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Anderson Poul - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—25 из 115.

  • A nagy keresztes hadj?rat
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Idegen ?rhaj? sz?ll le Angli?ban a keresztes h?bor?k idej?n azzal a c?llal, hogy a F?ld lakoss?g?t kiirts?k, a haszn?lhat?bbakat rabszolgasorba vess?k, s a bolyg?t lakhat?v? tegy?k egyre terjeszked? fajuk sz?m?ra.Mivel e vil?gon k?z?pkori ?llapotokat tal?lnak, gyan?tlanul ?s hatalmuk tudat?ban gondatlanul viselkednek, ?s ez a veszt?ket okozza.A keresztesek vez?re v?logatott lovagjaival rajta?t az ?rhaj?n, s a v?ratlan t?mad?st siker koron?zza. Az idegeneket kard?lre h?nyj?k, csak egy foglyot hagynak ?letben, akit megfelel? m?dszerekkel k?nyszer?tenek r?, hogy beavassa ?ket az ?rhaj? m?k?d?s?be…?s megindul a nagy keresztes hadj?rat.

  • A Stone in Heaven
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • In Dominic Flandry finds friendship, maybe even love, after many years of being totally alone.After , Flandry’s life stood in ruins. His Emperor, unbeknownst to him at the time, was dead; his sons were incompetent. His love was dead; his son was dead; he didn’t believe in his job any longer, and he’d taken out his biggest adversary.So, what was left? This book shows the answer: plenty.The younger son of Hans Molitor now holds the throne in his incompetent grasp, and worse, does not like Flandry. So, although Flandry is now ...

  • Az id? folyos?i
  • Жанр: Альтернативная история
  • Az igazs?gtalanul beb?rt?nz?tt Malcolm Lockridge ?t?letre v?rakozik, amikor cell?j?ban megjelenik egy csodasz?p n?, Storm Darroway, ?s Lockridge hamarosan kiszabadul. Az ?r: el kell k?s?rnie a titokzatos h?lgyet egy igen kock?zatos k?ldet?sre.Lockridge mire ?szbe kap, m?ris harcba keveredik Storm oldal?n k?l?n?s, fekete egyenruh?s alakokkal, s m?g nagyobb meglepet?s ?ri, amikor az id? rejt?lyes folyos?j?n kereszt?l j?val az id?sz?m?t?s el?tti korszakba jutnak. Lockridge hamarosan megtudja a teljes igazs?got: az emberis?g t?rt?net?nek legcs?fabb, leg?d?zabb k?zdelm?be cs?ppent bele, a korszakokon ?t h?z?d? id?h?bor?ba, az ?rz?k ?s a V?d?k harc?ba.Lockridge nem sz?nd?kozik r?szt venni ebben a csat?ban, m?gis a szesz?lyes sors eszk?z?v? v?lik, ?s hamarosan r?j?n, mik?nt ir?ny?thatja ?gy a h?bor? kimenetel?t, hogy az az emberis?g sz?m?ra a leghasznosabb legyen.

  • Cacciatore di liberta
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • «Cacciatore di libert?» ? un esempio probante di quanto dicevamo nell’introduzione al volume, e cio? che la funzione sociale della fantascienza, nella sua disamina del futuro dell’umanit?, deve essere quella di predire le possibili svolte della storia e degli sviluppi tecnologici, ma soprattutto di mostrarci come tali sviluppi influenzeranno la vita della gente. Poul Anderson, uno dei migliori nell’interpretare questo ruolo della fantascienza, considera, in questo umanissimo racconto, i probabili e cupi sviluppi delle nostre crisi ecologiche.

  • Crociata spaziale
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • La favolosa et? del Medio Evo si interseca ai viaggi intergalattici in un complesso misterioso e avvincente. Dalle profondit? del cosmo, durante l’era delle Crociate, discende, presso una cittadino della Gran Bretagna, una potente astronave, i cui occupanti, esseri mostruosi, sono vinti da un gruppo di Crociati in attesa di partire per liberare il Santo Sepolcro. Essi si impadroniscono del vascello spaziale, e congetturano di usarlo per recarsi in Terra Santa. Per il tradimento di uno dei mostri superstiti che avrebbe dovuto pilotare l’astronave, i Terrestri si trovano proiettati nello spazio e devono conquistare il pianeta di origine dei Galattici. Avventura del tutto nuova che interesser? per lo spirito di abnegazione e per il coraggio di coloro che intensamente la vivono.Nominato per premio Hugo in 1961.

  • Dominic Flandry - Spion im All
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Dominic Flandry, ein F?hnrich im Dienst der terranischen Flotte, wird zur Schl?sselfigur im Ringen der beiden kosmischen Gro?m?chte Terra und Merseia.Der junge Flandry erh?lt eine Information aus dem Geheimarchiv Merseias zugespielt. Er entr?tselt die Botschaft und erf?hrt, da? ein Planet, auf dem zwei verschiedenartige V?lker beheimatet sind, von der Vernichtung bedroht ist — und da? die terranische Flotte in eine Falle gelockt werden soll. W?hrend Freund und Feind Flandry durch das All hetzen, handelt der F?hnrich auf eigene Faust, um das Unheil abzuwenden.Poul Anderson hat bereits mehrere Flandry-Romane geschrieben — sie erschienen in TERRA oder in der Reihe der TERRA-Sonderb?nde — hier legt der bekannte SF-Autor aus den USA sein neuestes Werk vor, das den Beginn der Karriere des „Spions im All“ zum Inhalt hat.

  • Fire Time
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • The planet Ishtar has three suns: Bel, the “real” sun, the Life Giver. Ea, the Companion who warms the Ishtaran summers. Anu, the Demon Star. Mostly Anu is so far away that it is just a light in the Ishtaran sky. But once every thousand years it comes close. It is then that the barbarians must flee their scorched lands, and civilizations fall.The natives call this Fire Time. Always before, its coming had meant the death of a civilization. But this time, the humans are here, and they have brought with them their magical technology. This time things could have been different. Too bad that the humans are suddenly faced with a war of their own, their own .Nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1975.