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Billingham Mark - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—12 из 12.
  • Bloodline
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • When a dead body is found in a North London flat, it seems like a straightforward domestic murder until a bloodstained sliver of X-ray is found clutched in the dead woman's fist – and it quickly becomes clear that this case is anything but ordinary. DI Thorne discovers that the victim's mother had herself been murdered fifteen years before by infamous serial killer Raymond Garvey. The hunt to catch Garvey was one of the biggest in the history of the Met, and ended with seven women dead. When more bodies and more fragments of X-ray are discovered, Thorne has a macabre jigsaw to piece together until the horrifying picture finally emerges. A killer is targeting the children of Raymond Garvey's victims. Thorne must move quickly to protect those still on the murderer's list, but nothing and nobody are what they seem. Not when Thorne is dealing with one of the most twisted killers he has ever hunted…
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  • Buried
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Luke Mullen, sixteen year old son of a former, high- ranking police officer has disappeared, presumed kidnapped. While no- one quite dares to voice the fear that he could also be presumed dead, Detective Inspector Tom Thorne is brought in to beef up the squad dedicated to locating the missing boy. The first thing the team looks for is anyone with a grudge against Luke's father, a man who'd put a lot of tough villains away in his time. A list quickly emerges, but Thorne discovers that ex-DCI Tony Mullen has omitted the name of the most obvious suspect; ...
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  • Death Message
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The first message sent to Tom Thorne's mobile phone was just a picture – the blurred image of a man's face, but Thorne had seen enough dead bodies in his time to know that the man was no longer alive. But who was he? Who sent the photograph? And why? While the technical experts attempt to trace the sender, Thorne searches the daily police bulletins for a reported death that matches the photograph. Then another picture arrives. Another dead man…It is the identities of the murdered men which give Thorne his first clue, a link to a dangerous killer ...
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  • En la oscuridad
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Durante una noche de lluvia, Theo Shirley, un chico de diecisiete a?os, dispara al coche de una mujer cumpliendo as? con la ceremonia de iniciaci?n para formar parte de una banda. Ella no muere, pero su coche se estrella contra una parada de autobuses, matando a un polic?a.La novia de ?ste, tambi?n polic?a, no acepta que su muerte haya sido un accidente. En su deseo por descubrir la verdad, llevar? a cabo su propia investigaci?n e ir? descubriendo oscuros secretos que nos conducir?n a un sorprendente giro final de la historia.
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  • Maestro di morte
  • Жанр: Криминальный детектив
  • Il cadavere ? nudo, inginocchiato sul materasso di uno squallido albergo di Londra. La testa ? coperta da un cappuccio, le mani, legate con una cintura, sono protese in avanti come in preghiera. Il killer l'ha violentato ripetutamente. Poi l'ha strangolato. E alla fine, prima di dileguarsi, ha ordinato una corona funebre. Non saranno in molti a piangere la morte di Douglas Remfry, reduce da sette anni di reclusione per aver violentato tre giovani donne. Ma all'ispettore Thorne della squadra crimini speciali della polizia di Londra non interessa il passato della vittima. Il suo compito ? trovare l'assassino e consegnarlo alla giustizia.
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