda lent her some. Erica lost the next hand and pouted.
"Pity," she said.
"More tokens?" Rhoda asked.
"Oh, sure, great!"
"But you lost the hand, so you have to pay for them," Rhoda said.
The room got very quiet.
"Sure," Erica said, ignoring the lump in her throat. "What do they cost?"
"Your dress. Take it off and give it to me."
"What? No!" Erica gasped, blushing to the roots of her hair. "Oh no, we have to go! We have to go!"
"You lost the hand," Rhoda said. "There are strict rules about that, hey, boys?"
"Yeah," Shaun said, and there was suddenly a horrible change in him. He leaned back in the chair and Erica saw that he had an enormous bulge in the front of his pants. She shuddered.
She'd never even allowed him to run his hand over the front of her bra, but now he was staring at her, expecting to see her frilly underwear.
"No, we have to go," Erica said, getting up. Amy got up with her.
"You have to take the dress off," Rhoda said, smiling. "Come on, it's all innocent fun, just a game. If I lose, I have to take my clothes off."
She leaned back in the chair, and suddenly she seemed twice as erotic and menacing as before. Her small, thrusting tits pushed out at the front of her blouse and the slit in her tight black skirt opened to reveal the hint of her black stocking tops.
"No, this is stupid," Erica said. She looked at Amy, who was trembling, her lovely young innocent face drawn and frightened. Erica turned to Shaun. "Take us home, please, and I don't ever want to see you again after tonight."
"It's up to you, boys," Rhoda said easily, leaning back in her chair. "Take 'em home, or obey me like you said."
"You got it," Shaun said breathlessly. "I mean, fuck, this chick's got a body that drives me crazy and I can't get near it!"
He got up, staring at Erica, undisguised lust in his eyes.
"So you jerk off a lot, hey?" Rhoda asked with a grin, her blonde hair framing her face in the soft light. Her open, rather sensually beautiful features now had a hard line to them, and her dark eyes burned into the two girls.
"Yeah," Shaun said, "fuck, thinking of her the whole fuckin' time!"
"Now, my dear," Rhoda said, coming up close to the two cousins, "are you ready to take off your dress?"
"No, now please, we want to go home," Erica said her voice cracking. "Please, Shaun, stop this!"