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BANKS L. - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—2 из 2.
  • Cursed To Death
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Secret government operative Sasha Trudeau arrives at the scene of a murder, only to discover that a Fae creature has been killed – in a whole new kind of way. What is the meaning behind this mysterious ritualistic killing? What did the victim do to deserve it? Sasha fears that the Vampires and Unseelies have formed an unholy alliance.and they're ready to unleash their darkest arsenal of magick yet.Teaming up with her mate and fellow Shadow Wolf, Max Hunter, Sasha tries to penetrate the paranormal community for clues. Meanwhile, members of the Wolf Clan are turning against one another as they race to uncover the meaning behind an ancient Unseelie curse. Even Sasha is not immune to this powerful magick, and soon finds herself drawn to a sensual, dangerous dance – one that could cost her own life.

  • My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • Werewolves, vampires, witches, voodoo, Elvis—and weddingsAn “ordinary” wedding can get crazy enough, so can you imagine what happens when otherworldly creatures are involved? Nine of the hottest authors of paranormal fiction answer that question in this delightful collection of supernatural wedding stories. What's the seating plan when rival clans of werewolves and vampires meet under the same roof? How can a couple in the throes of love overcome traps set by feuding relatives—who are experts at voodoo? Will you have a good marriage if your high-seas wedding is held on a cursed ship? How do you deal with a wedding singer who's just a little good at impersonating Elvis?