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Benford Gregory - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—5 из 5.
  • Bowl of Heaven
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • In this first collaboration by science fiction masters Larry Niven () and Gregory Benford (), the limits of wonder are redrawn once again as a human expedition to another star system is jeopardized by an encounter with an astonishingly immense artifact in interstellar space: a bowl-shaped structure half-englobing a star, with a habitable area equivalent to many millions of Earths…and it’s on a direct path heading for the same system as the human ship.A landing party is sent to investigate the Bowl, but when the explorers are separated — one group captured by the gigantic structure’s alien inhabitants, the other pursued across its strange and dangerous landscape — the mystery of the Bowl’s origins and purpose propel the human voyagers toward discoveries that will transform their understanding of their place in the universe.
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  • Jupiter Project
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • COMING OF AGE AMONG THE STARSMatt Bohles was content with the pleasures of low-g life in the Jovian Orbital Lab. Even if a man did get to feel a bit squeezed, growing up in a tin can 600 million klicks from Mother Earth…But the International Space Administration was losing its patience with the slow advance of science. There was talk of closing down the lab. The Earthside pols wanted publicity, adventure and profits—and not necessarily in that order.So Matt had a bright idea. He figured he’d steal a spacesuit. Grab a spare shuttlecraft. And discover life on Jupiter…
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  • Nel cuore della cometa
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Ogni 76 anni ritorna uno dei pi? affascinanti e misteriosi visitatori che l’umanit? ricordi: la Cometa di Halley. Il suo passaggio pi? recente ? ancora fresco nella memoria, ma questo straordinario romanzo ci parla del prossimo appuntamento, e della spedizione di un gruppo di scienziati su Halley, non solo per scoprirne i misteri, ma per trasformarla in un luogo adatto alla vita. Tra meraviglie tecnologiche e sforzi sovrumani di adattamento, i segreti sepolti nel cuore della cometa (tutt’altro che priva di forme di vita) trasformano un immane progetto di colonizzazione in una spietata lotta per la sopravvivenza. Tuttavia, le ...
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  • Timescape
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Amazon.com ReviewProduct DescriptionSuspense builds in this novel about scientists, physics, time travel, and saving the Earth. It’s 1998, and a physicist in Cambridge, England, attempts to send a message backward in time. Earth is falling apart, and a government faction supports the project in hopes of diverting or avoiding the environmental disasters beginning to tear at the edges of civilization. It’s 1962, and a physicist in California struggles with his new life on the West Coast, office politics, and the irregularities of data that plague his experiments. The story’s perspective toggles between ...
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