Amis Martin -
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Книги 1—5 из 5.
- Agua Pesada
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Las historias de Agua pesada son mundos en miniatura que contienen, en dosis altamente concentradas, la acidez, el cinismo y el profundo cuestionamiento de las bases de nuestra sociedad que caracterizan las grandes novelas de Martin Amis. As?, en uno de los cuentos, la sociedad es mayoritariamente gay, y los heterosexuales son una minor?a perseguida, en otro, un sarc?stico robot marciano nos trae extra?as noticias sobre la vida en el sistema solar, y en el relato ‘Agua pesada’, Amis retrata sin piedad el malestar y la fatiga de la cultura de la clase trabajadora.
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- Einsteins Monsters
- Жанр: Современная проза
- MARTIN AMIS hates nuclear weapons, and he doesn't care who knows it. In fact, he wants everyone to know it. At mid-career, he has virtually ceased to be a writer of fiction-from 1974 to 1984, he published five comic novels, including the hugely successful Money-and has metamorphosed instead into a kind of anti-nuclear polemicist. Einstein's Monsters, his most recent work, is a collection of stories based on the theme of nuclear holocaust. Lest anyone think this is a chance engagement, Amis has followed up Einstein's Monsters with an article in the October Esquire railing against the insanity of American nuclear planning. ...
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- Heavy Water and Other Stories
- Жанр: Современная проза
- “Martin Amis is a stone-solid genius… a dazzling star of wit and insight.”—In this wickedly delightful collection of stories, Martin Amis once again demonstrates why he is a modern master of the form. In “Career Move,” screenwriters struggle for their art, while poets are the darlings of Hollywood. In “Straight Fiction,” the love that dare not speak its name calls out to the hero when he encounters a forbidden object of desire—the opposite sex. And in “State of England,” Mal, a former “minder to the superstars,” discovers how to live in a country where “class and race and gender were supposedly gone.”In , Amis astonishes us with the vast range of his talent, establishing that he is one of the most versatile and gifted writers of his generation.
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- Perro callejero
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Xan Meo es un hombre de m?ltiples talentos: actor, m?sico, escritor, y tambi?n hijo de un c?lebre delincuente. Una noche, Xan se sienta a tomar una copa en la terraza de un pub y, al poco rato, dos hombres le parten la cabeza a cachiporrazos. Tras una dif?cil convalecencia ser? otro. Deber? acostumbrarse a su nuevo ser, como todos los que le rodean, porque Xan se convertir? en un antimarido, en un antipadre, movido por impulsos primarios y con una sexualidad muy perturbadora. Pero hay otros personajes que inciden en la vida de Xan. ...
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