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Ron Taylor
Mom Needs It, Too!

   Karen Murphy leaned back, cupping the fullness of her tits. The nipples were big and swollen, aching almost the way they'd hurt years ago, when she was nursing Leanne and her tits would fill with milk to an almost unbearable degree. Karen's eyes closed as she squeezed down on her stiff, reddish-brown nips, and she felt the most delicious sensations ripple through the flesh of her tits.
   Sweet Jesus, she was so fucking horny! She brought her thighs together and rubbed them against the itchy, tingling flesh of her pussy, purring softly as the feeling down there got very very nice. The interior of her body seemed to grow moist and she squeezed more firmly at her pointed nipples, accentuating the sensations.
   She stretched out her legs, keeping the thighs tight against her cunt, and she moved her body back and forth over the edge of the chair. It felt good to be naked, and it felt even better to make her body respond. Christ! Someone had to do it!
   Whoever said life was a ball, anyway? Karen had had a good man, but he was dead. She could still remember the exact sensation of his hard cock thrusting into her hot wet pussy in the moment of fucking, and her ovaries throbbed at the memory. After ten years she hadn't forgotten a goddamned thing about Pat's sex technique, and she knew she'd still remember the ripe heat of fucking him when she was on her deathbed. She had another man now, but she'd never really had him, and she damned sure didn't have him today.
   Maybe it was her fault. Maybe she'd compared him too much, too often, to her former husband. Or maybe Walt was just no damn good. She knew that he'd fucked other women after their marriage. Christ! Other women, and he couldn't even keep satisfied the one he had?
   Walt had moved out a month ago. He was living in a hotel downtown and, she was certain, fucking everything with legs and a cunt that he could get his cock into.
   Karen let her hands slide down her stomach. At forty-two she was almost as firm as a teenaged beach girl. She tested the resilience of her flesh, approved it.
   "Not bad for an old bag," she said aloud, looking up to catch her reflection in the mirror. She tossed her head, making a swirl of her shoulder-length red-brown hair, and she studied her image. Her skin was tighter than that of her own teenaged daughter!
   She opened her legs, hands moving down into the auburn thatch of pussyfur, and she watched the mirror carefully as she massaged the bun of her cunt. The lips opened, exposing the reddish slickness of her interior.
   She stroked her fingertips across the open trench, gasping softly as her sensitized flesh responded vibrantly to the touch. Her clit throbbed in expectation and she rubbed it a little more briskly, knowing better than to disappoint her clit. It was the one goddamn thing she could always rely on!
   The feel of her finger, moving provocatively into the open hole of her pussy, made Karen stretch and moan. The finger moved into the wetness of her cunt. Not as tight as she used to be, but still snug enough to choke a man-sized cock and give it a fucking that was worth writing about. She moved her ass up and down in the chair, using her cunt muscles to pull the finger in and out of her pussy.
   "Yeah, oh, God, yeah… " she panted, wiggling the fingertip around deep inside herself-down where all the hot horny itches were just waiting to be scratched!
   She was getting wet inside now, as wet as if she'd just opened up and pissed all over the pussy-probing finger. Made the in-and-out so much easier. Karen sucked in her breath and let her pussy clench hoty, wetly, excitedly around her finger and she fucked it up into her hole, certain that she had as fine a cunt between her legs as there was on the planet.
   If it just weren't so lonely! If she just had someone to use her pussy the way it ached to be used!
   Karen fucked herself harder, driving the finger up into her cunt while she kept another finger busy on the stubby button of her clit. The little pecan-bud was hard as shit now, and it brought tears to her eyes when she frigged It^ but frig it she did, and she whined with t^ growing excitement that rippled through her body.
   She stood up, still working on her pussy, and she stared at herself in the mirror. Her large, freckled tits bounced as she fucked herself, and there was a misty sheen of sweat oozing from the pores of her body. Stray wisps of hair trickled across her face.
   She looked good-sexy, aroused. She went backward to the bed, guiding herself with the mirror, and she fell over onto the bed, sliding herself up the mattress until her shoulders hit the headboard.
   The mirror gave a full-length view of her five-eight body, the hard-nippled mounds of tit that protruded from her chest, the spread of her long sweaty legs and the exposure of pink fur-framed cunt between them, with her finger poking in and out of the yearning hole of her pussy.
   That cocksucker Walt had been gone for more than a month, and they'd been quarrelling instead of fucking for a couple of months before he left. She hadn't had a sausage injection in longer than she could remember. Jesus, that finger wasn't gonna be enough!
   She pulled it out of herself and sniffed at it, smelling the hot funky arousal of her cunt. Still watching herself in the mirror, she smiled and suck the finger into her mouth, sucking her juices off it. She'd never eaten a pussy, but she had sampled her own juices enough times to know that her cunt, at least, tasted like manna from heaven.
   "If you could get your face down between your legs, you could eat it right from the fountain," she told her mirror image. "But if you could do that, you wouldn't need a man in the first place… "
   Well, she didn't have a man, but she had something almost as good. It was a little embarrassing to use the thing on herself, but what the fuck? A gal had to do what a gal had to do.
   She opened the nightstand drawer, and reached into the back. "Hello, baby," she said, extracting the dildo.
   It was a wondrous instrument, made of stiff plastic and shaped like a real cock, even down to the modeled veins. She gave the button a flip and learned that the batteries were in good working order. "So let's get busy."
   She teased herself first, rubbing her tits with the tip of the dildo until the nipples were stiff and tingly. Sweat was oozing from her body, and she could barely manage to keep the vibrator on its chosen targets, it slid around so much on the wet curves of her tits. She had to cup them and offer the nipples up to the buzzing dildo, but she didn't mind. It felt good to have her hands on her throbbing tits.
   Then she worked the vibrator down her body, buzzing herself crazy with it before she'd even gotten near her auburn-furred cunt. But when she did slide the sex tool into her clump of pussyfur-oh, fucking yeah!
   She worked it up and down her cunt-crack, stimulating the outside of her pussy first. By the time she was ready to fit the big thick dildo into herself, her moist clit was sticking out, rubbing its tingly tip against the buzzing end of the vibrator, and she was writhing wildly on the bed, twisting this way and that, getting her cunt into position for some single lady fun.
   She spread the puffy lips of her cunt and eased the tip of the dildo into herself, moaning as the buzzing object penetrated the wetness of her pussy mouth. Even if the buzz was artificial, it still sent shivers through her cunt and she pushed her pussy forward, swallowing the sex toy with a gulp of muscles. Karen exhaled, the artificial cock's big knob wedged within the mouth of her cunt.
   She held it there a long moment, just absorbing the feel of the thing inside her, but God, she needed something more than a little tickle and tease! She flexed her wrist, pushing the dildo farther into her cunt's hot wet depths. Her pussy felt much tighter around the big thick dildo than it had around her long slender finger, and the tightness enthused her body.
   Karen fucked the dildo into her pussy, making the bed shake as her passion grew more heated and intense. She gripped the thing with both hands, ramming it savagely, just the way she liked to feel a cock biting into her hot excited cunt, and she gasped and moaned as the thing hit bottom again and again in her ripe juicy cunt. Her knees pulled upward, and her cunt lifted to meet the merciless thrusts of the dildo.
   "Yeah, oh fucking God," she moaned, ramming herself harder and harder. The bed rocked beneath her, and her head swam dizzily with the eagerness of fucking.
   The plastic prick pounded into her pulsating pussy. Her wrist ached from the effort of fucking herself, but her cunt drooled wet juice around the invading tool, and she knew that it was all worthwhile. She pulled back and slammed herself into the path of the oncoming dildo, and her cunt ate it with growing greediness, the sheath tightening awesomely around the bulk of the dildo. The constant vibration up and down her cunt sheath was driving her crazy, but Christ, it was that insistent ramming that was gonna blow her fucking cookies!