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Baker Deb - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—5 из 5.

  • Murder Talks Turkey
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • It's spring in Michigan's Upper Peninsula – an exciting season of rising temperatures, budding romances, and the turkey-hunting opener. But for sheer adrenaline value, neither love nor turkeys can compete with the Credit Union being held up at gunpoint. It's not the best planning to commit a robbery in a town where everyone is armed for combat, and the gunman is shot dead in a room full of witnesses – but the stolen money has disappeared right in front of their eyes.Faster than you can say "Tom Turkey," Gertie, Cora Mae, and Kitty are on the case, in this hoot of a whodunit.
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