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Sibs by F. Paul Wilson

   February 4
   12:45 A.M.
   It was an uneventful evening until it got crazy. Craziness had been the farthest thing from Ed Bannion's mind when he invited his younger brother into the city.
   Phil came in through the Lincoln Tunnel from Tinton Falls, New Jersey, and Ed met him at a midtown parking lot. No special occasion, just keeping in touch. They went downtown and then began a steady march back up: Before-dinner drinks at The Airplane in SoHo, and off-off-Broadway play in Kips Bay, shrimp in green sauce at El Quijote in Chelsea, and finally a nitecap in the Oak Bar at the Plaza. And it was there in the Oak Bar, there in the heart of the jewel in Ivana Trump's tiara, while they were standing side by side, each with a foot on the brass rail, staring at the misty painting of the Plaza fountain behind the cash register, that the young blonde squeezed between them and ordered a double JD on the rocks.
   "Hi, guys!" she said, bright and cheery with a smile that made Ed wince in its glare.
   A real piece. She looked around twenty-five but she could have been thirty. Either way, she was younger than Ed. Her wavy blond hair was like a pale cloud around her head, and her face had a fresh, All-American look that contrasted sharply with the high-slit leather mini-skirt and the low-cut sweater that exposed smooth, bouncy crescents of her breasts. She had what they call a bod that wouldn't quit. Sexy as all hell, and not the least bit shy.
   "So, what's happening here with you Plaza-type dudes?"
   "We're not—" Ed began but Phil cut him off.
   "Just hanging out," Phil said. "Waiting for something to happen."
   "Yeah?" she said. "My name's Ingrid, and I'm waiting for the same thing. Isn't that something?"
   "That's something, all right," Phil purred.
   Ed stared at his brother who had suddenly become cool, smooth, and seductive. He hardly recognized him. Ed was a bachelor, but good lord, Phil had a wife and child back home in Jersey!
   "You guys look alike. You related?"
   "We're brothers," Ed said, feeling he should add his two cents. The clash of her bold and brassy attitude with her angel-soft good looks excited him. "I'm the older one—but not by much."
   "Yeah?" she said with a seductive smile. "You never could tell. You guys come here often?"
   "This is our headquarters whenever we're in the Apple," Phil said.
   Ed struggled to keep from laughing out loud.
   "Me, too," Ingrid said. "I've got an appointment with Mike Nichols this week. He's shooting his next feature right here in Manhattan, you know, and my agent's got me an audition with him. So I'm just killing some time while I wait for Solly to firm up the exact time and place. What're you guys in town for?"
   "We're in textiles," Phil said with this oily grin.
   "Y' know… rugs and stuff? We sell textiles by the mile."
   Ed was shocked by his brother's facile way with a lie. Phil was a Wa-Wa manager. He wouldn't know a broadloom from a flying carpet.
   "Really?" Ingrid said. "That sounds boring as shit. Can you guys fuck?"
   Ed saw his brother's eyes bulge as he felt his own jaw drop. That sweet face, those innocent eyes. And talking like that!
   Phil glanced quickly at Ed, then back at Ingrid.
   "Sure we do. What do you think we are, queer?"
   "I don't know," she said. "I've been crammed in between the two of you and neither one of you has even tried to feel me up. Something's wrong here."
   "My brother and I were raised to be gentlemen," Phil said.
   "I kinda like that," she said, slipping a finger inside Phil's shirt, "but you can carry that polite shit too far. Want to come up to my room? It's got a great view of the park."
   "I don't know about that," Phil said. "What's it gonna cost me?"
   Her smile was sweet. "Cost? Nothing. My treat. But there's a condition."
   Ed didn't like the sound of this.
   "Phil, uh, maybe you should—"
   "The both of you have to come," Ingrid said.
   Ed swallowed and wet his dry lips.
   "You want both of us?"
   She looked at him and laughed. His expression must have reflected the excited turmoil within him.
   "Yeah! Guys always run out of steam before I do. One ain't enough, know what I mean? So I like to have a back-up along. That too kinky for you fellows?"
   Thoughts of herpes, syphilis, the clap, and AIDS ran through Ed's mind. Then she ran a hand over his crotch. From the startled look on Phil's face, Ed guessed that she was doing the same to his brother. Phil's voice was strained. "What floor?"
   Before long they were twelve stories above Central Park South. Ingrid wasted no time once they were in the room. She offered them each a toot from the small vial of coke she produced, took a good snort herself, then knelt down between them and unzipped their flies.
   And as the interlude progressed, it got crazier and crazier. This was one hungry lady.
   Eventually it came to a point where Phil was sprawled back on the hotel bed, naked, moaning as Ingrid worked on him. She knelt on the carpet with her thighs spread wide as her head bobbed up and down over Phil's pelvis. And Ed… he knelt behind her, gripping her black garter belt like a rodeo rider hanging onto the reins of a bucking bronco, his pelvis slapping against her smooth buttocks as he slid in and out of her.
   She paused and lifted her head from Phil.
   "Baby, don't stop now," Phil said. His voice was thick, hoarse.
   She turned her head and looked over her shoulder at Ed. In the dim light filtering across the bed from the open bathroom door, he could see her face. Her eyes glistened and her cheeks were flushed. Beautiful, and as insatiable as she was uninhibited.
   "Do it faster," she said. "And harder! I want to come, damn it!"
   Ed said nothing. He'd already come once himself, and was climbing the upslope toward number two. He picked up the pace, ramming deeper into her.
   "Oh, yessss!" she said through a groan, and then went back to doing Ed.
   I just don't believe this! Ed told himself for the hundredth time in the last hour.
   This was the kind of thing that happened only in porno movies, in fantasies, not in real life. At least not in Ed Bannion's life. Fifteen years in this town— sixteen in August—and never anything even close to an encounter like this. When he'd got the job with Paramount he'd been a sex-starved law school grad dreaming of starlet sandwiches and orgies. Even if he was in legal and based in New York, Paramount was Paramount, right? Wrong. Nothing! He'd never even seen a starlet, let alone a star. Paramount—hah! He might as well have been working for Exxon for all the poontang he'd got through the company.
   But tonight! Tonight made up for the long wait. He'd carry the memory of this to his grave. Maybe even beyond.
   He felt the pressure growing within the basement of his pelvis, surging outward, building…
   He leaned forward and reached around her, grabbing her breasts.
   … building…
   He buried his face in her fragrant, wavy hair, and nuzzling the nape of her neck.
   … building…
   Suddenly he knew he was past the point of no return. He stiffened, cried out, then bit down hard as he exploded within her.
   Ingrid screamed in pain. She straightened up and twisted, pulling free of Ed as she rose to her feet. She stood there, naked but for her garter belt and black stockings, staring at Ed and his brother, her hands to her mouth, her eyes wide with what looked to Ed like shock and horror.
   "What's the matter, babe?" Phil said.
   "Oh, no!" she moaned. There was no passion in the sound, only revulsion and unplumbed misery. "Oh, God, no!"
   Ed turned cold inside. Something was terribly wrong here. What—?
   She turned to run and immediately slammed into the wall. She bounced off it and blindly dashed toward Ed, accelerating as she passed him.
   "Christ, no! The window!" Ed said and tried to grab her leg.
   But she was moving too fast. He missed her and could only watch helplessly as she rammed into the lower pane of the big double-hung window. For an instant it looked as if she might bounce off that, too, but then came a sharp crash like a shot, like an explosion, and suddenly the glass was coming apart all around her and she was still moving outward, taking a million bright dagger shards with her. And then she was gone, a keening wail trailing behind her.