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Deeper, daddy, deeper


   "Come on, baby. I'm so hot. Can't we go all the way this time?" Marvin Madison said breathlessly.
   "No, Marvin!" Sally Symms said firmly. "If I told you once, I've told you a million times. I don't do that. I am saving my cherry. You can't make me."
   "I could if I used brute force," Marvin said. His lips were very close to the girl's neck. She could feel his hot moist breath, on her jugular vein.
   "But that would get you in a lot of trouble. Besides, I would find a way to castrate you before the night was through," Sally said. She turned up one corner of her mouth into a half smile of inward amusement.
   "True. But you can't make me go home like this. I'll have a horrible case of blue balls. It is cruel to let a guy walk home with a limp."
   "You are driving home," Sally said, furrowing her brow.
   "But I still have to get up to my room. My cock hurts. It has been hard for – my God! – three hours now! It aches, Sally. Have mercy on me."
   "Marvin, you are such an animal. I swear, you are going to have to learn to control yourself. You turn into a real beast sometimes."
   "I'm not a beast, Sally. I am more human than I have ever been before. You are human. I am human. Let's get human!" It was clear from the tone of the boy's voice that Marvin Madison was desperate.
   "Okay, okay, I'll give you a blow job," Sally said. She frowned.
   Marvin sighed with relief, and leaned back. He opened his knees.
   Marvin thought that Sally was the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
   Both of the youngsters were sixteen years old. They were in the summer vacation between their Junior and Senior years of high school. This was their third date. The first two dates Sally had not even allowed Marvin to kiss her. This time the teenage boy had done much better. He had been allowed to tongue-kiss with her for three hours. He even got to feel her tits, but not under her shirt. Now he was going to get a blow job.
   He considered himself a very lucky young man. Sally was a notorious virgin and prick tease. He figured that getting his rocks off anyway was a bonus. He hadn't really expected to get laid – but he did feel that it was worth the old college try.
   Sally was not a very large little girl. She stood five feet even.
   She was built on a small frame. What they call small-boned.
   Her hair was golden blonde – just like her Daddy's – and it grew all wavy down past her shoulders. Her hair was parted in the middle and fell down onto her forehead in downy bangs that came almost all the way to her brows. Her skin had a perfect peaches and cream complexion. She was the sort of girl who had never had a blemish in her life.
   Her eyebrows and, eyelashes were the same color as the hair on her head. Her hair was so blonde that it bleached almost white in the summer sunshine. Sally had to be careful in the sun, however, because of her fair complexion. She burned easily. Sally always had to peel a few times before the tanning process began – no matter how much oil and sun screen she used.
   Sally had a round face. It was the sort of face that might have been painted on a doll.
   Her eyes were round and baby blue. They tended to open very wide – with child-like amazement – whenever Sally was excited about something.
   Sally's eyes twinkled merrily whenever she was happy, and they could look filled with sorrow when she was feeling blue. She had a tiny nose that was turned up a little at the end. A button nose – with oval-shaped nostrils. Her nostrils flared whenever she was excited.
   Sally did not have a large mouth, but her lips were full and sensuous. Pouting lips. A slight overbite. Her lips always looked as if they were partially puckered.
   The local boys had said that Sally Symms looked like she needed to be kissed very badly. But most of the boys had struck out completely with Sally. She wasn't the sort of girl who would be seen with just anyone.
   Sally dated rarely, and when she did, she usually only allowed the boy to kiss her good-night, and that was the extent of the physical contact.
   This was an exception. Sally felt sorry for Marvin. And besides, she thought he was very handsome. Sally had never given a blow job before. But she had often thought about it during sexy fantasies. Sally often wondered what it would be like to suck a cock. Something in the back of her head – something instinctive – told her that it would be very nice.
   She would soon find out, that was for sure. Sally's mouth watered.
   In spite of Sally's slim frame and diminutive form, her breasts were large.
   Sally's tits were perky and rested high on her chest.
   They were ripe melons – both firm and supple. She never wore a bra.
   Her breasts jiggled deliciously inside her tee-shirt whenever she moved.
   Marvin had tried all night to get his hand under her tee-shirt so he could stroke those hot scoops of vanilla ice cream. But Sally was a notorious wrist-grabber.
   Sally had a beautiful little body. She had the kind of body that made the men in town – both boys and adults – ache just to look at it. Her waist was slim and her hips were round.
   Sally had a way of swinging her round hips from side to side when she walked – like a pendulum – that drove guys wild. There were men who crossed the street of even turned around and walked in the opposite direction just for the honor of walking behind Sally Symms. She liked to wear designee jeans. Dark blue. As tight as possible. Sally's jeans were often so tight that she looked as if she had painted them on with dark blue spray paint.
   Her legs were not long but they were slim and shapely. She had trim ankles and tiny feet. Her toes were chubby and all very close to the same length. Sally had the kind of feet and ankles that looked great in high-heels. Sally liked to wear open-toed heels with her tight jeans. She thought that was the sexiest thing that a little girl could wear. On her top she wore a white tee-shirt with a decal of her favorite rock and roll group on the front.
   Sally's fingernails were long and slightly curled. It was obvious that they had been carefully manicured.
   They were all exactly the same length and had an equal roundness to their tips. She painted them dark red.
   She thought that the color went well with her peaches and cream complexion. Her toenails were tiny and round. She painted them the same color.
   Marvin Miller was the quarterback on the high school football team.
   He had a better chance than any of the boys to pop her cherry.
   Sally could always feel her blood pumping when she was with him.
   That was why she had agreed to go down on him – a first.
   He was a huge boy. He stood a couple of inches over six feet. He weighed twice as much as Sally. Sally had never weighed more than ninety-five pounds in her entire life – and that included times when she had weighed herself while she was soaking wet.
   The boy's hair was dark brown and a bit ungroomed. The hair tended to look mussed. It usually fell over the tops of his eyes and flopped down onto his forehead. He was very handsome. But not as handsome as Sally's Daddy.
   His eyes were dark brown. So dark that they looked black in the limited light. The two were in the back seat of Marvin's car. The quarters were cramped.
   Marvin had more whiskers than most of the boys his age.
   He shaved regularly.
   His shoulders were very broad. Just like Daddy's.
   He had thick slabs of muscle across his back and shoulders.
   The skin was stretched tight across his chest – which was almost hairless.
   In spite of the girth of his upper body, his waist and hips were slim.
   He was built like a triangle – point down, Sally thought.
   She figured he had been constructed by God for a purpose.
   Marvin had been put on the Earth especially to fuck. Part of Sally wanted to let him fuck her. Wanted it badly. But there was a bigger part of her that knew her heart would always belong to her Daddy.
   Marvin's legs were very long. His thighs were thick. Sally suspected that one of the boy's thighs was bigger around that her waist. Maybe not. Marvin's thighs were not as muscular as her father's.
   His hands and his feet were very large. Sally wondered if the same was true of other portions of the dark haired boy's anatomy. She could see a bulge in the crotch of his tight jeans.
   She had noticed the bulge in his crotch getting larger the longer they tongue-kissed. She knew that he was telling the truth about having a throbbing boner. Sally could feel the rate of her heartbeat increasing as she saw the boy reaching for his belt. Sally had never actually seen an erect penis before. She found that her expectation was piqued. She could feel herself starting to pant. She tried to hide her horniness. She didn't want Marvin to know how sexually aroused she was becoming at the thought of sucking his cock. She wanted him to think that she was doing him a favor. She did not want him to know that she was enjoying herself. Marvin quickly unbuckled his black leather belt and unbuttoned the single button that held the top of his jeans together. Marvin's jeans were old and faded. They had worn through at the knees and in the seat, and had been patched with other squares of denim. He was wearing a black tee-shirt with a little pocket on the front. On his feet were black high-rise sneakers. He wore no socks. It was a hot muggy summer night and the windows were fogged. It was the sort of night when everything is sticky.