Niezbyt odleg?a przysz?o??, cz?owiek opanowa? uk?ad s?oneczny, posiad? te? umiej?tno?? teleportowania si? z miejsca na miejsce, o ile zna koordynaty miejsca docelowego. Teleportowa? mo?na si? w obr?bie planety, nikomu jednak nie uda? si? skok przez kosmiczn? pustk?.Ta umiej?tno?? odmieni?a ca?y ?wiat, ale nie odmieni?a samego cz?owieka. Jego post?powaniem kieruj? wci?? te same nami?tno?ci — a s? jedn? z najlepszych ksi??ek o zem?cie.Niejaki Foyle jest zwyk?ym pracownikiem na statku kosmicznym, ani inteligentnym, ani ambitnym, szary cz?owiek jakich ...
Il problema — o la speranza — della telepatia ha suggerito agli scopritori di f.s. migliaia di pagine, quasi tutte di una scoraggiante ingenuit?; abbiamo quindi pensato di ripubblicare qui il famoso romanzo di Bester, vero e proprio « classico » sull’argomento, gi? apparso anni fa, a puntate, su altro periodico Mondadori, e che pensiamo sia sfuggito,alla maggior parte dei lettori di Urania. E un’opera di eccezionale ingegnosit?, dove la trasmissione del pensiero diventa l’arma di un duello mortale tra un assassino e un detective insoliti.
A band of immortals recruit physicist Sequoya Guess — who gains control of Extro, the super-computer that controls all mechanical activity on Earth. But the task of the merry suddenly becomes a fight for the future of Earth. Sequoya Guess must be killed. And how do you kill an immortal?Serialized in (Nov, Dec 1974, Jan 1975) as , later published in book form as . Several later editions were issued under the title .Nominated for Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1975.Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1976.
The Stars My Destination (originally called Tiger! Tiger!, from William Blake's poem "The Tyger") is a science fiction novel by Alfred Bester, first published in Galaxy magazine as a 4-part serial, beginning in the October 1956 issue. The Stars My Destination is, in one sense, a science-fiction adaption of Alexandre Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo. It is the study of a man completely lacking in imagination or ambition, Gulliver Foyle. Fate transforms "Gully" Foyle in an instant; shipwrecked in space, then abandoned by a passing luxury liner, Foyle becomes a monomaniacal and sophisticated monster bent upon revenge. Wearing many masks, learning many skills, this "worthless" man pursues his goals relentlessly; no price is too high to pay.