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Watson J. » The farmer_s naughty wife - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно

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J T Watson
The farmer_s naughty wife


   "The bus will be ten minutes late, Mrs. Bowers." Judy Bowers gave the ticket taker a look of disgust and walked back to her seat. She was getting tired of this town. She was tired of busses being always late, of never having anything to do, of seeing nothing but cows all day long.
   She sat down and crossed her long legs. She was aware of the stares she was getting. She had always been glad when her body was appreciated. She'd always had real pride in her shoulder-length auburn hair, her firm, proud tits, and her slender waist.
   But in this small town there were few men who were worth looking at and who could appreciate her. Before she had married Bill she'd always had dozens of admirers. But she had fallen for Bill's dark good looks in a big way.
   How the hell could she have known that Bill wanted to be a farmer?
   "A farmer," she said out loud.
   Anyone near her could have heard the bitterness in her voice. Bill wanted to milk cows and feed chickens and work his ass off all day long. He was always too tired for anything she wanted to do.
   They had only been married six months and she still wanted to see things, to have a good time. Why couldn't Bill understand that she didn't want to be a farmer's wife?
   At least for the next couple of weeks she could have a better time. She turned her thoughts to more pleasant things as she remembered her cousin Randy and the good times they had had together.
   She was twenty-two and Randy was a year older but they'd always been good friends. She hadn't seen him in a couple of years but she knew that the service and his tour in Viet Nam wouldn't have changed him.
   Randy was a strong boy who was always laughing, and Judy knew they would be able to have a few good times together before he was due back to camp. She wondered why he had chosen to visit her instead of going home on leave but perhaps he had his own reasons.
   She saw the bus pull up in front and she stood up. She checked herself in the big mirror above the door and she liked what she saw. Marriage hadn't hurt her good looks any. If anything, marriage had matured her fine body even more.
   Randy was the only one who got off the bus. She recognized him immediately although he had changed considerably. The Marine uniform made him look taller, prouder, and there was a row of ribbons across his chest.
   She couldn't control herself to make the dignified walk out to greet him. Instead she ran to him and hugged him as hard as she could.
   "Hold on," he laughed. "You're making all of these people jealous."
   "I don't care," she said. "I'm so glad to see you. You look so good I could eat you."
   "Well maybe that could be arranged," he said softly.
   She laughed and punched him in the arm. They had always made jokes about sex but there had never been anything between them. She realized, as they walked to the car, that she might have to be a little more careful with her jokes.
   They were not children playing any more. There was a new confidence to Randy's walk and there was a worldly look in his eyes. She saw him casually study most of the women in the bus station and on the sidewalks, and she saw some of the women give him a cautious glance.
   She couldn't blame them. He was good looking enough to almost make her forget that they were cousins and that she was a married woman.
   "Hey," he said. "This is a nice little car."
   "Yes," Judy replied. "It's a foreign thing that I bought when I was working. I love it."
   He got into the seat and she went around to the driver's side. She was aware that her short dress had ridden up and that his eyes were brushing over her exposed thighs. She pulled down her skirt.
   "You watch your eyes," she teased.
   "Shy?" he asked. "I haven't seen anything that pretty in a long time."
   She laughed, but it was an uncomfortable laugh. She didn't know why she was feeling uncomfortable with Randy. They had always made little jokes like that. Yet she couldn't get over the feeling that something had changed between them.
   "I bet this little job will run," he said.
   "It will," Judy said. She was glad to get his thoughts on something else besides her legs. "You want to find out how fast? I bet you a dollar I can make you holler whoa."
   "You're on," he said.
   She didn't make him holler whoa but it was the fastest she had ever driven before. She took chances she didn't normally take but it was exciting. She was a little out of breath when she slammed on the brakes and skidded to a stop in her front yard.
   "Well," he said. "It certainly can go."
   "I owe you a dollar," Judy said. She got out of the car and motioned with her arm. "This is it. As far as the eye can see it all belongs to us."
   "So you really are a farmer's wife," he said. "I just couldn't believe it when I heard about it."
   "What's wrong with being a farmer's wife?" she cried.
   "Oh," he said. "I don't know. It's just that I couldn't picture the prettiest girl in town living way out here in the sticks."
   She flushed a little under his penetrating gaze. Randy always did read her thoughts better than anyone else. But she quickly gathered her courage because she didn't want him to see just how really unhappy she was. She didn't want anyone to know that.
   "Come on," she said. "Let me introduce you to Bill. You'll like him."
   Bill was in the barn puttering with some machinery. Judy was right about the two of them liking each other. There was real warmth in the clasp of their handshake even though they were far apart physically.
   Bill was chunky and dark-featured; Randy was tall and blond. But both of them were muscular and both possessed a good sense of humor.
   "I'll just show him to his room," Judy said.
   "You do that," Bill replied. "Good to have you stay with us, Randy. Judy's told me a lot about you."
   They left Bill in the barn and walked toward the house. Trish Canfield stepped out of the back door before they got to the house.
   "Who's she?" Randy asked.
   Judy almost giggled at the tone of his voice. Trish was a nineteen-year-old, blonde-haired, green-eyed, bosomy girl. She was one of those girls who oozed sex appeal. Judy didn't care a lot for her because she'd seen Trish giving Bill a few sly glances.
   "She's kitchen help," Judy said. "I don't like to cook and Bill brought her out from town."
   "You mean she lives here?" Randy asked.
   "Yes," Judy said. "And pull your tongue back in. You don't have to look so struck."
   "Hello," Trish said. "You must be Randy."
   "Guilty," Randy replied.
   Judy gave his arm a tug. She didn't want to spend the rest of the afternoon standing in the yard while Randy gaped at Trish.
   "Hot damn," Randy said as they entered the house. "She's got a pair of tits on her."
   Judy felt a flash of jealousy and resentment because Trish's titties were very large and the girl seldom wore a bra. Judy had caught Bill eyeing Trish's tits a few times.
   "If you like them as big as a cow." Judy said.
   "You sound a little jealous," Randy said. "You shouldn't be. You've got a fine pair of tits yourself."
   "Stop that," Judy said.
   She again had the strange feeling that something was changed between them. His last comment had sounded more like admiration than a joke between cousins.
   As they walked up the stairs, she found herself really giving him a good look. She felt herself blush a little body when she realized that she was getting slightly turned on thinking about her cousin.
   She had to stop thinking like this.
   "This is it," Judy said, showing him his room. "This is where you'll stay for the next couple of weeks."
   "Nice," he said.
   He sat down on the edge of the bed. She grew uncomfortable under his stare and with the bed so close… she suddenly knew that she had better get out of that room and fast.
   "I'm sure you want to change out of that uniform," she said. "I'm just going to help Trish get supper."
   "I thought you didn't like to cook," he said.
   "I don't," she admitted, "but sometimes I help."
   "Are you sure you just don't want to be up here alone with me?"
   His voice was low key and she couldn't tell if he was teasing or not. She decided to treat it lightly.
   "Of course not," she said. "I don't have anything to be frightened of."
   "I don't know about that," he said. "It's been a while since I was alone in a worn with a pretty woman like you."
   "Quit your teasing," she said.
   "I'm not teasing, Judy," he said. "I do think you're pretty. I always have."
   She felt a little chili as she faced him. Suddenly they weren't teasing each other any more. She had always wondered about him. She was curious about the way his hard body would feel paused against hers. She realized she was about to find out as he approached her.