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Anthony Piers - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—18 из 18.

  • B??kitny Adept
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • W zielonej, magicznej krainie, zwanej Phaze, Stile jest pot??nym, budz?cym l?k B??kitnym Adeptem. Pojedynkuje si? z jednoro?cem, zabija wielkiego, prastarego smoka i zdobywa mi?o?? damy swego serca.W r?wnoleg?ym, technokratycznym ?wiecie Protonu prosty niewolnik Stile walczy o zdobycie statusu obywatela, rozgrywaj?c sterowan? przez komputery gr?. Wychodzi te? zwyci?sko z serii atak?w na swe ?ycie, zgotowanych przez tajemniczego nieprzyjaciela…
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  • Chaining the Lady
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • CHAINING THE LADY is the second CLUSTER book. Melody, a product of Flint and the Andromedan’s mating in CLUSTER, must save the Milky Way Galaxy and create a place where creatures can transfer without limitations. Melody must survive in worlds unknown and alien to her and she does that where others fail when her aura augments her skills and abilities. The book opens with the discovery that Andromeda, the enemy galaxy of the first novel, has discovered the secret of involuntary hosting: a Kirlian aura that is sufficiently stronger than that of an individual can take possession of ...
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  • Chthon
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • was Piers Anthony’s first published novel in 1967, written over the course of seven years. He started it when he was in the US Army, so it has a long prison sequence that is reminiscent of that experience, being dark and grim. It features Aton Five, a space man who commits the crime of falling in love with the dangerous alluring Minionette and is therefore condemned to death in the subterranean prison of Chthon. It uses flashbacks to show how he came to know the Minionette, and flashforwards to show how he dealt with her after his escape from prison. The author regards this as perhaps the most intricately structured novel the science fantasy genre has seen. Nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1968.Nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1968.
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  • Cluster
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • The CLUSTER series of SF adventures is set in a future focused on colonization of distant planets. Sphere Sol is about 100 light years in diameter, centered on the Earth’s sun. Surrounding this sphere are other, similar spheres each centered on another star such as Polaris or Canopus. Colonization is accomplished by: instantaneous teleportation, called matter transmission or mattermission (very expensive); “freezer” ships in which colonists are sent in cryonic preservation at very high speeds (much decay and average 50% loss of colonists occurs during the voyages) and lifeships, slower, safer multigenerational vessels with voyages that run to centuries (during ...
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  • Desaf?o Total
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Las pesadillas atormentaban a Douglas Quaid de forma recurrente. Aunque jam?s hab?a estado en Marte, no dejaba de so?ar que se hallaba en el planeta rojo, enzarzado en misiones peligrosas, entre agentes hostiles, junto a una deslumbrante mujer. Una vida, evidentemente, mucho m?s atractiva que la monoton?a de un simple obrero de la construcci?n en la Tierra del a?o 2089. Pero pod?a llevarle a la locura.Hasta que decidi? recurrir a Rekall, una empresa capaz de materializar los sue?os imposibles desus clientes, y cuyo lema era: "Podemos recordarlo todo para usted". Y ah? fu? donde empezaron realmente sus problemas…
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  • On a Pale Horse
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • When Zane shot Death, he learned, too late, that he would have to assume his place, speeding over the world riding his pale horse, and ending the lives of others. Sooner than he would have thought possible, Zane found himself being drawn to Satan's plot. Already the Prince of Evil was forging a trap in which Zane must act to destroy Luna, the woman he loved…unless he could discover the only way out….The first novel of the INCARNATIONS OF IMMORTALITY series.
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  • Pornucopia
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • is a picaresque black comedy that transgresses all bounds of everyday good taste. It begins in a near-future world where sex-vending machines and genital transplants are taken for granted. Prior Gross, the hero and sex object of this wild adventure, thinks his fantasies have all come true when a beautiful young woman seduces him on a public beach. She turns out to be a succubus, beginning his initiation into a realm populated by demons that are not merely horned, but horny. He encounters a perverse cast of characters that includes a satyr, a vampire, and a pair of luscious sisters, one of whom tricks him out of his manhood. So Prior Gross sets out on a perverse odyssey, taking him to a distant planet where he discovers the key to the return of his property and, ultimately, the origin of the universe itself.
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  • Rings of Ice
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • ArrayGus and Thatch were desperately trying to drive the big mobile home up into the mountains, high above the floods rapidly drowning out the rest of the world. They even had some crazy notion about saving civilization from the waters—which was why they took along uptight Zena - who knew far more than she was telling about why that vast canopy of ice had suddenly surrounded Earth—and voluptuous Gloria—who turned out sometimes to be a man and sometimes a woman as well. And then they picked up Karen, and Floy, and Dust Devil, and Foundling—two latterday Noahs in a motorized ark. The trouble was, their little community wasn’t the only one frantically trying to find dry land, food and fuel. And seeing robbery, looting, murder and cannibalism were now looked on as legitimate means of survival, the struggle for life was apt to become a little vicious at times.
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  • Total Recall
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • A novelization of a 1990 film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sharon Stone, in its turn based on Philip K. Dick 1966 novelette “We Can Remember It for You Wholesale.”Frustrated with his life, Duglas Quail decides to purchase a memory of a two-week adventure on Mars because he can’t afford the real thing. However, while under heavy sedation preparatory to the installation of the memory, Quail remembers that he actually was on Mars as an intelligence agent and killer. Now that he has recovered the memory which had been suppressed by his employers, his life is in jeopardy. Here the novel deviates from Dick’s philosophical original, becoming a more pedestrian if exciting slam-bang chase thriller. Judged on its own terms, the book works and it’s fun.
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