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Книги 10651—10675 из 11249.
  • Romans na recept?
  • Szwaja Monika
  • G??wna bohaterka, Eulalia, jest reporterk? telewizyjn?, kocha g?ry i robienie film?w o nich. Ma prac?, dom, samoch?d, dwoje dzieci, nawet przyjaci??. W?a?ciwie to Eulalia ma wszystko poza sta?ym m??czyzn?. A ?e mimo wyra?nego post?pu w umniejszaniu m??czyzny dzisiejsza kobieta wyzwolona nie zawsze radzi sobie bez onego i czasem nawet brakuje jej przyjemno?ci z nim zwi?zanych, pani reporter zaczyna bystrzej spogl?da? na otaczaj?cych j? pan?w. Okazuje si?, ?e nie jest z nimi tak ?le… ten i ?w mo?e by si? nawet do czego? nadawa?.

  • Rosa candida
  • ?lafsd?ttir Au?ur
  • El joven Arnlj?tur decide abandonar su casa, a su hermano gemelo autista, a su padre octogenario y los paisajes crepusculares de monta?as de lava cubiertas de l?quenes. Su madre acaba de tener un accidente y, al borde de la muerte, a?n re?ne fuerzas para llamarle y darle unos ?ltimos consejos. Un fuerte lazo les une: el invernadero donde ella cultivaba una extra?a variedad de rosa: la rosa c?ndida, de ocho p?talos y sin espinas. Fue all? donde una noche, imprevisiblemente, Arnlj?tur am? a Anna, una amiga de un amigo. En un pa?s cercano, en un antiguo monasterio, existe una rosaleda legendaria. De camino hacia ese destino, Arnlj?tur est?, sin saberlo, iniciando un viaje en busca de s? mismo, y del amor perdido.

  • Rosario Tijeras
  • Franco Jorge
  • El ?xito de `Rosario Tijeras`CARTAGENA DE INDIAS.- En Medell?n tiene una l?pida con foto. La ?ltima morada de Rosario Tijeras, el personaje creado por el escritor Jorge Franco, es visitada en la ciudad donde muri? Gardel, que fue base de operaciones de uno de los m?s sangrientos carteles del narcotr?fico en los a?os 80.`Rosario Tijeras`, la novela que dio fama internacional a su autor, vendi? en siete a?os m?s de 150.000 ejemplares s?lo en Colombia. Es, adem?s, canci?n en la m?sica del cantautor Juanes, y ...

  • Rozmowa w „Katedrze”
  • Llosa Mario
  • "Rozmowa w Katedrze" to niezwyk?a historia ludzi ?yj?cych w Peru, w latach 50., w czasie dyktatury wojskowej, kt?rej przyw?dc? by? genera? Manuel Apolinario Odr?a.Akcja ksi??ki rozgrywa si? na kilku p?aszczyznach ujawniaj?cych kulisy i mechanizmy w?adzy dyktatora jak i jej wp?yw na ?ycie zwyk?ych ludzi. W popularnym barze o znacz?cej nazwie Katedraa spotykaj? si? Santiago Zavala, kt?ry wyrwa? si? spod w?adzy lojalnego wobec rz?du ojca, Ambrosio cz?owiek ze spo?ecznych nizin, znajomy Cayo Bemudeza bliskiego wsp??pracownika prezydenta. Rozmowa, uznawana jest za najwa?niejsze dzie?o Vargasa Llosy. Sam Autor m?wi o niej w ten spos?b: ?adna inna powie?? nie przysporzy?a mi tak wiele trudu. Dlatego gdybym musia? kiedy? uratowa? co? z po?aru, wyni?s?bym w?a?nie t? ksi??k?.

  • Runemarks
  • Harris Joanne
  • Seven o'clock on a Monday morning, five hundred years after the end of the world, and goblins had been at the cellar again… Not that anyone would admit it was goblins. In Maddy Smith's world, order rules. Chaos, old gods, fairies, goblins, magic, glamours – all of these were supposedly vanquished centuries ago. But Maddy knows that a small bit of magic has survived. The “ruinmark” she was born with on her palm proves it – and makes the other villagers fearful that she is a witch (though helpful in dealing with the goblins-in-the-cellar problem). But the mysterious traveler One-Eye sees Maddy's mark not as a defect, but as a destiny. And Maddy will need every scrap of forbidden magic One-Eye can teach her if she is to survive that destiny.

  • Running Dog
  • Делилло Дон
  • DeLillo's Running Dog, originally published in 1978, follows Moll Robbins, a New York city journalist trailing the activities of an influential senator. In the process she is dragged into the black market world of erotica and shady, infatuated men, where a cat-and-mouse chase for an erotic film rumored to "star" Adolph Hitler leads to trickery, maneuvering, and bloodshed. With streamlined prose and a thriller's narrative pace, Running Dog is a bright star in the modern master's early career.

  • S@motno?? w sieci
  • Wi?niewski Janusz
  • – powie?? tak wsp??czesna, ?e bardziej nie mo?na: z Internetem, elektronicznymi biletami lotniczymi, dekodowaniem genomu i SMS-ami. A przy tym tak tradycyjna jak klasyczna historia mi?osna. Powie?? o mi?o?ci w Internecie. Tej ostatecznej, tej, o kt?rej si? marzy, takiej, «aby si? pop?aka? i aby dech zapar?o». Wi?niewski analitycznie i urzekaj?co relacjonuje t? mi?o??, wprowadzaj?c na przemian nastr?j niemal uroczystej czu?o?ci, aby kilka linijek dalej zadziwi? odwa?nym erotyzmem. to tak?e ho?d sk?adany m?dro?ci i wiedzy. Splecione kunsztownie z w?tkiem mi?osnym fascynuj?ce historie o moleku?ach emocji, o tym, kto tak naprawd? odkry? DNA, i o tym, co po ?mierci sta?o si? z m?zgiem Einsteina. Przeczytawszy wie si?, ?e wirtualno?? Internetu to tylko umowa i ?e e-mail – tak naprawd? – nie musi si? r??ni? od listu przys?anego przez pos?a?ca.

  • Sabotaje Ol?mpico
  • Montalban Manuel
  • Pepe Carvalho naci? en Yo mat? a Kennedy, en 1970. Desde entonces, V?zquez Montalb?n ha escrito una decena de novelas en las que el peculiar detective es el protagonista. Destacan, por citar s?lo algunos t?tulos, Tatuaje, Las p?jaros de Bangkok, Los mares del Sur o Asesinato en el Comit? Central. Todas ellas siguen una l?nea muy definida, con argumentos s?lidos, adscritas al g?nero negro o policiaco y que el propio V?zquez Montalb?n califica acertadamente de cr?nica de una ciudad y una ?poca. Pues bien, esta l?nea se rompe ...

  • Saga
  • Benacquista Tonino
  • Trois sc?naristes et une romanci?re se retrouvent un matin dans le bureau du directeur d'une grande cha?ne de t?l?vision. Celui-ci va leur confier la r?daction d'une nouvelle s?rie qu'ils devront enti?rement cr?er. ?a commence un peu comme un conte de f?e pour ces quatre ?crivains plus ou moins rat?s. Seulement ils apprennent tr?s vite que la s?rie n'existera que pour remplir les quotas minimums de fictions fran?aises sur la cha?ne. Et donc qu'elle sera diffus?e en plein milieu de la nuit. Pour nos ...

  • Salaam Paris
  • Daswani Kavita
  • Tanaya Shah longs for the wonderful world of Paris, the world that she fell in love with while watching Audrey Hepburn in Sabrina-so when a proposal comes along for an arranged marriage with a man who is living in Paris, Tanaya seizes the chance. But once she lands in the city, she shuns the match. A stroke of luck turns Tanaya into a supermodel, and soon the traditional girl is cavorting with rock stars and is disowned by her family.In her new whirlwind life, she is reintroduced to the man she was supposed to marry, the man she now realizes she should have never walked away from, the man who is her only connection to the family she longs to reconcile with, if only it's not too late.

  • Salem Falls
  • Picoult Jodie
  • From the national bestselling author of PLAIN TRUTH comes an acclaimed, richly atmospheric novel about a teacher undone by a disturbing modern-day witch hunt. Tall, blonde and handsome, Jack McBride was once a beloved teacher and football coach at a girl's school, until a student's crush sparked a powder-keg of accusation and robbed him of his career and reputation. Now after a devastatingly public ordeal that left him with an eight-month jail sentence and no job, Jack resolves to pick up the pieces of his life; taking a job washing dishes at Addie Peabody's diner, and slowly forming ...

  • Salmon Fishing in the Yemen
  • Torday Paul
  • This is the story of Dr Alfred Jones, a fisheries scientist-for whom diary notable events include the acquisition of a new electric toothbrush and getting his article on caddis fly larvae published in ‘Trout and Salmon’-who finds himself reluctantly involved in a project to bring salmon fishing to the Highlands of the Yemen…a project that will change his life, and the course of British political history forever. With a wickedly wonderful cast of characters-including a visionary Sheikh, a weasely spin doctor, Fred’s devilish wife and a few thousand transplanted salmon-Salmon Fishing in the Yemen is a novel about hypocrisy and bureaucracy, dreams and deniability, and the transforming power of faith and love.

  • Salmonella Men on Planet Porno
  • Tsutsui Yasutaka
  • This collection of marvelously off-kilter short stories – the American debut of acclaimed Japanese writer Yasutaka Tsutsui – portrays the consequences of a world where the fantastic and the mundane collide and throw the lives of ordinary men and women into disarray.In 'The Dabba Dabba Tree' Tsutsui describes the hilarious side effects of a small conical tree that, when placed at the foot of one's bed, creates erotic dreams that metamorphose into communal farce. In 'Commuter Army' -a sly commentary on the ludicrousness of war-a weapons supplier whose rifles cease functioning after just one shot becomes an unwilling conscript ...

  • Salto Mortal
  • Oe Kenzaburo
  • Un profesor divorciado de mediana edad regresa a Tokio tras pasar quince a?os impartiendo clases en una universidad americana, para ser sometido a una arriesgada operaci?n. El recuerdo de un antiguo alumno le obsesiona y decide dar con ?l. Cu?l ser? su sorpresa al encontrar al ni?o convertido en un muchacho que trabaja para la facci?n radical de una secta religiosa, un peligroso movimiento que predica el fin inminente de la humanidad.En Salto mortal, la primera novela que publica Kenzaburo O? desde que recibi? el Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1994, el autor ...

  • Salut, Galarneau!
  • Godbout Jacques
  • Galarneau est un dr?le de bonhomme. Il tient un snack-bar dans un vieil autobus et vend des hot dog. Bien s?r, il s'int?resse ? son commerce mais en m?me temps il pense ? beaucoup d'autres choses. ? son p?re, lui aussi un dr?le de bonhomme, ? ses fr?res, ? son enfance. Ses amours vont tant bien que mal. Marise est app?tissante mais on tourne autour d'elle. Fran?ois Galarneau la d?fend mal contre les assauts de Jacques, son fr?re, beaucoup plus hardi. Et puis Galarneau ?crit des po?mes. Il faut bien s'occuper entre ...

  • Salvage the Bones
  • Ward Jesmyn
  • A hurricane is building over the Gulf of Mexico, threatening the coastal town of Bois Sauvage, Mississippi, and Esch's father is growing concerned. A hard drinker, largely absent, he doesn't show concern for much else. Esch and her three brothers are stocking food, but there isn't much to save. Lately, Esch can't keep down what food she gets; she's fourteen and pregnant. Her brother Skeetah is sneaking scraps for his prized pitbull's new litter, dying one by one in the dirt. Meanwhile, brothers Randall and Junior try to stake their claim in a family long on child's play and ...

  • Sami Swoi
  • Mularczyk Andrzej
  • "Sami swoi" to opowie?? o zwa?nionych rodach Pawlak?w i Kargul?w. Przed wojn? kargulowa krowa wesz?a na ??k? Pawlak?w, co spowodowa?o, ?e sp?on??y dwie stodo?y, pola?a si? krew i Ja?ko Pawlak, uciekaj?c przed kar? za poci?cie kos? Kargula musia? wyemigrowa? do Ameryki. Jednak sp?r dw?ch rodzin trwa dalej.Film "Sami Swoi" cieszy si? popularno?ci? a? po dzi? dzie?. Zosta? on oparty na ksi??ce pod takim samym tytu?em. Ksi??ka ta zosta?a napisana przez Andrzeja Mularczyka, kt?ry r?wnie? napisa? ...