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Ahern Cecelia - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—6 из 6.

  • PS Kocham Ci?
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • ?ycie Holly i Gerry`ego by?o idealne – szcz??liwe ma??e?stwo, dom w Dublinie, oddani przyjaciele, wspania?a rodzina. Mieli ?wiat u swych st?p. Tak przynajmniej s?dzili. Dlatego gdy Gerry niespodziewanie umiera, ?ycie Holly rozpada si? na kawa?ki. I oto okazuje si?, ?e jej dowcipny m?? zostawi? dziesi?? list?w, a w nich dziesi?? polece?, kt?re Holly musi wykona?. Z pomoc? zwariowanych przyjaci?? i kochaj?cej, cho? nieco ekscentrycznej rodzinki, Holly przekonuje si?, ?e los szykuje dla niej jeszcze wiele niespodzianek.
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  • The Book of Tomorrow
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Tamara Goodwin has always got everything she’s ever wanted. Born into a family of wealth, she grew up in a mansion with its own private beach, a wardrobe full of designer clothes, and a large four poster bed complete with a luxurious bathroom en suite. She’s always lived in the here and now, never giving a second thought to tomorrow.But then suddenly her dad is gone and life for Tamara and her mother changes forever. Left with a mountain of debt, they have no choice but to sell everything they own and move to the ...
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  • There’s No Place Like Here
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Acclaimed novelist Cecelia Ahern's There's No Place Like Here tells the story of Sandy Shortt, an obsessive-compulsive Missing Persons investigator who suddenly finds herself in the mystical land of the missing, desperate to return to the people and places from whom she has spent her life escaping. With this imaginative fourth novel, Ahern, whose P.S. I Love You was made into a major motion picture, continues to establish herself as not only an icon of Irish chick lit, but also a bold and creative thinker.Continuing the whimsical trend she started with If You Could See Me ...
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