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Bear Greg - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—15 из 15.

  • Blutmusik
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Der Biochemiker Vergil Ulam ist ein Genie seines Fachs, aber er ist ebenso risikofreudig wie sorglos. Erarbeitet in einem gentechnischen Forschungsunternehmen auf dem Gebiet der Biologik. Sein Ziel: die Herstellung »intelligenter« Zellen durch DNS-Rekombination von menschlichem Genmaterial mit dem von Einzellern. Er tut dies auf eigene Faust und ohne Genehmigung der Firmenleitung.Der Durchbruch gelingt ihm: es ergeben sich intelligente Lymphozyten. Als das Management von seinen gef?hrlichen Experimenten erf?hrt, die Unterlagen beschlagnahmt und ihn zwingt, die gez?chteten Kulturen zu vernichten, und ihn feuert, injiziert er sich eine von ihnen in die Blutbahn. Ein paar Tage sp?ter ist er kein Mensch mehr, sondern eine ?beraus produktiv und fehlerfrei arbeitende biologische Struktur, die sich alles einverleibt, mit dem sie in Ber?hrung kommt.Die Evolution nimmt eine neue Wendung: optimal f?r das Leben — aber f?r die Menschheit das nackte Grauen.
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  • Darwins Radio
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Is evolution a gradual process, as Darwin believed, or can change occur suddenly, in an incredibly brief time span, as has been suggested by Stephen J. Gould and others? Greg Bear takes on one of the hottest topics in science today in this riveting, near-future thriller. Discredited anthropologist Mitch Rafelson has made an astonishing discovery in a recently uncovered ice cave in the Alps. At he mummified remains of a Neanderthal couple and their newborn, strangely abnormal child. Kaye Lang, a molecular biologist specializing in retroviruses, has unearthed chilling evidence that so-called junk DNA may have a previously unguessed-at ...
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  • L?chelle de Darwin
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Au fond d’une caverne des Alpes suisses, trois corps pr?serv?s par le froid depuis plus de dix mille ans : une famille pr?historique, n?andertalienne, dont l’enfant semble curieusement moderne…D?couverte en G?orgie d’un charnier r?cent qui ne doit rien ? la r?volution ni ? la guerre… Toutes les femmes ?taient enceintes. Et le secret d’?tat p?se sur cette affaire.Kaye Lang, g?n?ticienne de talent et peut-?tre de g?nie, d?couvre que la partie silencieuse de nos g?nes rec?le d’anciens virus susceptibles de s’?veiller. Et plus encore qu’une surprenante machinerie, enfouie dans nos g?nes depuis des millions d’ann?es, vient de s’enclencher.Alors qu’une maladie terrifiante, le syndrome de SHEVA, se met ? frapper les femmes.L’humanit? est-elle menac?e, ou bien se pr?pare-t-elle ? un nouveau bond sur l’?chelle de Darwin, la voie de l’?volution ?
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  • La fragua de Dios
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • 26 de junio de 1996: Europa, la sexta luna de J?piter, desaparece repentinamente de los cielos, sin dejar tras de s? la menor huella de su existencia. 28 de septiembre de 1996: en el Valle de la Muerte, en California, en pleno coraz?n de los Estados Unidos, aparece un cono de escoria volc?nica que no se halla registrado en ning?n mapa geol?gico de la zona, y a su lado es hallada una criatura alien?gena que transmite un inquietante mensaje: “Traigo malas noticias: la Tierra va a ser destruida…”1 de octubre de 1996: el gobierno australiano anuncia que ...
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  • La radio de Darwin
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • La es una intrigante especulaci?n a partir de los actuales conocimientos biol?gicos y antropol?gicos, adem?s de un ingenioso y bien tramado thriller que cuestiona casi todas nuestras creencias sobre los origenes del ser humano y su posible destino.Tres hechos, que al principio parecen no estar relacionados, acabar?n convergiendo para sugerir una novedad devastadora y sacudir los cimientos de la ciencia: la conspiraci?n para ocultar los cad?veres de dos mujeres y sus hijos en Rusia, el descubrimiento inesperado en los Alpes de los cuerpos congelados de una familia prehist?rica, y ...
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  • Lultima fase
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Vergil Ulam, brillante ricercatore dei Genetron Labs, sta lavorando segretamente ad un esperimento che promette risultati sensazionali, e cio? la produzione di nuclei intelligenti di materia cellulare, capaci di evolversi e di apprendere con straordinaria rapidit?. Ma quando Ulam infrange le norme di sicurezza del laboratorio e viene licenziato, si rifiuta di distruggere il frutto delle sue ricerche, come gli ? stato ordinato, e decide invece di iniettarsi nel sangue le colonie cellulari, e diventare cos? egli stesso la cavia di un nuovo straordinario esperimento. Ma sar? il primo di un incredibile processo di mutazione e trasformazione, i cui limiti ...
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  • Mariposa
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • In an America driven to near bankruptcy with crushing foreign debt, the Talos Corporation stands out as a major success story – training soldiers and security forces from around the world and providing logistics and troops for nearly all branches of the United States government. But Talos has another plan in mind – the destruction of the federal system and constitutional law.Three FBI agents are all that stands between Talos's CEO Axel Price and the subversion of our nation. Fouad Al-Husam is working undercover in Lion City, Texas, on the Talos Campus – but he may have just overplayed his ...
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  • Pie?? krwi
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Vergil Ulam by? geniuszem przekraczaj?cym granice biologii. Pracowa? nad restrukturyzacj? kom?rek ludzkiego organizmu. Kom?rek my?l?cych. Poniewa? Genotron, firma, w kt?rej pracowa?, skasowa? jego rewolucyjny program badawczy, Vergil postanowi? na przek?r wszystkiemu ocali? dzie?o swego ?ycia. Wybra? spos?b najprostszy i najskuteczniejszy — przemyci? my?l?ce kom?rki we w?asnej krwi. Pocz?tkowo skutki dzia?ania inteligentnych limfocyt?w s? niczym cuda w ma?ej skali: wzrok Vergila poprawia si?, a on sam staje si? okazem zdrowia i seksualnej sprawno?ci. Ale potem dziej? si? rzeczy bardziej niezwyk?e. Kom?rki ...
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  • Quantico
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A near-future thriller that pits young FBI agents against a brilliant, homegrown terrorist.It's the second decade of the twenty-first century, and terrorism has escalated almost beyond control. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem has been blown to bits by extremists and, in retaliation, thousands have died in another major attack on the United States. New weapons are being spawned in remote basement labs. No one feels safe.In North America, the FBI uses cutting-edge technology to thwart domestic terrorists. Sat-linked engine blockers stop drug-traffickers cold; devices the size of Magic Markers test for bio-hazards on ...
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  • Radio Darwina
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Wykl?ty paleontolog Mitch Rafelson odkrywa w Alpach w spoczywaj?ce od dziesi?tk?w tysi?cy lat w nieznanej jaskini cia?a rodziny neandertalczyk?w. Biolog molekularna Kaye Lang uwa?a, ?e w DNA cz?owieka, niby ?pi?cy rycerze z legend, skrywaj? si? pradawne choroby, kt?re miliony lat czekaj? tylko na wezwanie, aby m?c znowu zara?a? i zabija?.I w bardzo niedalekiej przysz?o?ci, budz? si? demony, z naszego genomu wy?ania wirus, kt?rego nazwa przypomina imi? indyjskiego boga ?mierci, ?iwy. Ludzko?ci zagra?a zag?ada, gdy? wirus powoduje poronienia ...
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  • The Forge of God
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • The 1990s present humanity with a dilemma when two groups of aliens arrive on Earth. The first invaders introduce themselves as altruistic ambassadors, but the second warn that their predecessors are actually unstoppable planet-eaters who will utterly destroy the world. The American president accepts this message as the ultimate judgment and calls for fervent prayers to appease the Forge of God. Meanwhile, military men plot to blow up spaceships, and both scientists and lay people help the second alien race preserve Earthly achievement.Nominated for Nebula Award in 1987. Nominated for Hugo and Locus awards in 1988.
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