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Бестер Альфред - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 51—57 из 57.

  • Gwiazdy — moje przeznaczenie
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Niezbyt odleg?a przysz?o??, cz?owiek opanowa? uk?ad s?oneczny, posiad? te? umiej?tno?? teleportowania si? z miejsca na miejsce, o ile zna koordynaty miejsca docelowego. Teleportowa? mo?na si? w obr?bie planety, nikomu jednak nie uda? si? skok przez kosmiczn? pustk?.Ta umiej?tno?? odmieni?a ca?y ?wiat, ale nie odmieni?a samego cz?owieka. Jego post?powaniem kieruj? wci?? te same nami?tno?ci — a s? jedn? z najlepszych ksi??ek o zem?cie.Niejaki Foyle jest zwyk?ym pracownikiem na statku kosmicznym, ani inteligentnym, ani ambitnym, szary cz?owiek jakich ...
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  • L’uomo disintegrato
  • Жанр: Боевая фантастика
  • Il problema — o la speranza — della telepatia ha suggerito agli scopritori di f.s. migliaia di pagine, quasi tutte di una scoraggiante ingenuit?; abbiamo quindi pensato di ripubblicare qui il famoso romanzo di Bester, vero e proprio « classico » sull’argomento, gi? apparso anni fa, a puntate, su altro periodico Mondadori, e che pensiamo sia sfuggito,alla maggior parte dei lettori di Urania. E un’opera di eccezionale ingegnosit?, dove la trasmissione del pensiero diventa l’arma di un duello mortale tra un assassino e un detective insoliti.
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  • The Computer Connection
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • A band of immortals recruit physicist Sequoya Guess — who gains control of Extro, the super-computer that controls all mechanical activity on Earth. But the task of the merry suddenly becomes a fight for the future of Earth. Sequoya Guess must be killed. And how do you kill an immortal?Serialized in (Nov, Dec 1974, Jan 1975) as , later published in book form as . Several later editions were issued under the title .Nominated for Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1975.Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1976.
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  • The Stars My Destination ( Tiger! Tiger! )
  • Жанр: Эпическая фантастика
  • The Stars My Destination (originally called Tiger! Tiger!, from William Blake's poem "The Tyger") is a science fiction novel by Alfred Bester, first published in Galaxy magazine as a 4-part serial, beginning in the October 1956 issue. The Stars My Destination is, in one sense, a science-fiction adaption of Alexandre Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo. It is the study of a man completely lacking in imagination or ambition, Gulliver Foyle. Fate transforms "Gully" Foyle in an instant; shipwrecked in space, then abandoned by a passing luxury liner, Foyle becomes a monomaniacal and sophisticated monster bent upon revenge. Wearing many masks, learning many skills, this "worthless" man pursues his goals relentlessly; no price is too high to pay.
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