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Ballard J.G. - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—5 из 5.
  • Cocaine Nights
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • There’s something wrong with Estrella Del Mar, the lazy, sun-drenched retirement haven on Spain’s Costa Del Sol. Lately this sleepy hamlet, home to hordes of well-heeled, well-fattened British and French expatriates, has come alive with activity and culture; the previously passive, isolated residents have begun staging boat races, tennis competitions, revivals of Harold Pinter plays, and lavish parties. At night the once vacant streets are now teeming with activity, bars and cafes packed with revelers, the sidewalks crowded with people en route from one event to the next.Outward appearances suggest the wholesale adoption of a ...
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  • Super-Cannes
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Super-Cannes – a Sunday Times bestseller in hardback – was the winner of the 2001 Commonwealth Writers Prize for the Eurasian region.'Sublime: an elegant, elaborate trap of a novel, which reads as a companion piece to Cocaine Nights but takes ideas from that novel and runs further. The first essential novel of the 21st century.'– Nicholas Royle, Independent'Possibly his greatest book. Super-Cannes is both a novel of ideas and a compelling thriller that will keep you turning the pages to the shocking denouement. Only Ballard could have produced it.'– Simon Hinde, Sunday Express...
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  • The Crystal World
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • The opening sequence of J.G. Ballard's The Crystal World, in which Dr. Edward Sanders begins his journey through Cameroon to visit his friends, Max and Elizabeth Clair, is reminiscent of Graham Greene's Journey Without Maps or the film "The African Queen." Ballard does a wonderful job of portraying a Cameroon which is still inhabited by a relatively large number of European colonizers, although his characters have a tendency to be more altruistic. Sanders runs a leper colony while the Clairs have set up a clinic in the interior of Cameroon.The characters who aren't altruistic are somewhat ...
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  • The Wind From Nowhere
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • The Wind From Nowhere (1961) is JG Ballard’s first novel, not that you’d know it from official JGB bibliographies, where it’s never mentioned, or in interviews, where Ballard continues to assert that The Drowned World was his first book.The wind from nowhere has gone back to nowhere.In a 1975 interview with David Pringle, Ballard says: “I don’t see my fiction as being disaster-oriented, certainly not most of my SF – apart from The Wind from Nowhere which is just a piece of hackwork. The others, which are reasonably serious, are not disaster stories.”...
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  • W po?piechu do raju
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Dr Barbara Rafferty, brytyjska lekarka, zaanga?owa?a si? bez reszty w ochron? gin?cych albatros?w, wybijanych masowo podczas budowy baz wojskowych na Pacyfiku. Udaje si? jej zgromadzi? fundusze i ?mia?k?w, kt?rzy gotowi s? wyruszy? z ni? na ocean, aby odbi? z r?k Francuz?w wysepk?, na kt?rej wielkie ptaki zak?adaj? gniazda. Determinacja cz?onk?w wyprawy i poparcie opinii ?wiatowej sprawiaj?, ?e kolejny szturm na wysp? ko?czy si? sukcesem. Pojawia si? szansa na stworzenie ekologicznego raju w miejscu, kt?re mia?o sta? si? francuskim poligonem atomowym. Jednak w czasie budowy rezerwatu wolnego od eksperyment?w nuklearnych, turystyki i zanieczyszcze? ?rodowiska ekolodzy-zapale?cy u?wiadamiaj? sobie, ?e wydarzenia przybieraj? niespodziewany obr?t, a ich przyw?dca, dr Barbara, ma by? mo?e zupe?nie inne plany.
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