William Taylor
Farm family
The heavy snowfall obscured the rays or the rising sun and muffled the wailing siren at the state prison. The sudden storm had knocked down the power lines and made all roads impassable. County workers had no way of reaching, let alone driving, their plows and cinder trucks, for the snow was now more than three feet deep and drifting across the roads and into the valley.
The driving wind also quickly obliterated the footprints leading to the isolated farmhouse. Years earlier, Dan Cover had fucked his first woman there and he had never forgotten the experience.
Now in the early morning hours, Cover, his grizzled head bowed before the storm, plodded from the woods, forcing his way through the freezing snow toward the only shelter he could recall. Finally, in the distance, he saw the farmhouse jutting like a dark iceberg in a sea of swirling whiteness. His full lips drew back in a humorless smile, and his lustful appetite, never fully appeased, raced to the fore and caused his large cock to bloat and tent the front of his thin, icy-stiff slacks. He felt the wild desire coursing through his cold body, almost intoxicating in its strength. Even in the midst of the blizzard his balls tightened with anticipation as he plunged joyously ahead, breaking the crusting snow and grunting and panting with nervous anticipation.
Damn, she thought, Jack won't make it home through this storm. Well, it's not the end of the world. There'd been many mornings she'd awakened with a wet pussy and no company. Fingers weren't so bad once in a while. It was only when there was never anything else that she suffered. Beth recalled the years before her marriage when, as a good girl she'd kept the boys from her and played with her pussy half the night.
Holding her breath, she trailed a hand down to her curly-haired cunt. Cupping it tightly she felt its warmth and wetness and squeezed her spongy pussy. Hot cunt juice oozed from between her fingers and she bit her lips.
"Ohhh, Jack…" she sighed, sleepily imagining her husband's sturdy fingers prying open her plump cuntlips and digging into her drooling red pussy.
Still grunting and squirming she slid two fingers into her flowing cunt, twisting them slowly and gently as her thumb nudged the stiff knob of her clit. Her hips circled as her clit lifted and strained away from its fleshy hood.
With her other hand Beth grabbed one of her aching, pear-shaped tits and gently rolled it with her palm. The firm, spongy flesh liquidly assumed a variety of sexy shapes. Finally, with the hard, hot nipple digging into her sweaty palm she began to milk and squeeze the heavy orb of creamy tit flesh. Beth's knees lifted and her feet moved closer together. She pushed the covers down and the hot odor of her abundant pussy juice filled the air. Grabbing her tit again, she pushed it up to her mouth. Parting her lips wide she encircled the large, bumpy brown skin surrounding her hard nipple. Both of her creamy tits were sensitive, and having them rubbed and sucked was nearly enough to make her come when she was really horny.
She sucked the stiff nipple and chewed lightly on it while her hand massaged the underside of her tit. She could feel her orgasm building and shoved another finger into her tight, soaking cunt. Her bedsprings were creaking, but she made no attempt to control the violent shaking of her body. Jerry's bedroom was upstairs, and even ordinary sounds seldom reached him. Now, with the sound of the snowstorm rattling the windows, she had no fear of being overheard.
Her mouth opened and wanton cries and groans soon filled the room. Her free tit rolled all over her chest and her soft ass quivered in the air as she lifted her hips high.
"Unnhhh, ohhhhh," she groaned. She was rising to a sensational climax. She pumped her fingers faster and forced her tired thumb to strum her clit even harder.
"Yahhhhh! Unghhhh! Yowwww!" she cried blissfully, lifting her legs into the air. Her feet kicked aimlessly as she stuffed her fingers palm-deep into her clenching cunt. Then her legs collapsed and she shivered and let her spit-soaked tit drop down on her chest. Pulling her fingers from her still-tingling cunt hole, she held them up and watched the pussy juice drip from them. She smiled, remembering how Jack liked sucking on his fingers after playing with her pussy.
Just then there was a crash of glass in the next room, followed by a heavy thud. Beth jumped from the bed, thinking that the wind had flung a branch or icicle through the window. Her huge white tits swung and bounced before her like pendulous melons as she hurried into the hall. Gusts of cold air hit her naked body as she entered the room, and she shivered. Broken glass and snow covered the floor under the window and the drapes were fluttering madly.
"Oh, shit!" she muttered, not daring to approach too closely in her bare feet. She turned to leave when a man jumped from behind the door to block her exit. She cried out in fright as he grabbed at her. She began to kick and struggle and opened her mouth to scream, but he slapped her hard across the face.
Beth's vision blurred. Momentarily stunned, tears filling her eyes, the helpless housewife felt herself lifted into the air. Cover looked down at her and licked his chapped lips. Jeez, she was prime. Just look at them tits hanging off her chest! His gaze traveled down her belly and saw the glistening wetness of her cunt.
"Playin' with your pussy, honey?" he asked. "Old Dan'll take care of your itch!"
Now that he was inside, the whipping of the wind through the broken window chilled him more than it had, and he quickly carried the woman into the hall and shut the door. Sighting her bedroom, he dumped her on the bed and stripped off his now-wet clothing and shivered.
Fucking this woman would warm him up, he thought, and knelt on the bed beside her. Beth suddenly felt rough hands gripping her thighs, squeezing their plump whiteness before forcing them apart. Her legs were spread wide and she shuddered as she regained her senses.
Beth was petrified with fear and felt a knot of sickness grow in her belly. She strained to close her legs, but the man was too strong for her, and her strength was soon sapped. The aching muscles in her thighs gradually relaxed and she felt his hands on her wet cunt.
"No!" she cried, thrashing her upper body and flailing at him with her small fists. "NO!" She was sobbing with fear and humiliation as he shrugged off her ineffectual blows and used his thumbs to spread the fat lips of her auburn-haired cunt.
"Oh, God!" Beth whimpered. "Don't do this to me. Please! Let me gooooo…"
Cover stared at the glistening pinkness of her cuntlips. She smelled hot and sweet, and he felt his cock swelling with anticipation. Blowing softly on the dark bud of her trembling clit, he was gladdened to hear her whimper.
"Like that, doncha, honey?" he whispered, and nuzzled her soft cunt hair with his face.
"OHHH, God!" Beth groaned as she felt his hot tongue stab through the soft folds of her pussy. She tried to squirm away but his arms were wrapped around her fleshy hips and his hands were digging bloodless furrows into the smooth whiteness of her ass.
The man's lewd tonguing of her feverish cunt lips made her gasp with unwanted, agonized pleasure. She felt her cunt hole opening, drenching his lips and chin with clear, slippery pussy juice.
"Unnhhh…" Beth moaned, and against her will, her hips lifted and dropped.
"Oh, yeah, that's it, baby," Cover groaned, raising up enough for her to see his wet lips and dripping chin. "Give me a kiss with that fat pussy of yours!"
Beth inwardly cringed as her body responded to this brutal man's lewd tonguing. She was filled with shame, but unable to fight him off. Nor could she scream for help. Even if Jerry could hear her, she couldn't expose her teenage son to this man's violence.
She shook and gasped and then cried out with mingled pain and pleasure as Cover located her clit and sucked it between his front teeth. His teeth closed over its base while he sucked on it as if it were a juicy berry and his tongue lashed its tip.
She arched up, her body covered with sweat and her ears ringing with the obscenely loud slurping and smacking of the mouth locked on her cunt.
Her clit throbbed and burned, and she was possessed by the nearness of her orgasm. Her eyes widened with electrified shock. Her whole body quaked as the beginning tremors thundered through her. "Uhhhhhh… coming. Oh, God, I'm coming…" She chanted mindlessly.
And then it struck, shocking her with its intensity, blotting out all thoughts of who the man was, and what he was doing. "Ung! Aghhh, yes! Fuck me, ohhh…"
Cover gleefully released her clit and ran his tongue up the whole length of her pink, throbbing cunt again and again. Beth's toes turned down, her eyes squeezed shut, and her ass lifted a foot off the mattress as she chanted her shameful litany.