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Asimov Isaac - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 101—125 из 136.

  • Terre et Fondation
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Mission surhumaine pour Golan Trevize : choisir le meilleur avenir pour l’humanit?.Un avenir qui ne recr?era pas les erreursde l’Empire galactique,entre le mat?rialisme de la Premi?re Fondationet le mentalisme de la Seconde. Un avenir qui a pour mod?le Ga?a, la plan?te pensante, et pour nom : Galaxia. Trevize a choisi mais il voudrait savoir pourquoi. Et la r?ponse ? ses interrogations se trouve sur la Terre. Mais o? la trouver, cette plan?te des origines, myst?rieusement disparuede toutes les archives galactiques ? Trevize et ses deux compagnons, l’historien Pelorat et Joie, la belle Ga?enne, deviennent, bien malgr? eux, trois personnagesen qu?te de Terre... Une qu?te qui va les mener de plan?te en plan?tejusqu’? ce but mythique, jusqu’? la r?v?lation finale, qui leur fera d?couvrir que l’aventurene fait que commencer.

  • The Caves of Steel
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • A millennium into the future two advancements have altered the course of human history: the colonization of the galaxy and the creation of the positronic brain. Isaac Asimov’s Robot novels chronicle the unlikely partnership between a New York City detective and a humanoid robot who must learn to work together. Like most people left behind on an over-populated Earth, New York City police detective Elijah Baley had little love for either the arrogant Spacers or their robotic companions. But when a prominent Spacer is murdered under mysterious circumstances, Baley is ordered to the Outer Worlds to help track down the killer. The relationship between Lije and his Spacer superiors, who distrusted all Earthmen, was strained from the start. Then he learned that they had assigned him a partner: R. Daneel Olivaw. Worst of all was that the “R” stood for robot and his positronic partner was made in the image and likeness of the murder victim!

  • The Gentle Vultures
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • From Robert Silverberg’s “Earthmen and Strangers” anthology, 1966:Randall Garrett’s story examined, from the viewpoint of the Earthmen, a possible encounter between our species and hostile aliens. In the story that follows, Isaac Asimov handles the same theme from the viewpoint of the aliens themselves. Suppose, he says, strangers from afar have been watching us for years. Suppose, too, that they are the overlords of a galactic empire, eager to add us to their dominion. How will they react, though, when they learn what sort of creatures we Earthmen really are? To them, we are the aliens—...

  • The Naked Sun
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • A millennium into the future, two advancements have altered the course of human history: the colonization of the Galaxy and the creation of the positronic brain. On the beautiful Outer World planet of Solaria, a handful of human colonists lead a hermit-like existence, their every need attended to by their faithful robot servants. To this strange and provocative planet comes Detective Elijah Baley, sent from the streets of New York with his positronic partner, the robot R. Daneel Olivaw, to solve an incredible murder that has rocked Solaria to its foundations. The victim had been so reclusive that he ...