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Daughter in Heat

   Sue Elton lived a life of leisure. Her husband, Jack, owned and operated a successful import export business, and Sue only had one child to raise, a fifteen-year-old daughter who no longer needed raising. Sue spent a great deal of her time staying in shape and keeping their lovely home in shape. Her hobbies were working out, playing tennis, supervising endless home improvement projects, and fucking craftsmen.
   Jack knew about three of her hobbies and suspected the fourth. His sexy wife certainly wasn't staying sexy for him, and her projects took longer than federal projects.
   Fortunately, Sue got much better deals than the federal government.
   Heather knew her mother had four hobbies because she'd caught her closely supervising craftsmen many times. Heather knew her mother was a slut before she knew what it meant. To see her mother with a man was to see her nude and engaged in some form of sex play, which was also true of male dogs and some women. Heather knew sluts did that, but it wasn't until she learned that slut was a bad thing, a very bad thing, and a slut for dogs was the worst of all that she learned shame. Her mother became a terrible embarrassment to her at the age of eight. She'd walk in on an embarrassing scene and quietly ease out or pass through to her bedroom. Sue and Heather didn't talk about Mommy's fourth hobby.
   When Heather entered puberty, she wanted to talk about the fourth hobby but her mother obviously didn't. Even after Heather saw her nude mother taking on three men at once; afterward, when they were alone, her mother still didn't want to talk about it. Nothing was ever said about anything Heather saw. Adulterous sex was simply business as usual. They rarely talked about her other three hobbies either. They talked about everything else, though, and got along like sisters once Heather was well into puberty and needed no supervision or mothering.
   They even talked about sex and masturbation, birth control, and guys. Only cheating affairs were off limits in their discussions. Heather didn't approve.
   She adored her hard-working father. Sue knew this but couldn't help herself.
   Like smoking, adultery was an addiction that didn't need to be discussed. They didn't discuss her smoking, either. Bad habits weren't discussed.
   Bad habits were tolerated. Sue never said, "Do as I say, not as I do," but that was the message Heather got.
   By the time Heather turned fifteen, both bad habits were much worse. Her mother was up to two packs a day (cigarettes, not dogs) and rarely did a week go by that Heather didn't walk in on a sex scene and most were with groups-threesomes and foursomes mostly, but the most recent was an eightsome which included two female paper hangers and a large dog.
   Though they never talked about the sex Heather saw, she had a long list of questions she'd love answers to:
   Why do you have sex with dogs and let people watch and take pictures? What is anal sex like? What's it like licking a woman's pussy? How do you get a big dick down your throat? Why don't you make the men use condoms? What's it like being screwed by three men at once? What does sperm taste like?
   What does dog sperm taste like?
   Which do you like better? Why do you shave your pussy, go around without panties and bra, and shoot bare beavers to guys you wouldn't want to be seen talking to much less making love to? And what's wrong with Daddy? He's better looking than any man I've ever seen on you or in you.
   Does he know you're a cheating slut that will suck and fuck anything-I mean, a sexually active spouse who is not very selective? ‹/UL› She had a hundred questions but no answers, but the biggest question of all-Why do you do these things when you know I'm around?-begged an answer.
   Heather could only surmise that her mother simply didn't care what her daughter saw, thought, or felt. Typically, after everyone left, Sue would go to Heather's room, nude and streaming sperm down her bare legs and neck, then casually ask how her day at school went, ask what she'd like for dinner, and remind her of chores that needed to be done.
   Sue knew all the questions Heather had, and knew the big one along with the answer to it. The answer to the big question would shock Heather:
   Because Mommy likes getting caught by you, sweetheart. I want you to see what a slut I am behind your father's back. Can you understand that, precious?
   Sue never told Heather because she knew her daughter couldn't possibly understand and the thought of trying to explain something that Sue didn't quite understand didn't appeal to her. They simply didn't talk about it, though not talking about it was getting harder and harder to do. After witnessing a bestial, bisexual orgy, it was damn near impossible.
   In the month leading up to the eventful orgy, Heather became aware of a campaign aimed at drawing her into the sex. Many of her questions were answered in that month though she was still a technical virgin in one hole-her vagina, and that was stretching it, no pun intended.
   In the 184 months prior to that, none of her mother's sexual partners ever laid a finger on Heather; in the one after, they all had, usually with her mother watching.
   It got to where Heather came home with the expectation of a molestation and just wondered what form it would take and which questions would be answered as a result. If the purpose was to loosen her up, the technique worked very well.
   Heather molested very well.
   Sue rarely bothered Jack at his office, but three days before school let out for the summer, three days after the bestial orgy, she had to. She was three weeks into a major interior painting and redecorating job that was already looking to last all through June, a job that should have taken two men two weeks to complete. The two-man crew now averaged five men with two women who did the paper hanging when needed; and at the rate they were progressing, July 4th was a more realistic goal.
   Jack didn't like seeing Sue at his office because an office visit meant she needed more money. That, plus the fact that she rarely looked decent, wearing attire more suited for a low-rent street corner. On seeing her walk in wearing her tennis outfit, obviously braless, he pulled the checkbook from his desk drawer, readied the pen, and said, "How much this time, Sue?"
   Sue sat in one of the two chairs that fronted his massive oak desk, being careful not to shoot a bare beaver, which wasn't easy in a skirt that barely covered her pussy when standing. She had to turn her legs to the side as she said, "I'm not here for money, Jack. I'm here about Heather."
   Jack set the pen down and raised an left eyebrow. "What about Heather?"
   "Unless you haven't noticed, our little girl isn't a little girl any longer.
   She's a young woman. Furthermore, she has become a bit of an exhibitionist.
   Perhaps I should rephrase that. She"is" an exhibitionist."
   Jack looked at Sue's vast expanse of naked legs and said, "If she is, she takes after her mother.
   Damnit, Sue, you may as well be topless. You're not wearing panties, either, are you?"
   "We're not here to discuss me."
   "You're not, are you?"
   "No, I'm not. All right, I'm an exhibitionist. If I could, I'd go around totally naked. Are you satisfied?"
   "Finally, some honesty. Are you also an adulterer?"
   Frustrated, Sue said, "Jack, do you really want the answer to that?"
   Jack thought, then sat back and thought some more, then said, "I know the answer."
   "Good, then you don't need to hear it from me."
   "How many, Sue?"
   "I don't count. How many bimbos have you bedded?"
   "I don't cheat. I never have.
   I took our vows seriously."
   Sue was afraid of that. She had hopes of making mutual confessions, offering mutual forgiveness, then mutually agreeing to open the marriage. She didn't doubt his claim. He wasn't the cheating type. Sue felt badly and said, "Jack, I'm sorry, but…"
   "How many, Sue? Estimate."
   Exasperated, Sue looked out the window, debated, then looked back and said, "I don't know… maybe over three or four…"
   "Bullshit! Don't you dare sit there and pretend you can't recall whether it was three, four, or five when I personally know ten men who have screwed you and another ten they said they saw you screw. I am not a fucking idiot, Sue."
   "No, but you are a buttinski.
   You cut me off. Will you let me finish my sentence?"
   Jack sat back, straightened his tie, and quietly gestured for her to go ahead."
   "Thank you. I was about to say before being so rudely butted into, maybe over three or four hundred, but now that I think of it, it has to be over five."
   "Over five-hundred! You fucked over five-hundred men since we got married?"
   "Yes, maybe. I don't count.
   I'm an adulterous slut, Jack. I've been cheating since we started going steady.