Harris Joanne -
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Книги 1—12 из 12.
- Blackberry Wine
- Жанр: Современная проза
- ‘A lively and original talent’ – Sunday Times‘Harris is at her best when detailing the sensual pleasures of taste and smell. As chocoholics stand advised to stock up on some of their favourite bars before biting into Chocolat, so boozers everywhere should get a couple of bottles in before opening Blackberry Wine’ – Helen Falconer, Guardian‘Joanne Harris has the gift of conveying her delight in the sensuous pleasures of food, wine, scent and plants… [Blackberry Wine] has all the appeal of a velvety scented glass of vintage wine’ – Lizzie Buchan, Daily Mail‘If Joanne Harris didn’...
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- Chocolat
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Try me…Test me…Taste me…When an exotic stranger, Vianne Rocher, arrives in the French village of Lansquenet and opens a chocolate boutique directly opposite the church, Father Reynaud identifies her as a serious danger to his flock – especially as it is the beginning of Lent, the traditional season of self-denial. War is declared as the priest denounces the newcomer's wares as the ultimate sin.Suddenly Vianne's shop-cum-caf? means that there is somewhere for secrets to be whispered, grievances to be aired, dreams to be tested. But Vianne's plans for an Easter Chocolate Festival divide the whole community in a conflict that escalates into a 'Church not Chocolate' battle. As mouths water in anticipation, can the solemnity of the Church compare with the pagan passion of a chocolate ?clair?For the first time here is a novel in which chocolate enjoys its true importance. Rich, clever and mischievious, Chocolat is a literary feast for all senses.
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- Cinco cuartos de naranja
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Cuando tras d?cadas de ausencia Framboise Simon regresa a su peque?o pueblo en la campi?a francesa, los habitantes no la reconocen como la hija de la mal afamada Mirabelle Dartigan,la mujer que a?n consideran responsable de la tragedia sucedida en los a?os de la ocupaci?n nazi. A la b?squeda de un nuevo comienzo en su vida, Framboise descubre r?pidamente que el presente y el pasado se encuentran inextricablemente unidos, mientras recorre las p?ginas del cuaderno de recetas de cocina heredado de su madre.Con la ayuda de esas ...
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- Czekolada
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Do ma?ej mie?ciny na francuskiej prowincji, gdzie czas si? zatrzyma?, przyje?d?a tajemnicza m?oda i pi?kna kobieta z c?reczk?. Mieszka?cy Lansquenet ze zdumieniem obserwuj?, jak Vianne z Anouk odnawiaj? star? piekarni? na rynku, by urz?dzi? tam sklep z czekolad?. W dniu otwarcia w?a?cicielka ofiarowuje zagl?daj?cym do niej ciekawskim takie s?odycze, jakie ka?dy z nich lubi najbardziej, jak gdyby zna?a ich najskrytsze my?li i pragnienia. Czy?by ta dziwna kobieta by?a czarownic??Dla wielu mieszka?c?w miasteczka przyjazd Vianne jest prawdziwym darem losu, ale s? i tacy, kt?rzy zrobi? wszystko, by opu?ci?a Lansquenet. Zbli?a si? Wielkanoc i Vianne zamierza urz?dzi? dla dzieci "festiwal czekolady", lecz jej wrogowie za wszelk? cen? chc? jej w tym przeszkodzi?…
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- Five Quarters of the Orange
- Жанр: Современная проза
- The magical new novel from the author of the Number One be Beyond the main street of Les Laveuses runs the Loire, smooth and brown as a sunning snake – but hiding a deadly undertow beneath its moving surface. This is where Framboise, a secretive widow named after a raspberry liqueur, plies her culinary trade at the creperie – and lets memory play strange games. Into this world comes the threat of revelation as Framboise's nephew – a profiteering Parisian – attempts to exploit the growing success of the country recipes she has inherited from her mother, a woman remembered with contempt by the villagers of Les Laveuses. As the spilt blood of a tragic wartime childhood flows again, exposure beckons for Framboise, the widow with an invented past. Joanne Harris has looked behind the drawn shutters of occupied France to illuminate the pain, delight and loss of a life changed for ever by the uncertainties and betrayals of war.
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- Holy Fools
- Жанр: Историческая проза
- Forced by circumstance to seek refuge with Fleur, her young daughter, in the remote abbey of Saint Marie-de-la-Mer, Juliette reinvents herself as Soeur Auguste under the tutelage of the kindly Abbess. But times are changing: the murder of Henri IV becomes the catalyst for massive upheaval in France.A new appointment is made, and Juliette's new life begins to unravel. For the new Abbess is Isabelle, the eleven-year-old child of a corrupt and noble family. Worse, Isabelle has brought with her a ghost from Juliette's past, masquerading as a cleric, a man she has every reason to fear.
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- Je?ynowe Wino
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Je?ynowe wino to najnowsza powie?? Joanne Harris. Jej bohaterem jest Jay Mackintosh, pisarz i romantyk, kt?ry w swej tw?rczo?ci i wyobra?ni powraca wci?? do lat dzieci?stwa. Za spraw? pu?apki pami?ci ?wiat ten okazuje si? bardziej kusz?cy, ni? by? w rzeczywisto?ci. Kiedy pod wp?ywem impulsu Jay kupuje posiad?o?? we francuskiej wiosce Lansquet – wraz z duchami przesz?o?ci pojawiaj? si? nowe pokusy. Szczeg?lnie intryguje go posta? nie utrzymuj?cej z nikim kontakt?w pi?knej s?siadki, kt?ra najwyra?niej skrywa za drewnianymi okiennicami straszliwe tajemnice. ...
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- Runas
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- Maddy es una chica solitaria y no por elecci?n propia: ha nacido con una marca en la mano, un estigma en forma de runa que hace que el resto de los aldeanos se aparte de ella y le tenga miedo, pues creen que les traer? desgracias y mala suerte. A?n as? puede sentirse afortunada: si fuese un animal, sus vecinos ya la habr?an asesinado; tal es el miedo que despierta en sus corazones lo excepcional. En el mundo de Maddy ya nadie cree en los dioses y los esp?ritus, no se piensa en ellos ni ...
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- Runemarks
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Seven o'clock on a Monday morning, five hundred years after the end of the world, and goblins had been at the cellar again… Not that anyone would admit it was goblins. In Maddy Smith's world, order rules. Chaos, old gods, fairies, goblins, magic, glamours – all of these were supposedly vanquished centuries ago. But Maddy knows that a small bit of magic has survived. The “ruinmark” she was born with on her palm proves it – and makes the other villagers fearful that she is a witch (though helpful in dealing with the goblins-in-the-cellar problem). But the mysterious traveler One-Eye sees Maddy's mark not as a defect, but as a destiny. And Maddy will need every scrap of forbidden magic One-Eye can teach her if she is to survive that destiny.
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- W Ta?cu
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Sp?jrz na ?wiat oczami Joanne Harris, a ?ycie stanie si? ciekawsze. Mo?e do buta przyklei ci si? szcz??liwy los na loteri?? Mo?e znany od lat s?siad zaskoczy ci? swoim hobby? Harris przedstawiaj?c znajom?, codzienn? rzeczywisto??, pokazuje r?wnocze?nie jej drug? stron?: magiczn?, groteskow?, paradoksaln?, zachwycaj?co pi?kn? i potwornie przera?aj?c?.
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- Zapatos de caramelo
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Tras revolucionar un tradicional pueblo del sur desde el mostrador de su chocolater?a, Vianne ha cambiado su nombre por el de Yanne y regenta una confiter?a en el barrio parisino de Montmatre, donde quiere pasar inadvertida.Su vida en Par?s es mon?tona y convencional, tanto como su novio Thierry, y cree que cas?ndose con ?l aportar? estabilidad y normalidad a su vida, a la de su hija Annie, que ahora tiene 10 a?os, y a la de la peque?a Rosette.Yanne, sola en la gran ciudad, encuentra en la joven Zozie una buena amiga hasta que se ve obligada a despertar sus poderes dormidos en la v?spera de su boda, momento en que su viejo amor Roux reaparece en su vida.
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